
BetterInputFiles Functions

Public Objects

setup_input(input_path::AbstractString, verbose::Bool, ext::InputExt; paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}=OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}(), log_path::String="output_path", custom_metadata::Vector{Tuple{String, String}}=Vector{Tuple{String, String}}())

Main BetterInputFiles function, given a path to an input file, this will preprocess, load, and postprocess the input file, including setting up paths and logging.


  • input_path::AbstractString: Path to input file
  • verbose::Bool: Whether to log @debug messages
  • ext::InputExt: Extension specifier
  • paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}=OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}: Paths to expand. paths will be merged with SetupModule.default_paths, with paths taking preference. See SetupModule.default_paths for the syntax of paths
  • log_path::String="output_path": The "path_name" of the directory where logging should output. log_path must exist in paths or, be defined by SetupModule.default_paths
  • custom_metadata::Vector{Tuple{String, String}}=Vector{Tuple{String, String}}(): Additonal metadata to include in the input file, in addition to creation date and input_path
setup_input(input_path::AbstractString, verbose::Bool, ext::String; paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}=OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}(), log_path::String="output_path", custom_metadata::Vector{Tuple{String, String}}=Vector{Tuple{String, String}}())

Manually specify input file extension, then run setup_input(::AbstractString, ::Bool, ::InputExt, ::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}, ::String, ::Vector{Tuple{String, String}})


  • input_path::AbstractString: Path to input file
  • verbose::Bool: Whether to log @debug messages
  • ext::String: Manual extension specifier
  • paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}=OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}: Paths to expand. paths will be merged with SetupModule.default_paths, with paths taking preference. See SetupModule.default_paths for the syntax of paths
  • log_path::String="output_path": The "path_name" of the directory where logging should output. log_path must exist in paths or, be defined by SetupModule.default_paths
  • custom_metadata::Vector{Tuple{String, String}}=Vector{Tuple{String, String}}(): Additonal metadata to include in the input file, in addition to creation date and input_path
setup_input(input_path::AbstractString, verbose::Bool; paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}=OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}(), log_path::String="output_path", custom_metadata::Vector{Tuple{String, String}}=Vector{Tuple{String, String}}())

Automatically choose input file extension, then run setup_input(::AbstractString, ::Bool, ::InputExt, ::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}, ::String, ::Vector{Tuple{String, String}})


  • input_path::AbstractString: Path to input file
  • verbose::Bool: Whether to log @debug messages
  • paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}=OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}: Paths to expand. paths will be merged with SetupModule.default_paths, with paths taking preference. See SetupModule.default_paths for the syntax of paths
  • log_path::String="output_path": The "path_name" of the directory where logging should output. log_path must exist in paths or, be defined by SetupModule.default_paths
  • custom_metadata::Vector{Tuple{String, String}}=Vector{Tuple{String, String}}(): Additonal metadata to include in the input file, in addition to creation date and input_path

Setup Functions

Public Objects

setup_global!(input::Dict, input_path::AbstractString, verbose::Bool, paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}=OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}(), log_path::String="OUTPUT_PATH"; test::Bool=false)

Setup the "GLOBAL" information of input, including paths and logging.


  • input::Dict: The input file loaded into a Dict
  • input_path::AbstractString: The path to the input .input file (from which input is loaded)
  • verbose::Bool: Whether or not to display @debug calls
  • paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}: Paths to expand. paths will be merged with the following default_paths, with paths taking preference. See default_paths for the syntax of paths
  • log_path::String: The "path_name" of the directory where logging should output
  • test::Bool: Whether this run is a test or not. This will decide whether to actually create directories, or log anything

See also setup_paths!, and setup_logging!

Private Objects

default_paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}

The default paths which will be expanded into absolute paths and used throughout the project.

default_paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}} = OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}(
    # Name => relative, default
    "BASE_PATH" => ("INPUT_PATH", ""),
    "OUTPUT_PATH" => ("BASE_PATH", "Output")

This dictionary maps ("path_name" => ("relative_name", "default_path")), where "path_name" is a human readable name for the path, "relative_name" is the name of the path which "path_name" is relative to, and "default_path" is the default value for the path (either absolute or relative). If "path_name" already exists inside input["GLOBAL"], then that path will be used either as is (if an absolute path) or relative to "relative_name", otherwise the "default_path" will be used

setup_logging!(input::Dict, output_path::String="OUTPUT_PATH"; log::Bool=true)

Helper function which sets up log level, log files, etc... Assumes that setup_paths! has already been run on input


  • input::Dict: The input file we are modifying. This assumes that the input already has a "GLOBAL" key with value Dict{String, Any}("INPUT_PATH"=>"/path/to/input"), where"INPUT_PATH"` is the path to the input file
  • output_path::String: The "path_name" of the output directory where log files should be written. See default_paths for more details

See also setup_global!

setup_paths!(input::Dict, paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}})

Helper function which sets up paths, expanding relative paths and ensuring all interim directories exist


  • input::Dict: The input file we are modifying. This assumes that the input already has a "GLOBAL" key with value Dict{String, Any}("INPUT_PATH"=>"/path/to/input"), where"INPUT_PATH"is the path to theinput` file
  • paths::OrderedDict{String, Tuple{String, String}}: Paths to expand. paths will be merged with the following default_paths, with paths taking preference. See default_paths for a the syntax of paths

See also setup_global!

IO Functions

Public Objects


Abstract type for input extensions. Extended by TOMLExt, JSONExt, and YAMLExt. Extend to add functionality for other input types. Names are assumed to be of the form EXTENSIONExt for .extension, i.e the extension in uppercase followed by Ext.

load_input(raw_input::String, ext::JSONExt)

Read .json file in to Dict


  • raw_input::String: Raw input to load
  • ext::JSONExt: Extension specifier
load_input(raw_input::String, ext::TOMLExt)

Read raw .toml file in to Dict


  • raw_input::AbstractString: Raw input to load
  • ext::TOMLExt: Extension specifier
load_input(raw_input::String, ext::YAMLExt)

Read .yaml file in to Dict


  • raw_input::String: Raw input to load
  • ext::YAMLExt: Extension specifier
load_input(input_path::AbstractString, ext::JSONExt)

Read .json file in to Dict


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input path to load
  • ext::JSONExt: Extension specifier
load_input(input_path::AbstractString, ext::TOMLExt)

Read .toml file in to Dict


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input path to load
  • ext::TOMLExt: Extension specifier
load_input(input_path::AbstractString, ext::YAMLExt)

Read .yaml file in to Dict


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input path to load
  • ext::YAMLExt: Extension specifier
load_input(input_path::AbstractString, ext::String)

Convert ext to InputExt, then attempt to load input into a dictionary


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input path to load
  • ext::String: Extension string

Automatically detect extension and attempt to load input into a dictionary


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input path to load
preprocess_input(input_path::AbstractString, ext::InputExt)

Preprocess the input path before running setup.


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input file to preprocess
  • ext::InputExt: Extension type of input file

Preprocessing includes adding metadata comments at the top-level, including other files, inserting environmental variables, propegating default values, interpolating values, and ensuring all variables are upper-case.

preprocess_input(input_path::AbstractString, ext::String)

Specify the extension type of input_path manually, then preprocess the ipnut.


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input file to preprocess
  • ext::String: Manually selected extension. Must be part of exts

If the extension of input_path is not defined by BetterInputFiles, but acts like a defined extension, you can specify which extension to use via this function, which will then run preprocess_input(::AbstractString, ::String)


Automatically detect extension type of input_path, then preprocess the input.


  • input_path::AbstractString: Input file to preprocess

Will error if the extension of input_path is not part of exts. If you wish to manually specify the extension, use [preprocess_input(::AbstractString, ::String)](@ref). After the extension is found, will run [preprocess_input(::AbstractString, ::String)](@ref)

save_input(input::Dict, output_file::AbstractString, ext::JSONExt)

Save input to output_file, as a .json file


  • input::Dict: Input to save
  • output_file::AbstractString: Path to save
  • ext::JSONExt: Extension specifier
save_input(input::Dict, output_file::AbstractString, ext::TOMLExt)

Save input to output_file, as a .toml file


  • input::Dict: Input to save
  • output_file::AbstractString: Path to save
  • ext::TOMLExt: Extension specifier
save_input(input::Dict, output_file::AbstractString, ext::YAMLExt)

Save input to output_file, as a .yaml file


  • input::Dict: Input to save
  • output_file::AbstractString: Path to save
  • ext::YAMLExt: Extension specifier
save_input(input::Dict, log_path::String, input_path::AbstractString, ext::InputExt)

Save input to the same directory that logging is being saved.


  • input::Dict: Input to save
  • log_path::String: Directory to save input to
  • input_path::AbstractString: Original path of input
  • ext::InputExt: Extension specifier

Private Objects

add_metadata(raw::String, ext::TOMLExt, input_path::AbstractString)

Add metadata comment to top-level of .toml file


  • raw::String: Raw text of input file
  • ext::TOMLExt: Extension of input file
  • input_path::AbstractString: Path to input file

Adds a new "METADATA" key, containing the date of creation and input_path

add_metadata(raw::String, ext::YAMLExt, input_path::AbstractString)

Add metadata comment to top-level of .yaml file


  • raw::String: Raw text of input file
  • ext::YAMLExt: Extension of input file
  • input_path::AbstractString: Path to input file

Adds a new "METADATA" key, containing the date of creation and input_path

add_metadata(raw::String, ext::JSONExt, input_path::AbstractString)

Add metadata comment to top-level of .json file


  • raw::String: Raw text of input file
  • ext::JSONExt: Extension of input file
  • input_path::AbstractString: Path to input file

Adds a new "METADATA" key, containing the date of creation and input_path


Convert from the InputExt type to the '.extension' file extension.


  • ext::InputExt: The InputExt subtype to convert into a file extension
process_includes(raw::String, input_path::AbstractString)

Copy include files specified via <include path/to/include.file> into raw


  • raw::String: Raw file to provess
  • input_path::AbstractString: Path to input file