
The package provides type Mode which could be seen as an extension of Val. Mode is intended to be used as a type for a function method argument. A specialization of Mode type contains a list of accepted symbols (flags). The dispatch would choose the method only if the argument value (a Mode instance) containes only symbols from the list of accepted symbols as declared in the type of the argument.

Presumed uses of Mode:

  1. Replacement of using ordinary Symbol as a function argument as a flag parameter. Here Mode allows to explicitly declare a function argument as a set of symbols (flags) with a distinct list of accepted symbols for each of a function's methods. The dispatch process then chooses a method with respect to those lists. That way it also indirectly performs the typo control. For example, open(f, Mode(:read)), open(f, Mode(:write)), open(f, Mode(:write, :sync)) might correspond (depending on the design) to 3 different methods.

  2. The way to explicitly show in which meaning a value to a function argument is provided. This might be useful when it is not possible to distinct the meaning of an argument only by the type.

    For example, suppose a function f processes array-typed objects with arbitrary dimensions number. We might want to declare methods for both processing a single object and an iteratable collection of objects. It would be difficult to distinct the methods using only the type of the argument since f([x,y]) could both mean to process a single object [x,y] or to process two objects x and y. However, using Mode in the declaration of method for a collection, the user would be allowed to explicitly indicate what is passed in the call: f([x,y]) for a single object and f(Mode(:collection)=> [x, y]) for a collection of objects.


julia> f(x) = println("Anything: \$x")
       f(x::Mode[:iterator => Any]) = println("Values from iterator: \$(x[]...)")
       f(x::Mode[:fromargs], y...) = println("Fromargs: \$(y...)")
       function f(x::Union{Int, Mode[:a, :b, :c => Int]})
           checkmode(x, :a) do _;  println(":a")  end
           checkmode(x, :c) do c;  println(":c = \$c")  end
           checkmode(x, :b) && println(":b")
           if x isa Int;  println("x = \$x") end
f (generic function with 4 methods)

julia> methods(f)
# 4 methods for generic function "f":
[1] f(x::Mode[:iterator => Any]) in Main at REPL[34]:1
[2] f(x::Mode[:fromargs], y...) in Main at REPL[36]:1
[3] f(x::Union{Int64, Mode[:c => Int64, :a, :b]) in Main at REPL[38]:1
[4] f(x) in Main at REPL[33]:1

julia> f(25.0)
Anything: 25.0

julia> f(Mode(:iterator)=> 1:5)
Values from iterator: 12345

julia> f(Mode(:fromargs), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Fromargs: 12345

julia> f(1)
x = 1

julia> f(Mode(:a, :c => 125))
:c = 125

julia> f(Mode(:fromargs, :iterator => 1:5), 2)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Mode[==, :iterator => UnitRange, :fromargs], ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
  f(::Mode[:fromargs], ::Any...) at REPL[36]:1
  f(::Any) at REPL[33]:1
 [1] top-level scope
   @ REPL[59]:1

Detailed description of mechanics

Here is a more detailed description of the mechanics of the type. A specialized Mode type M=Mode[s₁⇒t₁, s₂⇒t₂, ...] is determined by a collection of symbols s₁, s₂, ... of type Symbol and corresponding types t₁, t₂, ... (of type DataType or Union of DataTypes). An instance m::Mode of Mode additionally contains values vᵢ for each sᵢ of type tᵢ. Let param(x) denote the collection {sᵢ=>tᵢ}ᵢ of x (here x is an instance or a specialized type of Mode). Then m is of type M only if param(m) ⊆ param(M). This allows the dispatch to choose an appropriate method of a function based on param(m).

Constructor of the type specialization

Mode[ s₁ [=> t₁] [, s₂ [=> t₂]]... ]

Construct a specialization M=Mode[s₁⇒t₁, s₂⇒t₂, ...] to be used as a type for a argument in a function method declaration. The argument with type M would accept only instances m::Mode with param(m) ⊆ param(M). Some or all tᵢ may absent in the type declaration which defaults to Nothing. An example: Mode[:a, :b => Int, :c => Tuple{Int, String}].

Symbol == could also be added as the first argument in a constructor call to indicate that the concrete type is wanted (not an UnionAll as above). This option is added only for auxiliary purposes and generally should not be useful.

Note that such nonconventional syntax with brackets [,] is used to make the code for a type declaration look similar to the presentation of the type name in a function signature.

Constructors of an instance

Mode( s₁[=> v₁] [, s₂ [=> v₂]]... )

Construct an instance m::Mode[s₁⇒typeof(v₁), s₂⇒typeof(v₂), ...] with values v₁, v₂, .... Some or all of vᵢ might be omited which defaults to nothing. An example: Mode(:a => 25, :b, :c => "Hello world!").


Construct an instance m::Mode[s⇒Nothing] with nothing value. The type and value could be set by a subsequent call m=>v. Several instances could be joined with ~ operator. For example, Mode(:a)=> 25 ~ Mode(:b) ~ Mode(:c)=> "Hello world!" is equivalent to Mode(:a => 25, :b, :c => "Hello world!").

Operations on an instance

Let m, m₁, m₂::Mode. Then

  • m => v given m::Mode[s => Nothing]: return a new instance with symbol s having value and type of v.
  • m₁ ~ m₂: join m₁ and m₂. Throws an ArgumentError if m₁ and m₂ contain the same symbols.
  • keys(m), values(m), pairs(m): return symbols / values / pairs of symbols and values.
  • m[s₁ [, s₂]... ] for sᵢ::Symbol: return the value of s₁ / tuple of values of s₁, s₂, ....
  • m[]: if m contains only one value, return it; throw an ArgumentError otherwise
  • checkmode(m, ...): check if m is a Mode and contains the prescribed
    symbols, and, possibly, do an action.


checkmode(m, s::Symbol)
checkmode(m, [&, |, ==, or !], s₁::Symbol[, s₂:Symbol]...)
checkmode(f, m, [&, |, ==, or !], s₁::Symbol[, s₂:Symbol]...)

Tests if m is a Mode and contains the prescribed symbols.

  • In the 1st form the function tests for the presence of s in m.
  • In the 2nd form the function tests either (for & or if any operation symbol is omited) that all symbols s₁, s₂, ... are in m, or (for |) that at least one of them in m, or (for ==) that m contains exactly the prescribed collection of the symbols, or (for !) that m does not contain any of the prescribed symbols.
  • In the 3rd form the function tests whether all of the symbols s₁, s₂, ... are in m (also if & is provided). If they are --- return f(m[s₁], m[s₂], ...); if not --- return nothing. If == is also added in the function call, the test will be positive only when m contains all and only the prescribed symbols. If ! is added in the function call, the test will be positive only when m contains no any of the prescribed symbols; if that is true, f is called with no arguments. Similarly for | -- if test is true, f is called with no arguments.


Series of tests showed that the current implementation of Mode fully compiles out when it used for function arguments and method dispatch, so it seems that there is no runtime overhead for using it (at least for the use cases considered in the tests).

Tests on compile-time overhead showed that (for Julia 1.6) it is like 0.2-0.5s for the first call of Mode[...] and Mode(...), and something like 5-20ms for further uses (when a call signature is sufficiently changes). Unfortunatelly, I have not found so far the way to further reduce the latency.