Circular Restricted Three Body Equations

All three-body equations!

lagrange_point(μ, L)
CR3BP Dynamics

This computation is valid for Circular Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics.

Returns the lagrange points for a CR3BP system.


  • μ: Non-dimensional mass parameter for the CR3BP system.
  • L: Langrange points requested, must be in range [1,5]


  • Tuple of Lagrange points
  • Throws ArgumentError if L is out of range [1,5]


perturb!(p, u, stm, direction; eps)
CR3BP Dynamics

This computation is valid for Circular Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics.

Perturb a Cartesian state in-place along a halo orbit onto a stable or unstable manifold.

perturb(u, stm, direction; eps)
CR3BP Dynamics

This computation is valid for Circular Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics.

Perturb a Cartesian state along a halo orbit onto a stable or unstable manifold.

perturbation(stm, direction; eps)
CR3BP Dynamics

This computation is valid for Circular Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics.

Return the perturbation in Cartesian state space along a halo orbit onto the provided direction of the provided manifold.

richardson_halo(μ, L; Z, hemisphere, ϕ, length)
CR3BP Dynamics

This computation is valid for Circular Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics.

Returns an analytical solution for a Halo orbit about L.

Extended Help


  • μ: Non-dimensional mass parameter for the CR3BP system.
  • L: Lagrange point to orbit (L1 or L2).
  • Z: Desired non-dimensional Z-amplitude for Halo orbit.
  • hemisphere: Specifies northern or southern Halo orbit.
  • ϕ: Desired Halo orbit phase.
  • steps: Number of non-dimensional timepoints in returned state.


  • Near-periodic initial condition u
  • Halo orbit period T.
  • Throws ArgumentError if L is not 1 or 2.


richardson_ic(μ, L; Z, hemisphere, ϕ)
CR3BP Dynamics

This computation is valid for Circular Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics.

Returns an analytical solution for a Halo orbit about L.

Extended Help


  • μ: Non-dimensional mass parameter for the CR3BP system.
  • L: Lagrange point to orbit (L1 or L2).
  • Z: Desired non-dimensional Z-amplitude for Halo orbit.
  • hemisphere: Specifies northern or southern Halo orbit.
  • ϕ: Desired Halo orbit phase.
  • steps: Number of non-dimensional timepoints in returned state.


  • Near-periodic initial condition u
  • Halo orbit period T.
  • Throws ArgumentError if L is not 1 or 2.


zero_velocity_curves(r, v, μ; nondimensional_range)
CR3BP Dynamics

This computation is valid for Circular Restricted Three Body Problem dynamics.

Returns a Vector of Matrix values. Each Matrix contains a 3-column nondimensional position trajectory in the Synodic frame which represents a Zero Velocity Curve.