

Simple AxisArray like type. Meant for demonstrations, testing and as an implementing examples.

This function is part of the public API and subject to SemVer guarantees.


Check that a NamedTuple represents an axis array like object. Also accepts AbstractArray inputs, which means a noop.


julia> using AxisArrayConversion: check_consistency

julia> check_consistency((axs=(1:2,), values=[1,2]))
ERROR: ArgumentError: Unexpected properties.
Expected exactly two properties `axes`, `values`
Got: `propertynames(nt) = (:axs, :values)

julia> check_consistency((axes=(1:2,), values=[1 2; 3 4]))
ERROR: ArgumentError: Inconsistent number of dimensions.
Expected: length(nt.axes) == ndims(nt.values)
Got: length(nt.axes)  = 1
ndims(nt.values) = 2

julia> check_consistency((axes=(1:2,), values=[1,2,3]))
ERROR: ArgumentError: Inconsistent size.
Expected: map(length, Tuple(nt.axes)) == size(nt.values)
Got: map(length, Tuple(nt.axes)) = (2,)
Got: size(nt.values) = (3,)

julia> check_consistency((axes=(1:2,), values=[1,2])) # works

julia> check_consistency([1,2,3]) # noop for AbstractArray

This function is part of the public API and subject to SemVer guarantees.

from_namedtuple(::Type{T}, nt::NamedTuple)

Construct an instance of T from a NamedTuplent with propertynames (:axes, :values).

This function is part of the public API and subject to SemVer guarantees.

make_axissymbols(::Val{dim})::NTuple{dim, Symbol}

Create default names for dim many axes.

This function is considered private and may silently change or be removed.


Add names to axes or return them as is, if they already have names.


julia> using AxisArrayConversion: name_axes

julia> name_axes((1:3, ["a", "b"]))
(x1 = 1:3, x2 = ["a", "b"])

julia> name_axes((a=1:3, b=["a", "b"]))
(a = 1:3, b = ["a", "b"])

This function is part of the public API and subject to SemVer guarantees.

namedtuple(arr)::NamedTuple{(:axes, :values)}

Create a NamedTuple from an array arr with axis data.

julia> using AxisArrayConversion: namedtuple

julia> namedtuple([1 2; 3 4])
(axes = (x1 = Base.OneTo(2), x2 = Base.OneTo(2)), values = [1 2; 3 4])

This function is part of the public API and subject to SemVer guarantees.


Construct a more general variant of an AxisArray like type T. Typically by stripping all type parameters.

julia> using AxisArrayConversion: roottype

julia> roottype(Vector{Int})

julia> roottype(typeof((a=1, b=2)))

This function is part of the public API and subject to SemVer guarantees.

to(SomeArray, ::OtherArray)::SomeArray

Construct an instance of SomeArray from an instance of OtherArray.


julia> using AxisArrayConversion: SimpleAxisArray, to

julia> to(SimpleAxisArray, (axes=(a=1:3,), values=[10,20,30]))
SimpleAxisArray(axes = (a = 1:3,), values = [10, 20, 30])

julia> arr = to(SimpleAxisArray, (axes=(a=1:3,), values=[10,20,30]))
SimpleAxisArray(axes = (a = 1:3,), values = [10, 20, 30])

julia> to(NamedTuple, arr)
(axes = (a = 1:3,), values = [10, 20, 30])

julia> to(NamedTuple, [1 2; 3 4])
(axes = (x1 = Base.OneTo(2), x2 = Base.OneTo(2)), values = [1 2; 3 4])

This function should not be overloaded. Instead namedtuple and from_namedtuple should be overloaded.

This function is part of the public API and subject to SemVer guarantees.