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Every motivation starts with an example. In this page, we cover the following tasks:

  1. Defining traits
  2. Assigning data types with traits
  3. Specifying an interface for traits
  4. Checking if a data type fully implements all contracts from its traits
  5. Applying Holy Traits pattern

Example: tickling a duck and a dog

Suppose that we are modeling the ability of animals. So we can define traits as follows:

using BinaryTraits
abstract type Ability end
@trait Swim as Ability
@trait Fly as Ability

Consider the following animal types. We can assign them traits quite easily:

using BinaryTraits.Prefix: Can, Cannot       # use custom trait prefixes

struct Dog end
struct Duck end
@assign Dog with Can{Swim}
@assign Duck with Can{Swim},Can{Fly}

Next, how do you dispatch by traits? Just follow the Holy Trait pattern:

tickle(x::T) where T = tickle(trait(Fly, T), trait(Swim, T), x)
tickle(::Can{Fly}, ::Can{Swim}, x) = "Flying high and diving deep"
tickle(::Can{Fly}, ::Cannot{Swim}, x) = "Flying away"
tickle(::BinaryTrait{Fly}, ::BinaryTrait{Swim}, x) = "Stuck laughing"


julia> tickle(Dog())
"Stuck laughing"

julia> tickle(Duck())
"Flying high and diving deep"

Working with interfaces

What if we want to enforce an interface? e.g. animals that can fly must implement a fly method. We can define that interface as follows:

@implement Can{Fly} by fly(_, direction::Float64, altitude::Float64)

The underscore character is used to indicate how an object should be passed to the fly function.

Then, to make sure that our implementation is correct, we can use the @check macro as shown below:

julia> @check(Duck)
โ”Œ Warning: Missing implementation
โ”‚   contract = BinaryTrait{Fly}: Positive{Fly} โ‡ข fly(๐Ÿ”น, ::Float64, ::Float64)::Any
โ”” @ BinaryTraits ~/.julia/dev/BinaryTraits.jl/src/interface.jl:59
โŒ Duck is missing these implementations:
1. BinaryTrait{Fly}: Positive{Fly} โ‡ข fly(๐Ÿ”น, ::Float64, ::Float64)::Any

Now, let's implement the method and check again:

julia> fly(duck::Duck, direction::Float64, altitude::Float64) = "Having fun!"

julia> @check(Duck)
โœ… Duck has implemented:
1. BinaryTrait{Fly}: Positive{Fly} โ‡ข fly(๐Ÿ”น, ::Float64, ::Float64)::Any

Applying Holy Traits Pattern

If we would just implement interface contracts directly on concrete types then it can be too specific for what it is worth. If we have 100 flying animals, we shouldn't need to define 100 interface methods for the 100 concrete types.

That's how Holy Traits pattern kicks in. The traditional Holy Traits pattern requires a dispatch function and implementation function as shown below:

fly(x::T, direction::Float64, altitude::Float64) where T = fly(trait(Fly, T), x, direction, altitude)
fly(::Can{Fly}, x, direction::Float64, altitude::Float64) = "Having fun!"
fly(::Cannot{Fly}, x, direction::Float64, altitude::Float64) = "Too bad..."

BinaryTraits gives you a better syntax with the @traitfn macro that allows you to write the same thing as follows:

@traitfn fly(x::Can{Fly}, direction::Float64, altitude::Float64) = "Having fun!"
@traitfn fly(x::Cannot{Fly}, direction::Float64, altitude::Float64) = "Too bad..."

There is no need to write the dispatch function anymore, and the functions that require trait arguments just need to specify the positive/negative trait type directly. The macro just automates the work for you.