ARMAProcess(ars, mas, intercept=nothing)

Return an autoregressive–moving-average process $y_t$ defined as

\[\left(1-\sum_{i=1}^p \rho_i L^i\right) = c + \left(1-\sum_{i=1}^q \varphi_i L^i\right) \varepsilon_t\]

where $\{\rho_i\}_i$, $\{\varphi_i\}_i$ and $c$ are specified with mas, ars and intercept respectively; $L$ is the lag operator. Notice the negative sign associated with the moving-average terms.

Factor{TF, S} <: RegressionModel

Results and cache from estimating a factor model. This object holds all arrays that are necessary for estimating the model without additional memory allocations. See also fit and fit!.


  • Y::Matrix{TF}: data matrix where each column corresponds to a time series.
  • Ystd::Matrix{TF}: standardized data with zero mean and unit standard deviation across the columns.
  • Ysd::Vector{TF}: standard deviation of each column in Y.
  • Yca::Matrix{TF}: cache of the same size as Y.
  • fac::Matrix{TF}: factors of the model; observed factors are placed in the beginning columns.
  • crossfac::Matrix{TF}: cache for holding fac'fac and factorization.
  • Λ::Matrix{TF}: loading matrix of the model; each row corresponds to a factor in fac.
  • crossΛu::Union{Matrix{TF}, Nothing}: cache needed when factors and loading matrix need to be solved iteratively.
  • svdca::Union{SDDcache{TF}, SVDcache{TF}, Nothing}: cache for singular value decomposition if any unobserved factor is involved.
  • nfaco::Int: number of observed factors.
  • resid::Matrix{TF}: residuals from the standardized data Ystd and estimated fac before scaling the loading matrix Λ for Y.
  • tss::Vector{TF}: total sum of squares for each columns of Ystd.
  • rss::Vector{TF}: residual sum of squares for each columns of Ystd.
  • r2::Vector{TF}: r-squared for each columns of Ystd.
  • esample::BitVector: indicators for rows involved in estimation from original data table when constructing Y; irrelevant to estimation once Y is given.
OLS <: RegressionModel

Data from an ordinary least squares regression for vector autoregression estimation.

VARProcess(B::AbstractMatrix, B0=nothing; copy::Bool=false)

Return a vector autoregressive process $Y_t$ defined as

\[Y_t = B_0 + \sum_{l=1}^p B_l Y_{t-l} + \ε_t\]

where the autoregressive coefficients $\{\B_l\}_l$ are collected in matrix B by column and the optional intercept $B_0$ is in a vector B0.

VARProcess(r::VectorAutoregression; copy::Bool=false)

Construct a VARProcess based on the coefficient estimates from r.

biascorrect(r::VectorAutoregression; kwargs...)

Correct the bias of the least-squares coefficient estimates in r with Pope's formula. The corrected estimates can be retrieved from the returned object with coefcorrected.


Pope, Alun L. 1990. "Biases of Estimators in Multivariate Non-Gaussian Autoregressions." Journal of Time Series Analysis 11 (3): 249–258.

bootstrap!(stats, r::VectorAutoregression; kwargs...)

Conduct autoregressive bootstrap for statistics specified with stats while assuming the data generating process can be approximated by an estimated vector autoregressive model r.

Each statistic to be computed needs to be paired with an array for storing the output. The number of bootstrap iterations is determined by the last dimension of the array; while the other dimensions should match the size of the statistic. For example, if the statistic is a scalar, the output array should be a vector; it should be a matrix if the statistic is a vector. The statistic is specified as a function accepting a NamedTuple as the single argument, which contains a field out that points to a view of the array indexed by the last dimension, a field data that provides the current sample of bootstrap data, and a field r for the results of VAR estimation based on data if the keyword estimatevar is true (nothing otherwise). The provided function is called in each bootstrap iteration with such a NamedTuple containing the updated values and the computed statistics are expected to be saved in-place to out. For the sake of performance, unnecessary allocations should be avoided when defining such a function. The argument stats can be either a Pair of the pre-allocated output array and the statistic function or an iterable of Pairs if more than one statistic is needed for the same bootstrap procedure.


  • initialindex::Union{Function,Integer}=randomindex: the row index of a data columns from r for selecting the initial lags to be used for the bootstrap data.
  • drawresid::Function=wilddraw!: a function that specifies how residuals are generated for the bootstrap data given the initial lags.
  • correctbias=false: conduct bias correction with biascorrect.
  • estimatevar::Bool=true: re-estimate VAR model specified in r with each sample of the bootstrap data.
  • ntasks::Integer=Threads.nthreads(): number of tasks spawned to conduct bootstrap iterations in concurrent chunks with multiple threads.
  • keepbootdata::Bool=false: collect and return each sample of bootstrap data generated (with possibly very large memory usage).
forecastvar!(out::AbstractArray{T,3}, irfs::AbstractArray{T,3})

Compute the variance of forecast error over each horizon given orthogonalized impulse response coefficients specified with irfs and store the results in an array out. The number of horizons computed is determined by the second dimension of irfs and out should have the same size as irfs. See also forecastvar.

histvar!(out::AbstractArray{TF,3}, irfs::AbstractArray{TF,3}, shocks::AbstractMatrix)

Compute the variance to be used for historical decomposition given impulse response coefficients specified with irfs and historical shocks. Results are stored in an array out. See also histvar.

impulse(arma::ARMAProcess, nhorz::Integer, ε0::Real=1.0)

Same as impulse!, but allocates an array for storing the results. The number of horizons needs to be specified explicitly with nhorz.

impulse!(out::AbstractArray, arma::ARMAProcess, ε0::Real=1.0)

Compute the responses of the arma process to the impulse specified with ε0 and store the results in out. The number of horizons to be computed is determined by the length of out. See also impulse and simulate!.

impulse!(out, var::VARProcess, ε0::AbstractVecOrMat; kwargs...)
impulse!(out, var::VARProcess, ishock::Union{Integer, AbstractRange}; kwargs...)

Compute the responses of the var process to the impulse specified with ε0 or ishock and store the results in an array out. The number of horizons to be computed is determined by the second dimension of out. See also impulse and simulate!.

As a vector, ε0 specifies the magnitude of the impulse to each variable; columns in a matrix are interpreted as multiple impulses with results stored separately along the third dimension of array out. Alternatively, ishock specifies the index of a single variable that is affected on impact; a range of indices is intercepted as multiple impulses.


  • nlag::Integer=arorder(var): the number of lags from var used for simulations.
impulse!(out, r::VectorAutoregression, ε0::AbstractVecOrMat; kwargs...)
impulse!(out, r::VectorAutoregression, ishock::Union{Integer, AbstractRange}; kwargs...)

Compute impulse responses to shocks specified with ε0 or ishock based on the estimation result in r and store the results in an array out. The number of horizons to be computed is determined by the second dimension of out. Responses to structural shocks identified based on temporal (short-run) restrictions can be computed if Cholesky factorization has been conducted for r. See also impulse and simulate!.

As a vector, ε0 specifies the magnitude of the impulse to each variable; columns in a matrix are interpreted as multiple impulses with results stored separately along the third dimension of array out. Alternatively, ishock specifies the index of a single variable that is affected on impact; a range of indices is intercepted as multiple impulses. With the keyword choleskyshock being true, any shock index specified is interpreted as referring to the structural shock instead of the reduced-form shock.


  • nlag::Integer=arorder(var): the number of lags from var used for simulations.
  • choleskyshock::Bool=false: whether any shock index refers to a structural shock.
impulse(var::VARProcess, ε0::AbstractVecOrMat, nhorz::Integer; kwargs...)
impulse(var::VARProcess, ishock::Union{Integer, AbstractRange}, nhorz::Integer; kwargs...)

Same as impulse!, but allocates an array for storing the results. The number of horizons needs to be specified explicitly with nhorz.

impulse(r::VectorAutoregression, ε0::AbstractVecOrMat, nhorz::Integer; kwargs...)
impulse(r::VectorAutoregression, ishock::Union{Integer, AbstractRange}, nhorz::Integer; kwargs...)

Same as impulse!, but allocates an array for storing the results. The number of horizons needs to be specified explicitly with nhorz.

isstable(var::VARProcess, offset::Real=0)

Return a Boolean value indicating whether var is stable, optionally with the comparison adjusted by offset for some tolerance.


Return the lower-triangular matrix from Cholesky factorization of the residual variance-covariance matrix.

residvcov(r::VectorAutoregression, id1, id2=id1)

Return the variance-covariance estimate between the reduced-form errors from equation id1 and id2. The equations are indexed by the outcome variables, which can be variable names of type Symbol or integer indices.

simulate(εs::AbstractArray, var::VARProcess, Y0=nothing; nlag::Integer=arorder(var))

Same as simulate!, but makes a copy of εs for results and hence does not overwrite εs.

simulate(εs::AbstractArray, r::VectorAutoregression, Y0=nothing; kwargs...)

Same as simulate!, but makes a copy of εs for results and hence does not overwrite εs.

simulate!(εs::AbstractArray, r::VectorAutoregression, Y0=nothing; kwargs...)

Simulate the VARProcess with the coefficient estimates in r using the shocks specified in εs and initial values Y0. Results are stored by overwriting εs in-place. If Y0 is nothing or does not contain enough lags, zeros are used. See also simulate and impulse!.


  • nlag::Integer=arorder(var): the number of lags from var used for simulations.
simulate!(out::AbstractArray, εs::AbstractArray, arma::ARMAProcess, y0=nothing)

Simulate the arma process using the shocks specified in εs and initial values y0. Results are stored in out. If y0 is nothing or does not contain enough lags, zeros are used. See also simulate and impulse!.

simulate!(εs::AbstractArray, var::VARProcess, Y0=nothing; kwargs...)

Simulate the var process using the shocks specified in εs and initial values Y0. Results are stored by overwriting εs in-place. If Y0 is nothing or does not contain enough lags, zeros are used. See also simulate and impulse!.


  • nlag::Integer=arorder(var): the number of lags from var used for simulations.
coef(r::VectorAutoregression, yid, xid, lag::Integer=1)

Return the coefficient estimate of r for variable yid with respect to variable xid with lag lag. yid and xid can be variable names of type Symbol or integer indices. Unless var.nocons is true, the intercept term is always named :constant and has an index of 1.!Method
fit!(f::Factor; maxiter::Integer=10000, tol::Real=1e-8)

Reestimate the factor model with data contained in f. This method assumes that the content in f remains valid after any modification and allows non-allocating estimation. See also Factor and fit.

fit(::Type{<:Factor}, data, names, fonames, nfac::Integer; kwargs...)

Fit a factor model with nfac factors using variables indexed by names from a Tables.jl-compatible data table. Factors that are observed are specified with fonames as indices of columns from data. R-squared for each variable is computed based on standardized data with zero mean and unit standard deviation. See also Factor and fit!.


  • subset::Union{BitVector, Nothing}=nothing: subset of data to be used for estimation.
  • TF::Type=Float64: numeric type used for estimation.
  • svdalg::Algorithm=DivideAndConquer(): algorithm for singular value decomposition.
  • maxiter::Integer=10000: maximum number of iterations; only relevant when the model involves both observed and unobserved factors.
  • tol::Real=1e-8: tolerance level for convergence; only relevant when the model involves both observed and unobserved factors.


Stock, James H. and Mark W. Watson. 2016. "Chapter 8–-Dynamic Factor Models, Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressions, and Structural Vector Autoregressions in Macroeconomics." In Handbook of Macroeconomics, Vol. 2A, edited by John B. Taylor and Harald Uhlig, 415–525. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

fit(::Type{<:VARProcess}, data, names, nlag::Integer; kwargs...)

Estimate vector autoregression with ordinary least squares using nlag lags of variables indexed by names from a Tables.jl-compatible data table.


  • subset::Union{BitVector, Nothing}=nothing: subset of data to be used for estimation.
  • choleskyresid::Bool=false: conduct Cholesky factorization for the residual variance-covariance matrix.
  • adjust_dofr::Bool=true: adjust the degrees of freedom when computing the residual variance-covariance matrix.
  • nocons::Bool=false: do not include an intercept term in the estimation.
  • TF::Type=Float64: numeric type used for estimation.