
ArnoldiMethod.jl provides an iterative method to find a few approximate solutions to the eigenvalue problem in standard form:

\[Ax = x\lambda,\]

where $A$ is a general matrix of size $n \times n$; and $x \in \mathbb{C}^n$ and $\lambda \in \mathbb{C}$ are eigenvectors and eigenvalues respectively. By general matrix we mean that $A$ has no special structure. It can be symmetric or non-symmetric and either real or complex.

The method is matrix-free, meaning that it only requires multiplication with the matrix $A$.


In Julia open the package manager in the REPL via ] and run:

(v1.6) pkg> add ArnoldiMethod

Then use the package.

using ArnoldiMethod

The package exports just two functions:

  • partialschur to compute a stable basis for an eigenspace;
  • partialeigen to compute an eigendecomposition from a partial Schur decomposition.


Here we compute the first ten eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a tridiagonal sparse matrix.

julia> using ArnoldiMethod, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays

julia> A = spdiagm(
           -1 => fill(-1.0, 99),
            0 => fill(2.0, 100), 
            1 => fill(-1.0, 99)

julia> decomp, history = partialschur(A, nev=10, tol=1e-6, which=:SR);

julia> decomp
PartialSchur decomposition (Float64) of dimension 10
10-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
 0.0009674354160236865 + 0.0im
  0.003868805732811139 + 0.0im
  0.008701304061962657 + 0.0im
   0.01546025527344699 + 0.0im
  0.024139120518486677 + 0.0im
    0.0347295035554728 + 0.0im
   0.04722115887278571 + 0.0im
   0.06160200160067088 + 0.0im
    0.0778581192025522 + 0.0im
   0.09597378493453936 + 0.0im

julia> history
Converged: 10 of 10 eigenvalues in 174 matrix-vector products

julia> norm(A * decomp.Q - decomp.Q * decomp.R)

julia> λs, X = partialeigen(decomp);

julia> norm(A * X - X * Diagonal(λs))

Partial Schur decomposition

The partialschur method forms the backbone of the package. It computes an approximate, partial Schur decomposition of a matrix $A$:

\[AQ = QR\]

where $Q$ is orthonormal of size $n \times \texttt{nev}$ and $R$ is upper triangular of size $\texttt{nev} \times \texttt{nev}.$ with eigenvalues of $A$ on the diagonal.

2x2 blocks in real arithmetic

In real arithmetic $R$ is quasi upper triangular, with $2 \times 2$ blocks on the diagonal corresponding to conjugate complex-valued eigenpairs. These $2 \times 2$ blocks are used for efficiency, since otherwise the entire Schur form would have to use complex arithmetic.

A partial Schur decomposition is often enough

Often a partial Schur decomposition is all you need, cause it's more stable to compute and work with than a partial eigendecomposition.

Also note that for complex Hermitian and real symmetric matrices, the partial Schur form coincides with the partial eigendecomposition (the $R$ matrix is diagonal).

partialschur(A; v1, workspace, nev, which, tol, mindim, maxdim, restarts) → PartialSchur, History

Find nev approximate eigenpairs of A with eigenvalues near a specified target.

The matrix A can be any linear map that implements mul!(y, A, x), eltype and size.

The method will run iteratively until the eigenpairs are approximated to the prescribed tolerance or until restarts restarts have passed.


The most important keyword arguments:

nevIntmin(6, size(A, 1))Number of eigenvalues
whichSymbol or Target:LMOne of :LM, :LR, :SR, :LI, :SI, see below.
tolReal√epsTolerance for convergence: ‖Ax - xλ‖₂ < tol * ‖λ‖
v1AbstractVectornothingOptional starting vector for the Krylov subspace

Regarding the initial vector v1: it will not be mutated, and it does not have to be normalized.

The target which can be any of:

:LM or LM()Largest magnitude: abs(λ) is largest
:LR or LR()Largest real part: real(λ) is largest
:SR or SR()Smallest real part: real(λ) is smallest
:LI or LI()Largest imaginary part: imag(λ) is largest
:SI or SI()Smallest imaginary part: imag(λ) is smallest

Note that as of ArnoldiMethod v0.4, you have to import using ArnoldiMethod: LM explicitly if you do not want to use symbols.


The targets :LI and :SI only make sense in complex arithmetic. In real arithmetic λ is an eigenvalue iff conj(λ) is an eigenvalue and this conjugate pair converges simultaneously.

Return values

The function returns a tuple

decomp, history = partialschur(A, ...)

where decomp is a PartialSchur struct which forms a partial Schur decomposition of A to a prescribed tolerance:

> norm(A * decomp.Q - decomp.Q * decomp.R)

history is a History struct that holds some basic information about convergence of the method:

> history.converged
> @show history
Converged after 359 matrix-vector products

Advanced usage

Further there are advanced keyword arguments for tuning the algorithm:

mindimIntmin(max(10, nev), size(A,1))Minimum Krylov dimension (≥ nev)
maxdimIntmin(max(20, 2nev), size(A,1))Maximum Krylov dimension (≥ min)
restartsInt200Maximum number of restarts

When the algorithm does not converge, one can increase restarts. When the algorithm converges too slowly, one can play with mindim and maxdim. It is suggested to keep mindim equal to or slightly larger than nev, and maxdim is usually about two times mindim.

partialschur!(A, arnoldi; start_from, initialize, nev, which, tol, mindim, maxdim, restarts) → PartialSchur, History

This is a variant of partialschur that operates on a pre-allocated ArnoldiWorkspace instance. This is useful in the following cases:

  1. To provide an initial partial Schur decomposition. In that case, set start_from to the number of Schur vectors, and partialschur will continue from there. Notice that if you have only one Schur vector, it can be simpler to pass it as v1 instead.
  2. To provide a custom array type for the basis of the Krylov subspace, the Hessenberg matrix, and some temporaries.
  3. To avoid allocations when calling partialschur repeatedly.

You can also provide the initial vector that induces the Krylov subspace in the first column arnoldi.V[:, 1]. If you do that, set initialize explicitly to false.

Upon return, note that the PartialSchur struct will contain views of arnoldi.V and arnoldi.H, no copies are made.

Partial eigendecomposition

After computing the partial Schur decomposition, it can be transformed into a partial eigendecomposition via the partialeigen helper function. The basic math is to determine the eigendecomposition of the upper triangular matrix $RY = Y\Lambda$ such that

\[A(QY) = (QY)\Lambda\]

forms the full eigendecomposition of $A$, where $QY$ are the eigenvectors and $\Lambda$ is a $\texttt{nev} \times \texttt{nev}$ diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.

This step is a relatively cheap post-processing step.

partialeigen(P::PartialSchur) → (Vector{<:Union{Real,Complex}}, Matrix{<:Union{Real,Complex}})

Transforms a partial Schur decomposition into an eigendecomposition.


For real-symmetric and complex-Hermitian matrices the Schur vectors coincide with the eigenvectors and the R matrix is diagonal, and hence it is not necessary to call this function in that case.

In fact, in case of real-symmetric and complex-Hermitian matrices with repeated eigenvalues, calling partialeigen may be undesirable, as it can return eigenvectors that are not orthogonal. The Schur vectors on the other hand are orthogonal by construction.

The method still relies on LAPACK to compute the eigenvectors of the (quasi) upper triangular matrix R from the partial Schur decomposition.


This method is currently type unstable for real matrices, since we have not yet decided how to deal with complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues. E.g. if almost all eigenvalues are real, but there are just a few conjugate pairs, should all eigenvectors be complex-valued?

Stopping criterion

ArnoldiMethod.jl considers an approximate eigenpair converged when the condition

\[\|Ax - x\lambda\|_2 < \texttt{tol}|\lambda|\]

is met, where tol is a user provided tolerance. Note that this stopping criterion is scale-invariant. For a scaled matrix $B = \alpha A$ the same approximate eigenvector together with the scaled eigenvalue $\alpha\lambda$ would satisfy the stopping criterion.

The PartialSchur and History structs

For completeness, the return values of the partialschur function:

PartialSchur(Q, R, eigenvalues)

Holds an orthonormal basis Q and a (quasi) upper triangular matrix R.

For convenience the eigenvalues that appear on the diagonal of R are also listed as eigenvalues, which is in particular useful in the case of real matrices with complex eigenvalues. Note that the eigenvalues are always complex, even when the matrix R is real.

History(mvproducts, nconverged, converged, nev)

History shows whether the method has converged (when nconvergednev) and how many matrix-vector products were necessary to do so.

Passing an initial guess

If you have a good guess for a target eigenvector, you can potentially speed up the method by passing it through partialschur(A, v1=my_initial_vector). This vector is then used to build the Krylov subspace.

Pre-allocating and custom matrix types

If you call partialschur multiple times, and you want to allocate large arrays and buffers only once ahead of time, you can allocate the relevant matrices manually and pass them to the algorithm.

The same can be done if you want to work with custom matrix types.

ArnoldiWorkspace(n, k) → ArnoldiWorkspace
ArnoldiWorkspace(v1, k) → ArnoldiWorkspace
ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H; V_tmp, Q) → ArnoldiWorkspace

Holds the large arrays for the Arnoldi relation: Vₖ₊₁ and Hₖ are matrices that satisfy A * Vₖ = Vₖ₊₁ * Hₖ, where Vₖ₊₁ is orthonormal of size n × (k+1) and Hₖ upper Hessenberg of size (k+1) × k. The matrices V_tmp and Q are used for restarts, and have similar size as Vₖ₊₁ and Hₖ (but Q is k × k, not k+1 × k).


# allocates workspace for 20-dimensional Krylov subspace
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(100, 20)

# allocate workspace for 20-dimensional Krylov subspace, with initial vector ones(100) copied into
# the first column of V
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(ones(100), 20)

# manually allocate workspace with V, H
V = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 100, 21)
H = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 21, 20)
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H)

# manually allocate all arrays, including temporaries
V, tmp = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 100, 21), Matrix{Float64}(undef, 100, 21)
H, Q = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 21, 20), Matrix{Float64}(undef, 20, 20)
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H, V_tmp = tmp, Q = Q)

Starting from an initial partial Schur decomposition

You can also use ArnoldiWorkspace to start the algorithm from an initial partial Schur decomposition. This is useful if you already found a few Schur vectors, and want to continue to find more.

A = rand(100, 100)

# Pre-allocate the relevant Krylov subspace arrays
V, H = rand(100, 21), rand(21, 20)
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H)

# Find a few eigenvalues
_, info_1 = partialschur!(A, arnoldi, nev = 3, tol = 1e-12)

# Then continue to find a couple more. Notice: 5 in total, so 2 more. Allow larger errors by
# changin `tol`.
F, info_2 = partialschur!(A, arnoldi, nev = 5, start_from = info_1.nconverged + 1 , tol = 1e-8)
@show norm(A * F.Q - F.Q * F.R)
Setting `start_from` correctly

As pointed out above, in real arithmetic the algorithm may find one eigenvalue more than requested if it corresponds to a conjugate pair. Also it may find fewer, if not all converge. So if you reuse your ArnoldiWorkspace, make sure to set start_from to one plus the number of previously converged eigenvalues.

What algorithm is ArnoldiMethod.jl?

The underlying algorithm is the restarted Arnoldi method, which be viewed as a mix between a subspace accelerated version of the power method and a truncated version of the dense QR algorithm.

Initially the method was based on the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method (or IRAM for short), which is the algorithm implemented by ARPACK. This method has a very elegant restarting scheme based on exact QR iterations, but is unfortunately susceptible to forward instabilities of the QR algorithm.

For this reason the Krylov-Schur method is currently embraced in this package, which is mathematically equivalent to IRAM, but has better stability by replacing exact QR iterations with a direct method that reorders the Schur form. In fact we see Krylov-Schur just as an implementation detail of the Arnoldi method.

Bringing problems to standard form

ArnoldiMethod.jl by default can only compute an approximate, partial Schur decomposition $AQ = QR$ and (from there) a partial eigendecomposition $AX = XD$ of a matrix $A$, for extremal eigenvalues $d_{ii}$. These are eigenvalues at the boundary of the convex hull of the spectrum of $A$. Search targets for eigenvalues are: large magnitude, and large or small real or imaginary parts.

Whenever one targets eigenvalues close to a specific point in the complex plane, or whenever one solves generalized eigenvalue problems, suitable transformations will enable you to recast the problem into something that ArnoldiMethod.jl can handle well. In this section we provide some examples.

Shift-and-invert with LinearMaps.jl

To find eigenvalues closest to the origin of $A$, one can find the eigenvalues of largest magnitude of $A^{-1}$. LinearMaps.jl is a neat way to implement this.

using ArnoldiMethod, LinearAlgebra, LinearMaps

# Define a matrix whose eigenvalues you want
A = rand(100,100)

# Factorizes A and builds a linear map that applies inv(A) to a vector.
function construct_linear_map(A)
    F = factorize(A)
    LinearMap{eltype(A)}((y, x) -> ldiv!(y, F, x), size(A,1), ismutating=true)

# Target the largest eigenvalues of the inverted problem
decomp, = partialschur(construct_linear_map(A), nev=4, tol=1e-5, restarts=100, which=:LM)
λs_inv, X = partialeigen(decomp)

# Eigenvalues have to be inverted to find the smallest eigenvalues of the non-inverted problem.
λs = 1 ./ λs_inv
# Show that Ax = xλ
@show norm(A * X - X * Diagonal(λs)) # 7.38473677258669e-6

Shift-and-invert for generalized eigenvalue problems

When targeting the eigenvalues closest to the origin of a generalized eigenvalue problem $Ax = Bx\lambda$, one can apply the shift-and-invert trick, recasting the problem to $A^{-1}Bx = x\theta$ where $\lambda = 1 / \theta$.

using ArnoldiMethod, LinearAlgebra, LinearMaps

# Define the matrices of the generalized eigenvalue problem
A, B = rand(100, 100), rand(100, 100)

struct ShiftAndInvert{TA,TB,TT}

function (M::ShiftAndInvert)(y, x)
    mul!(M.temp, M.B, x)
    ldiv!(y, M.A_lu, M.temp)

function construct_linear_map(A, B)
    a = ShiftAndInvert(factorize(A), B, Vector{eltype(A)}(undef, size(A, 1)))
    LinearMap{eltype(A)}(a, size(A, 1), ismutating = true)

# Target the largest eigenvalues of the inverted problem
decomp, = partialschur(
    construct_linear_map(A, B),
    nev = 4,
    tol = 1e-5,
    restarts = 100,
    which = :LM,
λs_inv, X = partialeigen(decomp)

# Eigenvalues have to be inverted to find the smallest eigenvalues of the non-inverted problem.
λs = 1 ./ λs_inv

# Show that Ax = Bxλ
@show norm(A * X - B * X * Diagonal(λs)) # 2.8043149027575927e-6

Largest eigenvalues of a generalized eigenvalue problem with symmetric positive-definite B

When $B$ is a symmetric positive-definite matrix, and it's affordable to compute a Cholesky decomposition of $B$, one can use ArnoldiMethod.jl to create a partial Schur decomposition of $A$ where the Schur vectors are $B$-orthonormal:

Solve $Q^*AQ = R$ where $Q^*BQ = I$ and $R$ is upper triangular. If $A = A^*$ as well, then $R$ is diagonal and we have a partial eigendecomposition of $A$.

First we take the Cholesky decomposition $B = LL^*$ and plug it into $AQ = BQR$ to obtain $L^{-*}AL^{-1}L^*Q = L^*QR$.

Then define $C = L^{-*}AL^{-1}$ and $Y = L^*Q$ and we have a standard Schur decomposition $CY = YR$ which we can solve using partialschur.

The linear map $C$ can be defined as follows:

using ArnoldiMethod, LinearAlgebra, LinearMaps
struct WithBInnerProduct{TA,TL}

function (M::WithBInnerProduct)(y, x)
    # Julia unfortunately does not have in-place CHOLMOD solve, so this is far from optimal.
    tmp = M.L \ x
    mul!(y, M.A, tmp)
    y .= M.L' \ y
    return y

# Define the matrices of the generalized eigenvalue problem
A = rand(100, 100)
B = Diagonal(range(1.0, 2.0, length = 100))

# Reformulate the problem as standard Schur decomposition
F = cholesky(B)
linear_map = LinearMap{eltype(A)}(WithBInnerProduct(A, F.L), size(A, 1), ismutating = true)
decomp, info = partialschur(linear_map, nev = 4, which = :LM, tol = 1e-10)

# Translate back to the original problem
Q = F.L' \ decomp.Q

@show norm(Q' * A * Q - decomp.R)  # 3.883933945390996e-14
@show norm(Q' * B * Q - I)  # 3.1672155003480583e-15

Goal of this package: an efficient, pure Julia implementation

This project started with two goals:

  1. Having a native Julia implementation of the eigs function that performs as well as ARPACK. With native we mean that its implementation should be generic and support any number type. Currently the partialschur function does not depend on LAPACK, it even has its own implementation of a dense eigensolver.
  2. Removing the dependency of the Julia language on ARPACK. This goal was already achieved before the package was stable enough, since ARPACK moved to a separate repository Arpack.jl.


ArnoldiMethod.jl should be roughly on par with Arpack.jl, and slightly faster than KrylovKit.jl.

Do note that for an apples to apples comparison, it's important to compare with identical defaults: each of the mentioned packages uses a slightly different default convergence criterion.

Implementation details

  • The method is "matrix-free", in the sense that only mul! needs to be implemented.
  • Important matrices and vectors are pre-allocated and operations on the Hessenberg matrix are in-place; Julia's garbage collector can sit back.
  • Krylov basis vectors are orthogonalized with repeated classical Gram-Schmidt to ensure they are orthogonal up to machine precision; this is a BLAS-2 operation.
  • To compute the Schur decomposition of the Hessenberg matrix we use a dense QR algorithm written natively in Julia. It is based on implicit (or Francis) shifts and handles real arithmetic efficiently.
  • Converged Ritz vectors close enough to the target are locked, converged Ritz vectors too far away from the target are purged (= removed from the search subspace). This is done by re-ordering the Schur form. In the real case it is done by casting tiny Sylvester equations to linear systems and solving them with complete pivoting (in pure Julia).
  • The Krylov-Schur restart is typically implemented by computing a Housholder reflector for the last row of the "perturbed" Hessenberg matrix. For stability, ArnoldiMethod.jl uses Given's rotations to zero out this row, which is more stable, given that the row may contain number of vastly different orders of magnitude – they correspond to residuals, which can be tiny or large.
  • Shrinking the size of the Krylov subspace and changing its basis is done by accumulating all rotations and reflections in a unitary matrix Q, and then simply computing the matrix-matrix product V := V * Q, where V is the original orthonormal basis. This is not in-place in V, so we need to allocate a temporary for V (once, ahead of time).