
CI Codecov Coveralls

Batched routines (BLAS, LAPACK, etc.) for multi-dimensional arrays. This package provide both CPU support, for GPU support see CuBatchedRoutines.


pkg> add BatchedRoutines

Supported Routines

BLAS Level 1

  • batched_scal
  • batched_dot
  • batched_nrm2
  • batched_asum
  • batched_axpy!
  • batched_axpby
  • batched_iamax

BLAS Level 2

  • batched_gemv
  • batched_gbmv
  • batched_symv
  • batched_hemv
  • batched_sbmv
  • batched_hbmv
  • batched_trmv
  • batched_trsv
  • batched_ger
  • batched_syr
  • batched_her

BLAS Level 3

  • batched_gemm (TODO: use gemm_batch when mkl is available)
  • batched_symm
  • batched_hemm
  • batched_syrk
  • batched_herk
  • batched_syr2k
  • batched_trmm
  • batched_trsm
  • batched_trmm

Linear Algebra

  • batched_tr


For routines (e.g gemm), we use a prefix batched_ for their corresponding routines in BLAS or LAPACK and they should only define with AbstractArray{T, 3} (batched matrix) or AbstractArray{T, 2} (batched vector).
