act(ale_instance::ALEPtr, action::Integer)

Applies an action to the game and returns the reward. It is the user's responsibility to check if the game has ended and reset when neccessary - this function will keep pushing buttons on the game over screen.


This makes a copy of the system & environment state, suitable for serialization. This includes pseudorandomness and so is not suitable for planning purposes.


Returns a boolean value that tells whether the game is over. Any actions performed from hereon until the next reset_game() have no effect.

getBool(ale_instance::ALEPtr, key::String)

Returns the boolean value held by the ALE instance's field with the same name as key.

getInt(ale_instance::ALEPtr, key::String)

Returns the integer value held by the ALE instance's field with the same name as key.


Returns an array of names of ROMs available. These ROMS can be loaded by simply passing their name to the loadROM function, as opposed to passing their full path.


julia> getROMList()
74-element Array{String,1}:
loadROM(ale_instance::ALEPtr, rom_file::String)

Loads the binary of passed. rom_file can either be the absolute path to the binary, or the name of the ROM that is present in the "deps/roms" directory. Access this list using getROMList().


julia> loadROM(ale, "pong")
Game console created:
  ROM file:  /Users/juliauser/.julia/artifacts/4af00c03a4bcddb3ce20c2d96c3d09527100767/ROMS/pong.bin
  Cart Name: Video Olympics (1978) (Atari)
  Cart MD5:  60e0ea3cbe0913d39803477945e9e5ec
  Display Format:  AUTO-DETECT ==> NTSC
  ROM Size:        2048
  Bankswitch Type: AUTO-DETECT ==> 2K

WARNING: Possibly unsupported ROM: mismatched MD5.
Cartridge_MD5: 60e0ea3cbe0913d39803477945e9e5ec
Cartridge_name: Video Olympics (1978) (Atari)

Running ROM file...
Random seed is 0

julia> loadROM(ale, "/Users/juilauser/Desktop/pewpew/roms/ms_pacman.bin")
Game console created:
  ROM file:  /Users/juilauser/Desktop/pewpew/roms/ms_pacman.bin
  Cart Name: Ms. Pac-Man (1982) (CCE)
  Cart MD5:  9469d18238345d87768e8965f9f4a6b2
  Display Format:  AUTO-DETECT ==> NTSC
  ROM Size:        8192
  Bankswitch Type: AUTO-DETECT ==> F8

WARNING: Possibly unsupported ROM: mismatched MD5.
Cartridge_MD5: 9469d18238345d87768e8965f9f4a6b2
Cartridge_name: Ms. Pac-Man (1982) (CCE)

Running ROM file...
Random seed is 0
restoreState(ale_instance::ALEPtr, state::ALEStatePtr)

Reverse operation of cloneState(). This doesn't restore pseudorandomness, so that repeated calls to restoreState() in the stochastic controls settinig will not lead to the same outcomes.

See also: restoreSystemState

saveScreenPNG(ale_instance::ALEPtr, filename::String)

Save the current screen as a png file.


julia> saveScreenPNG(ale, "pongscreenshot.png")
setBool(ale_instance::ALEPtr, key::String, value::Bool)

Modifies the ALE instance field value with the same name as key to the passed boolean value.

setFloat(ale_instance::ALEPtr, key::String, value::)

Modifies the ALE instance field with the same name as key to the passed floating point value.

setInt(ale_instance::ALEPtr, key::String, value::Int32)

Modifies the ALE instance field value with the same name as key to the passed integer value.


Sets the mode for the Logger for the ALE instance. Three modes(::Symbol) are available. :info ==> logs all details and information :warning ==> logs warnings and errors :error ==> logs errors only


julia> setLoggerMode!(:info)
setString(ale_interface::ALEPtr, key::String, value::String)

Modifies the ALE instance field value with the same name as key to the passed String value.