Here we show basic usage where we 1) create a container, 2) write a blob to the container, 3) list the contents of the container, 4) read the blob that was previously created, 5) illustrate serialization, and 6) delete the container and its contents.
using Pkg
using AzSessions, AzStorage, Serialization
# here we use client credentials, but auth-code-flow and device-code flow (etc.) are also available.
# see the AzSessions.jl package for more details on authentication in Azure.
session = AzSession(;protocal=AzClientCredentials, client_id="myclientid", client_secret="verysecret", resource="https://storage.azure.com/")
# create a handle to an Azure container in an existing storage account
container = AzContainer("foo"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount", session=session)
# create the container
# write a blob to the container
write(container, "myblob.bin", rand(10))
# list the blobs in the container
# read the contents of the blob
x = read!(container, "myblob.bin", Vector{Float64}(undef, 10))
# serialize and write structured data to the container.
# here, we illustrate with a named tuple.
serialize(container, "myblob.bin", (a=rand(10), b=rand(10)))
# read and deserialze data from the container
x = deserialize(container, "myblob.bin")
# copy a blob to a local file
cp(container, "myblob.bin", "mylocalfile.bin")
# copy a local file to a blob
cp("mylocalfile.bin", container, "myblob.bin")
# copy from a blob to another blob
cp(container, "myblob.bin", container, "mycopyblob.bin")
# remove the container, and its contents
In addition, we can represent blob's, providing an API that is similar to handling POSIX files.
# create a handle, io, to a blob, "myblob.bin", in a container, "foo", in storage account "mystorageaccount"
io = open(AzContainer("foo"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount", session), "myblob.bin")
io = joinpath(AzContainer("foo"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount", session), "myblob.bin") # this is equivalent to the previous line.
# write to the blob
write(io, rand(10))
# read the blob
x = read!(io, zeros(10))
# check that the blob exists
# serialize and write structured data
# here, we illustrate with a named tuple
serialize(io, (a=rand(10),b=rand(10)))
x = deserialize(io)
write(io, rand(10))
# copy a blob, io, to a local file, mylocalfile.bin
cp(io, "mylocalfile.bin")
# copy a local file, mylocalfile.bin, to a blob, io
cp("mylocalfile.bin", io)
# copy from a blob to another blob
io2 = open(AzContainer("foo"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount", session), "mycopyblob.bin")
cp(io, io2)
# remove the blob