
AtmosphericProfilesLibrary.jl is a library of atmospheric profiles with respect to altitude (z) and time (t), using SI units.

Scope of repository

This repository is meant to serve as a library of static functions in efforts to reduce code duplication and boiler plate. Added profiles should satisfy the following criteria to limit the scope of this library:

  • A single type argument (the float type FT)
    • For example, my_new_profile(::Type{FT}) where {FT}
  • No additional arguments
  • The return type of the profile should be a type-stable Function or callable object.
    • For example:
    • prof = z->2*z callable by prof(z)
    • prof = t->2*t callable by prof(t)
    • prof = (t,z) -> z*t callable by prof(t, z)
    • prof = Interpolations.interpolate(FT[0, 1, 2], FT[0, 2, 4]) callable by prof(z)

How to contribute

Contributing to this repo involves 3 parts:

  • Add a reference to docs/bibliography.bib
  • Add a function, with signature my_new_profile(::Type{FT}) where {FT}, to src/ with a doc string containing the reference
    • For example """ [Grabowski2006](@cite) """.
  • Add the new function to one of the Vectors in docs/plot_profiles.jl:
    • z_profiles
    • t_profiles
    • tz_profiles

with appriate keyword arguments (e.g., labels and units).

Your plots should automatically appear in the documentation after finishing these three steps.


Plots show units of kilometers and hours for convenience, but data returned from profiles should be in SI units (meters and seconds). For example: prof = z->2*z should be callable by prof(z #= z is in meters=#).