AggregateThenMapFun <: Augmentor.Operation


Compute some aggregated value of the current image using the given function aggfun, and map that value over the current image using the given function mapfun.

This is particularly useful for achieving effects such as per-image normalization.


AggregateThenMapFun(aggfun, mapfun)


  • aggfun : A function that takes the whole current image as input and which result will also be passed to mapfun. It should have a signature of img -> agg, where img will the the current image. What type and value agg should be is up to the user.

  • mapfun : The binary function that should be mapped over all individual array elements. It should have a signature of (px, agg) -> new_px where px is a single element of the current image, and agg is the output of aggfun.

See also

MapFun, ConvertEltype, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# subtract the average RGB value of the current image
augment(img, AggregateThenMapFun(img -> mean(img), (px, agg) -> px - agg))
CacheImage <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Write the current state of the image into the working memory. Optionally a user has the option to specify a preallocated buffer to write the image into. Note that if a buffer is provided, then it has to be of the correct size and eltype.

Even without a preallocated buffer it can be beneficial in some situations to cache the image. An example for such a scenario is when chaining a number of affine transformations after an elastic distortion, because performing that lazily requires nested interpolation.





  • buffer : Optional. A preallocated AbstractArray of the appropriate size and eltype.

See also



using Augmentor

# make pipeline that forces caching after elastic distortion
pl = ElasticDistortion(3,3) |> CacheImage() |> Rotate(-10:10) |> ShearX(-5:5)

# cache output of elastic distortion into the allocated
# 20x20 Matrix{Float64}. Note that for this case this assumes that
# the input image is also a 20x20 Matrix{Float64}
pl = ElasticDistortion(3,3) |> CacheImage(zeros(20,20)) |> Rotate(-10:10)

# convenience syntax with the same effect as above.
pl = ElasticDistortion(3,3) |> zeros(20,20) |> Rotate(-10:10)
ColorJitter <: ColorOperation


Adjusts the brightness and contrast of an image according to the formula α * image[i] + β * M, where M is either mean(image) or the maximum intensity value.


ColorJitter(α, β; [usemax])


  • α : Real or AbstractVector of Real that denote the coefficient(s) for contrast adjustment. Defaults to 0.8:0.1:1.2.
  • β : Real or AbstractVector of Real that denote the coefficient(s) for brightness adjustment. Defaults to -0.2:0.1:0.2.
  • usemax::Bool: Optional. If true, the brightness will be adjusted by the maximum intensity value; otherwise, the image mean will be used. Defaults to true.


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# use exactly 1.2 for contrast, and one of 0.5 and 0.8 for brightness
augment(img, ColorJitter(1.2, [0.5, 0.8]))

# pick the coefficients randomly from the specified ranges
augment(img, ColorJitter(0.8:0.1:2.0, 0.5:0.1:1.1))
CombineChannels <: Augmentor.Operation


Combines the first dimension of a given array into a colorant of type colortype using the function ImageCore.colorview. The main difference is that a separate color channel is also expected for Gray images.

The shape of the input image has to be appropriate for the given colortype, which also means that the separated color channel has to be the first dimension of the array. See PermuteDims if that is not the case.




  • colortype : The color type of the resulting image. Must be a subtype of ColorTypes.Colorant and match the color channel of the given image.

See also

SplitChannels, PermuteDims, augment


julia> using Augmentor, Colors

julia> A = rand(3, 10, 10) # three color channels
3×10×10 Array{Float64,3}:

julia> augment(A, CombineChannels(RGB))
10×10 Array{RGB{Float64},2}:

julia> B = rand(1, 10, 10) # singleton color channel
1×10×10 Array{Float64,3}:

julia> augment(B, CombineChannels(Gray))
10×10 Array{Gray{Float64},2}:
ConvertEltype <: Augmentor.Operation


Convert the element type of the given array/image into the given eltype. This operation is especially useful for converting color images to grayscale (or the other way around). That said, the operation is not specific to color types and can also be used for numeric arrays (e.g. with separated channels).

Note that this is an element-wise convert function. Thus it can not be used to combine or separate color channels. Use SplitChannels or CombineChannels for those purposes.




  • eltype : The eltype of the resulting array/image.

See also

CombineChannels, SplitChannels, augment


julia> using Augmentor, Colors

julia> A = rand(RGB, 10, 10) # three color channels
10×10 Array{RGB{Float64},2}:

julia> augment(A, ConvertEltype(Gray{Float32})) # convert to grayscale
10×10 Array{Gray{Float32},2}:
Crop <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Crops out the area denoted by the specified pixel ranges.

For example the operation Crop(5:100, 2:10) would denote a crop for the rectangle that starts at x=2 and y=5 in the top left corner and ends at x=10 and y=100 in the bottom right corner. As we can see the y-axis is specified first, because that is how the image is stored in an array. Thus the order of the provided axes ranges needs to reflect the order of the array dimensions.





  • indices : NTuple or Vararg of UnitRange that denote the cropping range for each array dimension. This is very similar to how the axes for view are specified.

See also

CropNative, CropSize, CropRatio, augment


julia> using Augmentor

julia> img = testpattern()
300×400 Array{RGBA{N0f8},2}:

julia> augment(img, Crop(1:30, 361:400)) # crop upper right corner
30×40 Array{RGBA{N0f8},2}:
CropNative <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Crops out the area denoted by the specified pixel ranges.

For example the operation CropNative(5:100, 2:10) would denote a crop for the rectangle that starts at x=2 and y=5 in the top left corner of native space and ends at x=10 and y=100 in the bottom right corner of native space.

In contrast to Crop, the position x=1 y=1 is not necessarily located at the top left of the current image, but instead depends on the cumulative effect of the previous transformations. The reason for this is because affine transformations are usually performed around the center of the image, which is reflected in "native space". This is useful for combining transformations such as Rotate or ShearX with a crop around the center area.





  • indices : NTuple or Vararg of UnitRange that denote the cropping range for each array dimension. This is very similar to how the axes for view are specified.

See also

Crop, CropSize, CropRatio, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# cropped at top left corner
augment(img, Rotate(45) |> Crop(1:300, 1:400))

# cropped around center of rotated image
augment(img, Rotate(45) |> CropNative(1:300, 1:400))
CropRatio <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Crops out the biggest area around the center of the given image such that the output image satisfies the specified aspect ratio (i.e. width divided by height).

For example the operation CropRatio(1) would denote a crop for the biggest square around the center of the image.

For randomly placed crops take a look at RCropRatio.



CropRatio(; ratio = 1)


  • ratio::Number : Optional. A number denoting the aspect ratio. For example specifying ratio=16/9 would denote a 16:9 aspect ratio. Defaults to 1, which describes a square crop.

See also

RCropRatio, CropSize, Crop, CropNative, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# crop biggest square around the image center
augment(img, CropRatio(1))
CropSize <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Crops out the area of the specified pixel size around the center of the input image.

For example the operation CropSize(10, 50) would denote a crop for a rectangle of height 10 and width 50 around the center of the input image.





  • size : NTuple or Vararg of Int that denote the output size in pixel for each dimension.

See also

CropRatio, Crop, CropNative, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# cropped around center of rotated image
augment(img, Rotate(45) |> CropSize(300, 400))
Either <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Chooses between the given operations at random when applied. This is particularly useful if one for example wants to first either rotate the image 90 degree clockwise or anticlockwise (but never both), and then apply some other operation(s) afterwards.

When compiling a pipeline, Either will analyze the provided operations in order to identify the preferred formalism to use when applied. The chosen formalism is chosen such that it is supported by all given operations. This way the output of applying Either will be inferable and the whole pipeline will remain type-stable (even though randomness is involved).

By default each specified image operation has the same probability of occurrence. This default behaviour can be overwritten by specifying the chance manually.


Either(operations, [chances])

Either(operations...; [chances])





  • operations : NTuple or Vararg of Augmentor.ImageOperation that denote the possible choices to sample from when applied.

  • chances : Optional. Denotes the relative chances for an operation to be sampled. Has to contain the same number of elements as operations. Either an NTuple of numbers if specified as positional argument, or alternatively a AbstractVector of numbers if specified as a keyword argument. If omitted every operation will have equal probability of occurring.

  • pairs : Vararg of Pair{<:Real,<:Augmentor.ImageOperation}. A compact way to specify an operation and its chance of occurring together.

See also

NoOp, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# all three operations have equal chance of occuring
augment(img, Either(FlipX(), FlipY(), NoOp()))
augment(img, FlipX() * FlipY() * NoOp())

# NoOp is twice as likely as either FlipX or FlipY
augment(img, Either(1=>FlipX(), 1=>FlipY(), 2=>NoOp()))
augment(img, Either(FlipX(), FlipY(), NoOp(), chances=[1,1,2]))
augment(img, Either((FlipX(), FlipY(), NoOp()), (1,1,2)))
augment(img, (1=>FlipX()) * (1=>FlipY()) * (2=>NoOp()))
ElasticDistortion <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Distorts the given image using a randomly (uniform) generated vector field of the given grid size. This field will be stretched over the given image when applied, which in turn will morph the original image into a new image using a linear interpolation of both the image and the vector field.

In contrast to [RandomDistortion], the resulting vector field is also smoothed using a Gaussian filter with of parameter sigma. This will result in a less chaotic vector field and thus resemble a more natural distortion.


ElasticDistortion(gridheight, gridwidth, scale, sigma, [iter=1], [border=false], [norm=true])

ElasticDistortion(gridheight, gridwidth, scale; [sigma=2], [iter=1], [border=false], [norm=true])

ElasticDistortion(gridheight, [gridwidth]; [scale=0.2], [sigma=2], [iter=1], [border=false], [norm=true])


  • gridheight : The grid height of the displacement vector field. This effectively specifies the number of vertices along the Y dimension used as landmarks, where all the positions between the grid points are interpolated.

  • gridwidth : The grid width of the displacement vector field. This effectively specifies the number of vertices along the Y dimension used as landmarks, where all the positions between the grid points are interpolated.

  • scale : Optional. The scaling factor applied to all displacement vectors in the field. This effectively defines the "strength" of the deformation. There is no theoretical upper limit to this factor, but a value somewhere between 0.01 and 1.0 seem to be the most reasonable choices. Default to 0.2.

  • sigma : Optional. Sigma parameter of the Gaussian filter. This parameter effectively controls the strength of the smoothing. Defaults to 2.

  • iter : Optional. The number of times the smoothing operation is applied to the displacement vector field. This is especially useful if border = false because the border will be reset to zero after each pass. Thus the displacement is a little less aggressive towards the borders of the image than it is towards its center. Defaults to 1.

  • border : Optional. Specifies if the borders should be distorted as well. If false, the borders of the image will be preserved. This effectively pins the outermost vertices on their original position and the operation thus only distorts the inner content of the image. Defaults to false.

  • norm : Optional. If true, the displacement vectors of the field will be normalized by the norm of the field. This will have the effect that the scale factor should be more or less independent of the grid size. Defaults to true.

See also



using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# distort with pinned borders
augment(img, ElasticDistortion(15, 15; scale = 0.1))

# distort everything more smoothly.
augment(img, ElasticDistortion(10, 10; sigma = 4, iter=3, border=true))
FlipX <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Reverses the x-order of each pixel row. Another way of describing it would be that it mirrors the image on the y-axis, or that it mirrors the image horizontally.

If created using the parameter p, the operation will be lifted into Either(p=>FlipX(), 1-p=>NoOp()), where p denotes the probability of applying FlipX and 1-p the probability for applying NoOp. See the documentation of Either for more information.





  • p::Number : Optional. Probability of applying the operation. Must be in the interval [0,1].

See also

FlipY, Either, augment


julia> using Augmentor

julia> img = [200 150; 50 1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 200  150
  50    1

julia> img_new = augment(img, FlipX())
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 150  200
   1   50
FlipY <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Reverses the y-order of each pixel column. Another way of describing it would be that it mirrors the image on the x-axis, or that it mirrors the image vertically.

If created using the parameter p, the operation will be lifted into Either(p=>FlipY(), 1-p=>NoOp()), where p denotes the probability of applying FlipY and 1-p the probability for applying NoOp. See the documentation of Either for more information.





  • p::Number : Optional. Probability of applying the operation. Must be in the interval [0,1].

See also

FlipX, Either, augment


julia> using Augmentor

julia> img = [200 150; 50 1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 200  150
  50    1

julia> img_new = augment(img, FlipY())
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
  50    1
 200  150
GaussianBlur <: ColorOperation


Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.


GaussianBlur(k, [σ])


  • k : Integer or AbstractVector of Integer that denote the kernel size. It must be an odd positive number.
  • σ : Optional. Real or AbstractVector of Real that denote the standard deviation. It must be a positive number. Defaults to 0.3 * ((k - 1) / 2 - 1) + 0.8.


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# use exactly k=3 and σ=1.0
augment(img, GaussianBlur(3, 1.0))

# pick k and σ randomly from the specified ranges
augment(img, GaussianBlur(3:2:7, 1.0:0.1:2.0))
MapFun <: Augmentor.Operation


Maps the given function over all individual array elements.

This means that the given function is called with an individual elements and is expected to return a transformed element that should take the original's place. This further implies that the function is expected to be unary. It is encouraged that the function should be consistent with its return type and type-stable.




  • fun : The unary function that should be mapped over all individual array elements.

See also

AggregateThenMapFun, ConvertEltype, augment


using Augmentor, ColorTypes
img = testpattern()

# subtract the constant RGBA value from each pixel
augment(img, MapFun(px -> px - RGBA(0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 0.0)))

# separate channels to scale each numeric element by a constant value
pl = SplitChannels() |> MapFun(el -> el * 0.5) |> CombineChannels(RGBA)
augment(img, pl)
NoOp <: Augmentor.AffineOperation

Identity transformation that does not do anything with the given image, but instead passes it along unchanged (without copying).

Usually used in combination with Either to denote a "branch" that does not perform any computation.

PermuteDims <: Augmentor.Operation


Permute the dimensions of the given array with the predefined permutation perm. This operation is particularly useful if the order of the dimensions needs to be different than the default "julian" layout (described below).

Augmentor expects the given images to be in vertical-major layout for which the colors are encoded in the element type itself. Many deep learning frameworks however require their input in a different order. For example it is not untypical that separate color channels are expected to be encoded in the third dimension.





  • perm : The concrete dimension permutation that should be used. Has to be specified as a Vararg{Int} or as a NTuple of Int. The length of perm has to match the number of dimensions of the expected input image to that operation.

See also

SplitChannels, CombineChannels, augment


julia> using Augmentor, Colors

julia> A = rand(10, 5, 3) # width=10, height=5, and 3 color channels
10×5×3 Array{Float64,3}:

julia> img = augment(A, PermuteDims(3,2,1) |> CombineChannels(RGB))
5×10 Array{RGB{Float64},2}:

julia> img2 = testpattern()
300×400 Array{RGBA{N0f8},2}:

julia> B = augment(img2, SplitChannels() |> PermuteDims(3,2,1))
400×300×4 Array{N0f8,3}:
RCropRatio <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Crops out the biggest possible area at some random position of the given image, such that the output image satisfies the specified aspect ratio (i.e. width divided by height).

For example the operation RCropRatio(1) would denote a crop for the biggest possible square. If there is more than one such square, then one will be selected at random.



RCropRatio(; ratio = 1)


  • ratio::Number : Optional. A number denoting the aspect ratio. For example specifying ratio=16/9 would denote a 16:9 aspect ratio. Defaults to 1, which describes a square crop.

See also

RCropSize, CropRatio, CropSize, Crop, CropNative, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# crop a randomly placed square of maxmimum size
augment(img, RCropRatio(1))
RCropSize <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Crops out an area of predefined size at some random position of the given image.

For example the operation RCropSize(128, 64) denotes a random crop with height 128 and width 64. RCropSize(64) denotes a square shaped crop of size 64.


RCropSize(height, width)



  • height::Number : Height of cropped region
  • width::Number : Width of cropped region

See also

RCropRatio, CropRatio, CropSize, Crop, CropNative, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# crop a randomly placed square of size 100
augment(img, RCropSize(100))
Reshape <: Augmentor.Operation


Reinterpret the shape of the given array of numbers or colorants. This is useful for example to create singleton-dimensions that deep learning frameworks may need for colorless images, or for converting an image array to a feature vector (and vice versa).





  • dims : The new sizes for each dimension of the output image. Has to be specified as a Vararg{Int} or as a NTuple of Int.

See also

CombineChannels, augment


julia> using Augmentor, Colors

julia> A = rand(10,10)
10×10 Array{Float64,2}:

julia> augment(A, Reshape(10,10,1)) # add trailing singleton dimension
10×10×1 Array{Float64,3}:
Resize <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Rescales the image to a fixed pre-specified pixel size.

This operation does not take any measures to preserve aspect ratio of the source image. Instead, the original image will simply be resized to the given dimensions. This is useful when one needs a set of images to all be of the exact same size.


Resize(; height=64, width=64)




  • size : NTuple or Vararg of Int that denote the output size in pixel for each dimension.

See also

CropSize, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

augment(img, Resize(30, 40))
Rotate <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Rotate the image upwards for the given degree. This operation can only be performed as an affine transformation and will in general cause other operations of the pipeline to use their affine formulation as well (if they have one).

In contrast to the special case rotations (e.g. Rotate90, the type Rotate can describe any arbitrary number of degrees. It will always perform the rotation around the center of the image. This can be particularly useful when combining the operation with CropNative.




  • degree : Real or AbstractVector of Real that denote the rotation angle(s) in degree. If a vector is provided, then a random element will be sampled each time the operation is applied.

See also

Rotate90, Rotate180, Rotate270, CropNative, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# rotate exactly 45 degree
augment(img, Rotate(45))

# rotate between 10 and 20 degree upwards
augment(img, Rotate(10:20))

# rotate one of the five specified degrees
augment(img, Rotate([-10, -5, 0, 5, 10]))
Rotate180 <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Rotates the image 180 degrees. This is a special case rotation because it can be performed very efficiently by simply rearranging the existing pixels. Furthermore, the output image will have the same dimensions as the input image.

If created using the parameter p, the operation will be lifted into Either(p=>Rotate180(), 1-p=>NoOp()), where p denotes the probability of applying Rotate180 and 1-p the probability for applying NoOp. See the documentation of Either for more information.





  • p::Number : Optional. Probability of applying the operation. Must be in the interval [0,1].

See also

Rotate90, Rotate270, Rotate, Either, augment


julia> using Augmentor

julia> img = [200 150; 50 1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 200  150
  50    1

julia> img_new = augment(img, Rotate180())
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
   1   50
 150  200
Rotate270 <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Rotates the image upwards 270 degrees, which can also be described as rotating the image downwards 90 degrees. This is a special case rotation, because it can be performed very efficiently by simply rearranging the existing pixels. However, it is generally not the case that the output image will have the same size as the input image, which is something to be aware of.

If created using the parameter p, the operation will be lifted into Either(p=>Rotate270(), 1-p=>NoOp()), where p denotes the probability of applying Rotate270 and 1-p the probability for applying NoOp. See the documentation of Either for more information.





  • p::Number : Optional. Probability of applying the operation. Must be in the interval [0,1].

See also

Rotate90, Rotate180, Rotate, Either, augment


julia> using Augmentor

julia> img = [200 150; 50 1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 200  150
  50    1

julia> img_new = augment(img, Rotate270())
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 50  200
  1  150
Rotate90 <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Rotates the image upwards 90 degrees. This is a special case rotation because it can be performed very efficiently by simply rearranging the existing pixels. However, it is generally not the case that the output image will have the same size as the input image, which is something to be aware of.

If created using the parameter p, the operation will be lifted into Either(p=>Rotate90(), 1-p=>NoOp()), where p denotes the probability of applying Rotate90 and 1-p the probability for applying NoOp. See the documentation of Either for more information.





  • p::Number : Optional. Probability of applying the operation. Must be in the interval [0,1].

See also

Rotate180, Rotate270, Rotate, Either, augment


julia> using Augmentor

julia> img = [200 150; 50 1]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 200  150
  50    1

julia> img_new = augment(img, Rotate90())
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 150   1
 200  50
Scale <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Multiplies the image height and image width by the specified factors. This means that the size of the output image depends on the size of the input image.

The provided factors can either be numbers or vectors of numbers.

  • If numbers are provided, then the operation is deterministic and will always scale the input image with the same factors.

  • In the case vectors are provided, then each time the operation is applied a valid index is sampled and the elements corresponding to that index are used as scaling factors.

The scaling is performed relative to the image center, which can be useful when following the operation with CropNative.





  • factors : NTuple or Vararg of Real or AbstractVector that denote the scale factor(s) for each array dimension. If only one variable is specified it is assumed that height and width should be scaled by the same factor(s).

See also

Zoom, Resize, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# half the image size
augment(img, Scale(0.5))

# uniformly scale by a random factor from 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4
augment(img, Scale([1.2, 1.3, 1.4]))

# scale by either 0.5x0.7 or by 0.6x0.8
augment(img, Scale([0.5, 0.6], [0.7, 0.8]))

A SemanticWrapper determines the semantics of data that it wraps. Any subtype needs to implement function unwrap(wrapper) that returns the wrapped data.

ShearX <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Shear the image horizontally for the given degree. This operation can only be performed as an affine transformation and will in general cause other operations of the pipeline to use their affine formulation as well (if they have one).

It will always perform the transformation around the center of the image. This can be particularly useful when combining the operation with CropNative.




  • degree : Real or AbstractVector of Real that denote the shearing angle(s) in degree. If a vector is provided, then a random element will be sampled each time the operation is applied.

See also

ShearY, CropNative, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# shear horizontally exactly 5 degree
augment(img, ShearX(5))

# shear horizontally between 10 and 20 degree to the right
augment(img, ShearX(10:20))

# shear horizontally one of the five specified degrees
augment(img, ShearX([-10, -5, 0, 5, 10]))
ShearY <: Augmentor.AffineOperation


Shear the image vertically for the given degree. This operation can only be performed as an affine transformation and will in general cause other operations of the pipeline to use their affine formulation as well (if they have one).

It will always perform the transformation around the center of the image. This can be particularly useful when combining the operation with CropNative.




  • degree : Real or AbstractVector of Real that denote the shearing angle(s) in degree. If a vector is provided, then a random element will be sampled each time the operation is applied.

See also

ShearX, CropNative, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# shear vertically exactly 5 degree
augment(img, ShearY(5))

# shear vertically between 10 and 20 degree upwards
augment(img, ShearY(10:20))

# shear vertically one of the five specified degrees
augment(img, ShearY([-10, -5, 0, 5, 10]))
SplitChannels <: Augmentor.Operation


Splits out the color channels of the given image using the function ImageCore.channelview. This will effectively create a new array dimension for the colors in the front. In contrast to ImageCore.channelview it will also result in a new dimension for gray images.

This operation is mainly useful at the end of a pipeline in combination with PermuteDims in order to prepare the image for the training algorithm, which often requires the color channels to be separate.



See also

PermuteDims, CombineChannels, augment


julia> using Augmentor

julia> img = testpattern()
300×400 Array{RGBA{N0f8},2}:

julia> augment(img, SplitChannels())
4×300×400 Array{N0f8,3}:

julia> augment(img, SplitChannels() |> PermuteDims(3,2,1))
400×300×4 Array{N0f8,3}:
Zoom <: Augmentor.ImageOperation


Scales the image height and image width by the specified factors, but crops the image such that the original size is preserved.

The provided factors can either be numbers or vectors of numbers.

  • If numbers are provided, then the operation is deterministic and will always scale the input image with the same factors.

  • In the case vectors are provided, then each time the operation is applied a valid index is sampled and the elements corresponding to that index are used as scaling factors.

In contrast to Scale the size of the output image is the same as the size of the input image, while the content is scaled the same way. The same effect could be achieved by following a Scale with a CropSize, with the caveat that one would need to know the exact size of the input image before-hand.





  • factors : NTuple or Vararg of Real or AbstractVector that denote the scale factor(s) for each array dimension. If only one variable is specified it is assumed that height and width should be scaled by the same factor(s).

See also

Scale, Resize, augment


using Augmentor
img = testpattern()

# half the image size
augment(img, Zoom(0.5))

# uniformly scale by a random factor from 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4
augment(img, Zoom([1.2, 1.3, 1.4]))

# scale by either 0.5x0.7 or by 0.6x0.8
augment(img, Zoom([0.5, 0.6], [0.7, 0.8]))
augment!(out, img, pipeline) -> out

Apply the operations of the given pipeline sequentially to the image img and write the resulting image into the preallocated parameter out. For convenience out is also the function's return-value.

img = testpattern()
out = similar(img)
augment!(out, img, FlipX() |> FlipY())

The parameter img can either be a single image, or a tuple of multiple images. In case img is a tuple of images, the parameter out has to be a tuple of the same length and ordering. See augment for more information.

imgs = (testpattern(), Gray.(testpattern()))
outs = (similar(imgs[1]), similar(imgs[2]))
augment!(outs, imgs, FlipX() |> FlipY())

The parameter pipeline can be a Augmentor.Pipeline, a tuple of Augmentor.Operation, or a single Augmentor.Operation.

img = testpattern()
out = similar(img)
augment!(out, img, FlipX() |> FlipY())
augment!(out, img, (FlipX(), FlipY()))
augment!(out, img, FlipX())
augment([img], pipeline) -> out
augment(img=>mask, pipeline) -> out

Apply the operations of the given pipeline sequentially to the given image img and return the resulting image out. For the second method, see Semantic wrappers below.

julia> img = testpattern();

julia> out = augment(img, FlipX() |> FlipY())
3×2 Array{Gray{N0f8},2}:

The parameter img can either be a single image, or a tuple of multiple images. In case img is a tuple of images, its elements will be assumed to be conceptually connected. Consequently, all images in the tuple will take the exact same path through the pipeline; even when randomness is involved. This is useful for the purpose of image segmentation, for which the input and output are both images that need to be transformed exactly the same way.

img1 = testpattern()
img2 = Gray.(testpattern())
out1, out2 = augment((img1, img2), FlipX() |> FlipY())

The parameter pipeline can be a Augmentor.Pipeline, a tuple of Augmentor.Operation, or a single Augmentor.Operation.

img = testpattern()
augment(img, FlipX() |> FlipY())
augment(img, (FlipX(), FlipY()))
augment(img, FlipX())

If img is omitted, Augmentor will use the augmentation test image provided by the function testpattern as the input image.


Semantic wrappers

It is possible to define more flexible augmentation pipelines by wrapping the input into a semantic wrapper. Semantic wrappers determine meaning of an input, and ensure that only appropriate operations are applied on that input.

Currently implemented semantic wrappers are:

  • Augmentor.Mask: Wraps a segmentation mask. Allows only spatial transformations.

    The convenient usage for this is augment(img => mask, pipeline).


using Augmentor
using Augmentor: unwrap, Mask

img, mask = testpattern(), testpattern()
pl = Rotate90() |> GaussianBlur(3)

aug_img, aug_mask = unwrap.(augment((img, Mask(mask)), pl))
# Equivalent usage
aug_img, aug_mask = augment(img => mask, pl)

# GaussianBlur will be skipped for our `mask`
aug_mask == augment(mask, Rotate90())

# output

augmentbatch!([resource], outs, imgs, pipeline, [obsdim]) -> outs

Apply the operations of the given pipeline to the images in imgs and write the resulting images into outs.

Both outs and imgs have to contain the same number of images. Each of these two variables can either be in the form of a higher dimensional array, in the form of a vector of arrays for which each vector element denotes an image.

# create five example observations of size 3x3
imgs = rand(3,3,5)
# create output arrays of appropriate shape
outs = similar(imgs)
# transform the batch of images
augmentbatch!(outs, imgs, FlipX() |> FlipY())

If one (or both) of the two parameters outs and imgs is a higher dimensional array, then the optional parameter obsdim can be used specify which dimension denotes the observations (defaults to ObsDim.Last()),

# create five example observations of size 3x3
imgs = rand(5,3,3)
# create output arrays of appropriate shape
outs = similar(imgs)
# transform the batch of images
augmentbatch!(outs, imgs, FlipX() |> FlipY(), ObsDim.First())

Similar to augment!, it is also allowed for outs and imgs to both be tuples of the same length. If that is the case, then each tuple element can be in any of the forms listed above. This is useful for tasks such as image segmentation, where each observations is made up of more than one image.

# create five example observations where each observation is
# made up of two conceptually linked 3x3 arrays
imgs = (rand(3,3,5), rand(3,3,5))
# create output arrays of appropriate shape
outs = similar.(imgs)
# transform the batch of images
augmentbatch!(outs, imgs, FlipX() |> FlipY())

The parameter pipeline can be a Augmentor.Pipeline, a tuple of Augmentor.Operation, or a single Augmentor.Operation.

augmentbatch!(outs, imgs, FlipX() |> FlipY())
augmentbatch!(outs, imgs, (FlipX(), FlipY()))
augmentbatch!(outs, imgs, FlipX())

The optional first parameter resource can either be CPU1() (default) or CPUThreads(). In the later case the images will be augmented in parallel. For this to make sense make sure that the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS is set to a reasonable number so that Threads.nthreads() is greater than 1.

# transform the batch of images in parallel using multithreading
augmentbatch!(CPUThreads(), outs, imgs, FlipX() |> FlipY())

Return a memory contiguous array for better performance.

Data copy only happens when necessary. For example, views returned by view, PermutedDimsArray are such cases.

See also: plain_array, plain_axes

gaussian_field(gridwidth, gridheight[, scale=0.2, sigma=2, iterations=1, border=true, normalize=true]) -> Array{Float64,3}

Generate a 2D vector field by placing uniformly random generated displacement vectors on an equally spaced grid of size gridheight × gridwidth. Additionally, this vector field is smoothed using a gaussian filter with parameter sigma. This will result in a less chaotic vector field than uniform_field and be much more similar to an elastic distortion.

The resulting array will have 3 dimensions, for which the first dimension will always have a size of 2, which denotes the y and x dimension of the vectors.


Return a memory contiguous plain array for better performance. A plain array is either an Array or a StaticArray.

Data copy only happens when necessary. For example, views returned by view, PermutedDimsArray are such cases.

See also: contiguous, plain_axes


Make sure img is either a InvWarpedView or a SubArray of one. If that is already the case, img will be returned as is. Otherwise invwarpedview will be called using a Flat() extrapolation scheme.

Doing this will tell subsequent operations that they should also participate as affine operations (i.e. use AffineMap if they can).

seek_connected(f, N::Int, head::DataType, tail::Tuple) -> (N, remainder)

Recursively scan a tuple of DataType (split into its head and tail) to compute the length N of the uninterrupted sequence of adjacent operations where the predicate f is true. Additionally the remainder of the tuple (without that sequence) is also returned.

shouldapply(op, wrapper)
shouldapply(typeof(op), typeof(wrapper))

Determines if operation op should be applied to semantic wrapper wrapper.

testpattern([T=RGBA{N0f8}]; ratio=1.0) -> Matrix{RGBA{N0f8}}

Load and return the provided 300x400 test image. Additional args and kwargs are passed to imresize.

The returned image was specifically designed to be informative about the effects of the applied augmentation operations. It is thus well suited to prototype an augmentation pipeline, because it makes it easy to see what kind of effects one can achieve with it.

uniform_field(gridwidth, gridheight[, scale=0.2, border=true, normalize=true]) -> Array{Float64,3}

Generate a 2D vector field by placing uniformly random generated displacement vectors on an equally spaced grid of size gridheight × gridwidth.

The resulting array will have 3 dimensions, for which the first dimension will always have a size of 2, which denotes the y and x dimension of the vectors.


Returns the original object.