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number_of_steps(distance::Int64, step_size::Int64)

Number of stepsize is calculating the total number of combinations for walking a distance for a given number of stepsize. For example, for a distance of 3 with a maximum step_size of 3 will provide for possible combinations:

- 1 step + 1 step + 1 step
- 1 step + 2 step
- 2 step + 1 step
- 3 step


  • distance::Int64: Distance to go
  • step_size::Int64: Maximum step size of walking a distance


julia> import ClassicAlgorithmsCollections
julia> ClassicAlgorithmsCollections.number_of_steps(8,3)
subset_sum_test(array::Array{Int64,1}, target::Int64)

The recursive expression tests if there is a subset in the array, where the sum of the subset is equal to the target.


  • array::Array{Int64,1}: Array with a possible sum of a subsequence.
  • target::Int64: Target sum of the subsequence, which should be included in the array.


julia> import ClassicAlgorithmsCollections
julia> set = [3, 34, 4, 12, 5, 2]
julia> sum = 9
julia> ClassicAlgorithmsCollections.subset_sum_test(set, sum)