Documentation for BasicAutoloads.
— Methodregister_autoloads(autoloads::Vector{Pair{Vector{String}, Expr}})
[trigger1, trigger2, ...] => expr1,
[trigger10, trigger11, ...] => expr2,
Register expressions to be executed when a trigger is found in the REPL's input.
Eech trigger
must be a String
. If the trigger
is found as a symbol (e.g. variable, function, or macro name) in an input expression to the REPL, the corresponding expr
is evaluated. Each expr
must be an Expr
and is evaluated with Main.eval(expr)
. Each unique expr
, up to equality, is evaluated at most once.
This function is meant to be called from ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
(or wherever your startup.jl file happens to be stored), but will also work if called from the REPL.
if isinteractive()
import BasicAutoloads
["@b", "@be"] => :(using Chairmarks),
["@benchmark"] => :(using BenchmarkTools),
["@test", "@testset", "@test_broken", "@test_deprecated", "@test_logs",
"@test_nowarn", "@test_skip", "@test_throws", "@test_warn", "@inferred"] =>
:(using Test),
["@about"] => :(using About; macro about(x) Expr(:call, About.about, x) end),