Array Indexing

The all_indices method takes any number of array arguments and yields an efficient iterator for visiting all indices each index of the arguments. Its behavior is similar to that of eachindex method except that all_indices throws a DimensionMismatch exception if linearly indexed arrays have different axes while eachindex just checks that such arrays have the same number of elements. It is always safe to specify @inbounds (and @simd or @turbo from the LoopVectorization package) for a loop like:

for i in all_indices(A, B, C, D)
   A[i] = B[i]*C[i] + D[i]

An alternative is to call the @assert_same_axes macro which throws a DimensionMismatch exception if the provided arguments are not arrays with the same axes. For example:

@assert_same_axes A B C D
@inbounds for i in eachindex(A, B, C, D)
   A[i] = B[i]*C[i] + D[i]

where the macro call amounts to:

axes(A) == axes(B) == axes(C) == axes(D) ? nothing : throw(DimensionMismatch("..."))

The eachindex and all_indices methods are very useful when writing loops over array elements so as to be agnostic to which specific indexing rule is the most suitable. Some algorithms are however more efficient or easier to write if all involved arrays are indexed by a single 1-based index. ArrayTools provides is_fast_array to check whether arrays are suitable for fast indexing:

is_fast_array(A) -> bool

to check array A or:

is_fast_array(A, B, ...) -> bool

to check several arrays A, B, ... at the same time. ArrayTools also provides to_fast_array to convert an array to fast linear indexing if this is needed:


checks whether array A is suitable for fast indexing (by a single integer starting at 1); if it does, A is returned to the caller; otherwise, the contents of A is converted to a suitable array type implementing fast indexing and is returned to the caller.

The method has_standard_indexing can be called to check whether one or several arrays have standard 1-based indexing though they not necessarily implement fast linear indexing.