
Computes a value to use as a seed for computing the hash value of a type.

The constants used in this computation are random numbers produced by Random.rand(Random.RandomDevice(), UInt).

@auto_hash_equals [options] struct Foo ... end

Generate Base.hash, Base.isequal, and Base.== methods for Foo.


  • cache=true|false whether or not to generate an extra cache field to store the precomputed hash value. Default: false.
  • hashfn=myhash the hash function to use. Default: Base.hash.
  • fields=a,b,c the fields to use for hashing and equality. Default: all fields.
  • typearg=true|false whether or not to make type arguments significant. Default: false.
  • typeseed=e Use e (or e(type) if typearg=true) as the seed for hashing type arguments.
  • compat1=true To have == defined by using isequal. Default: false.
@auto_hash_equals [options] struct Foo ... end

Generate Base.hash, Base.isequal, and Base.== methods for Foo.


  • cache=true|false whether or not to generate an extra cache field to store the precomputed hash value. Default: false.
  • hashfn=myhash the hash function to use. Default: Base.hash.
  • fields=a,b,c the fields to use for hashing and equality. Default: all fields.
  • typearg=true|false whether or not to make type arguments significant. Default: false.
  • typeseed=e Use e (or e(type) if typearg=true) as the seed for hashing type arguments.
  • compat1=true To have == defined by using isequal. Default: true.