
The Dimensions submodule is concerned with representing and manipulating physical dimensions.

Unless stated otherwise, all types, functions, and constants defined in the submodule are exported to the global scope.


The dimension of a physical quantity.

The dimension is expressed as a collection $(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)$ of powers exponentiating each of the seven basic dimensions of the SI system,

\[\mathrm{M}^a \, \mathrm{L}^b \, \mathrm{T}^c \, \mathrm{I}^d \, \mathrm{\Theta}^e \, \mathrm{N}^f \, \mathrm{J}^g,\]


  • $\mathrm{M}$: mass dimension
  • $\mathrm{L}$: length dimension
  • $\mathrm{T}$: time dimension
  • $\mathrm{I}$: electrical current dimension
  • $\mathrm{\Theta}$: temperature dimension
  • $\mathrm{N}$: amount of substance dimension
  • $\mathrm{J}$: luminous intensity dimension


  • massExponent::Real: exponent $a$ of the mass dimension
  • lengthExponent::Real: exponent $b$ of the length dimension
  • timeExponent::Real: exponent $c$ of the time dimension
  • currentExponent::Real: exponent $d$ of the electrical current dimension
  • temperatureExponent::Real: exponent $e$ of the temperature dimension
  • amountExponent::Real: exponent $f$ of the amount of substance dimension
  • luminousIntensityExponent::Real: exponent $g$ of the luminous intensity dimension


Dimension(; M::Real=0, L::Real=0, T::Real=0, I::Real=0, θ::Real=0, N::Real=0, J::Real=0)

Raises Exceptions

  • Core.DomainError: if attempting to initialize any field with an infinite number


The constructor converts any exponent to Int if possible.


Quantities describing an energy are of dimension

\[ \mathrm{M} \, \mathrm{L}^{2} \, \mathrm{T}^{-2}\]

The corresponding Dimension object is:

julia> Dimension(M=1, L=2, T=-2)
Dimension M^1 L^2 T^-2

Calling the constructor without any keyword arguments returns exponents that correspond to a dimensionless quantity:

julia> Dimension()
Dimension 1

Methods manipulating Dimensions

Base.:*(number::Number, dimension::Dimension)
Base.:*(dimension::Dimension, number::Number)

Multiply each exponent in dimension by number.

If a quantity Q is of dimension D, then Q^p is of dimension p * D.


Let us consider a quantity Q of dimension 'length':

julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue() ;

julia> Q = 2 * ucat.meter
2 m

julia> D = dimensionOf(Q)
Dimension L^1

If we raise Q to the power of 3, it has dimension $L^3$ which can be represented by 3 * D:

julia> D2 = dimensionOf(Q^3)
Dimension L^3

julia> D2 == 3 * D
Base.:*(dimension1::Dimension, dimension2::Dimension)

Add each exponent in dimension1 to its counterpart in dimension2.

If a quantity Q1 (Q2) is of dimension D1 (D2), then Q1 * Q2 is of dimension D1 * D2.


julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue() ;

julia> Q1 = 2 * ucat.meter
2 m

julia> D1 = dimensionOf(Q1)
Dimension L^1

julia> Q2 = 3 / ucat.second
3 s^-1

julia> D2 = dimensionOf(Q2)
Dimension T^-1

julia> D = dimensionOf( Q1 * Q2 )
Dimension L^1 T^-1

julia> D == D1 * D2
Base.:/(dimension1::Dimension, dimension2::Dimension)

Subtract each exponent in dimension2 from its counterpart in dimension1.

If a quantity Q1 (Q2) is of dimension D1 (D2), then Q1 / Q2 is of dimension D1 / D2.


julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue() ;

julia> Q1 = 2 * ucat.meter
2 m

julia> D1 = dimensionOf(Q1)
Dimension L^1

julia> Q2 = 3 / ucat.second
3 s^-1

julia> D2 = dimensionOf(Q2)
Dimension T^-1

julia> D = dimensionOf( Q1 / Q2 )
Dimension L^1 T^1

julia> D == D1 / D2

Invert a physical dimension.

If a quantity Q is of dimension D, then 1/Q is of dimension inv(D).

Base.:^(dimension::Dimension, exponent::Number)

Exponentiate a physical dimension.

If a quantity Q is of dimension D, then Q^p is of dimension D^p.


Square root a physical dimension.

If a quantity Q is of dimension D, then sqrt(Q) is of dimension sqrt(D).


Cubic root a physical dimension.

If a quantity Q is of dimension D, then cbrt(Q) is of dimension cbrt(D).