AlmostBlockDiagonal{T, I <: Integer, V <: AbstractMatrix{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

A matrix with block matrices on the diagonal, but not strictly has their corner against each other.

For example:

A 10 x 10 matrix:

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

can be abstracted as:

julia> AlmostBlockDiagonal([rand(3,4),rand(2,4),rand(2,4),rand(3,4)], [2,2,2,4])

Here, the first argument is the fillers in the almost block diagonal matrix, the second argument is the offset of each adjacent block in the diagonal.

! note The column of block ncol and row of block nrow must satisfy: ncolnrow.

The implementation mainly comes from the paper: SOLVEBLOK: A Package for Solving Almost Block Diagonal Linear Systems which is originally a FORTRAN program for the solution of an almost block diagonal system by gaussian elimination with scale row pivoting.