Julia's Extended Array Conversions Interface

The following ArrayInterface functions extend Julia's Array interface for how arrays can be converted to different forms.

Conversion Functions

promote_eltype(::Type{<:AbstractArray{T,N}}, ::Type{T2})

Computes the type of the AbstractArray that results from the element type changing to promote_type(T,T2).

Note that no generic fallback is given.


Restructures the object y into a shape of x, keeping its values intact. For simple objects like an Array, this simply amounts to a reshape. However, for more complex objects such as an ArrayPartition, not all of the structural information is adequately contained in the type for standard tools to work. In these cases, restructure gives a way to convert for example an Array into a matching ArrayPartition.


It is a form of vec which is safe for all values in vector spaces, i.e., if it is already a vector, like an AbstractVector or Number, it will return said AbstractVector or Number.

has_trivial_array_constructor(T::Type, args...) -> Bool

Returns true if an object of type T can be constructed using the collection of args

Note: This checks if a compatible convert methood exists between T and args


julia> ca = ComponentVector((x = rand(3), y = rand(4),))
ComponentVector{Float64}(x = [0.6549137106381634, 0.37555505280294565, 0.8521039568665254], y = [0.40314196291239024, 0.35484725607638834, 0.6580528978034597, 0.10055508457632167])

julia> ArrayInterface.has_trivial_array_constructor(typeof(ca), ones(6))

julia> ArrayInterface.has_trivial_array_constructor(typeof(cv), (x = rand(6),))