
Model predictive control main struct parameters. The controller as all the necessary before optimization.

** Fields **

  • system: mathematical system type of the dynamical system (f and constraints).
  • tuning: model predictive control implementation according to reference.
  • initialization: initialization of the model predictive control before computation.
  • inputs_command: model predictive control input after computation, which are sent to dynamical system.

Model predictive control tuning implementation according to parameters and references.

** Fields **

  • modeler: model predictive control implementation acocrding to JuMP.
  • reference: model predictive control references.
  • horizon: model predictive control horizon.
  • weights: model predictive control weighting coefficients.
  • terminal_ingredient: model predictive control terminal ingredients.
  • sample_time: model predictive control sample time.
  • max_time: model predictive control maximum time computation.

Function that create the terminal ingredient for model predictive control. The terminal ingredients are the terminal weight and terminal constraints. The terminal constraints could be optional.

** Required fields **

  • model_mpc: the JuMP from the modeler design.
  • terminal_ingredient: a string to set the terminal constraints.
  • system: the dynamical system mathemacal systems.
  • references: the states and inputs references.
  • weights: the weighting coefficients.
  • kws optional parameters.

A function for references for model predictive control and linearization point for economic model predictive control.

The following variables are mendatories:

  • state_reference: the state reference.
  • input_reference: the input reference.
  • horizon: the horizon for the mpc or empc.

Function that tunes a model predictive control.

** Required fields **

  • system: mathematical system type.
  • horizon: horizon length of the model predictive control.
  • method: implementation method (linear, non linear, mixed integer linear, fuzzy rules)
  • sample_time: time sample of the model predictive control.
  • kws optional fields

Function that tunes a model predictive control.

** Required fields **

  • system: mathematical system type.
  • horizon: horizon length of the model predictive control.
  • method: implementation method (linear, non linear, mixed integer linear, fuzzy rules)
  • sample_time: time sample of the model predictive control.
  • kws optional fields

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • model_mlj: model of the dynamical system from AutomationLabsIdentification package.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Modeler implementation of a Model Predictive Control.

** Required fields **

  • method: method which is multipled dispatched type. Type are LinearProgramming, TakagiSugeno, NonLinearProgramming and MixedIntegerLinearProgramming.
  • system: system from MethematicalSystems.
  • horizon : model predictive control horizon parameter.
  • references : model predictive control references.
  • solver: model predictive control solver selection.

Model predictive control computation function. The controller is computed and optimization results values are written on mutable struct controller.

** Required fields **

  • C: the model predictive control controller.

A function for model predictive control and economic model predictive control.

The following variables are mendatories:

  • system: a mathematical systems from AutomationLabsSystems.
  • mpc_controller_type: a string for model predictive control or economic model predictive control.
  • mpc_horizon: a horizon for the predictive controller.
  • mpc_sample_time: a sample time for the predictive controller.
  • mpc_state_reference: state reference for mpc or linearization point for empc.
  • mpc_input_reference: input reference for mpc or linearization point for empc.
  • kws optional argument.
update_initialization!(C::ModelPredictiveControlController, initialization::Vector)

Update initialization (also known as state measure) of Model predictive control controller.

** Required fields **

  • C: the design model predictive control controller.
  • initialization: initialization of the model predictive control befre computation (also now as the state measures).