


An abstract type for binomial synaptic models. A binomial model always has the following parameters:

  • N: number of release sites
  • p: probability of release
  • q: quantum of release
  • σ: observation noise
  • τ: refilling time constant
    Nind, pind, qind, σind, τind,
    Nrng, prng, qrng, σrng, τrng,
    N,    p,    q,    σ,    τ

A binomial model ensemble whose parameters are constrained to live on a grid defined by Nrng, prng, etc.

    Nind, pind, qind, σind, τind,
    Nrng, prng, qrng, σrng, τrng

Construct a binomial model ensemble with parameters on a grid, e.g. Nrng, based on choosing indices, e.g. Nind.

BinomialGridModel(m_out, my_Nrng, my_prng, my_qrng, my_σrng, my_τrng, device = :gpu)

Randomly initialize a binomial model ensemble with parameters uniformly sampled from the specified grid (on the GPU).

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for BinomialModel(Nmax::Integer, m_out::Integer, device::Symbol = :gpu). Check Documenter's build log for details.

BinomialModel(m_out, my_Nrng, my_prng, my_qrng, my_σrng, my_τrng)

Randomly initialize a binomial model ensemble on a grid, but throw away the grid info and just keep the parameters.

ScalarBinomialModel(Nmax, device = :cpu)

Randomly initialize a model ensemble of size 1, which corresponds to a scalar model (used for the hidden state).

ScalarBinomialModel(N, p, q, σ, τ, device = :cpu)

Initialize a scalar binomial model with the given parameters.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for BinomialState(Nmax::Integer, m_out::Integer, m_in::Integer, device::Symbol = :gpu). Check Documenter's build log for details.

ScalarBinomialState(Nmax, device = :cpu)

Randomly initialize a state ensemble of size 1, which corresponds to a scalar model (used for the hidden state).

ScalarBinomialState(n, k, device = :cpu)

Initialize a scalar state with the specified values of the variables.

propagate!(state, model, dt)

Propagate state forward according to the model, given a time step dt.

emit(state, model, timestep)

Return a BinomialObservation based on the current state and model, after a speficied time step timestep.

emit(sim, dt)

Emit an EPSP after time step dt.

Time steps


An abstract type specifying the way a time step is chosen. The following basic types are supported:

  • FixedTimestep: a constant, fixed number is used
  • RandomTimestep: the time step is random from a fixed distribution
  • OEDPolicy: an optimal time step is chosen based on some objective function

Choose a random time step from distribution dist. There must be an implementation of rand for typeof(dist).

Particle Filter

NestedParticleState(state, model)

Construct a particle system (ensemble) consisting of a state ensemble (inner and outer particles) and a model ensemble (outer particles).

    m_out, m_in, 
    my_Nrng, my_prng, my_qrng, my_σrng, my_τrng, 
    device = :gpu

Construct a randomly initialized particle system with a given number of outer (m_out) and inner (m_in) particles and specified grids for the parameters.

update!(filterstate, obs, filter)

Update the particle filter state based on a given observation and filter.

jitter!(model::BinomialGridModel, width)

Apply jitter with parameter width to the indices of a binomial model on a grid.

likelihood(state, model::AbstractBinomialModel, obs)

Return the likelihood of an observation conditioned on the current state and model. This broadcasts properly over state and model ensemble, if they have compatible sizes.

likelihood_resample!(state, model::AbstractBinomialModel, obs)

Return the likelihood of an observation conditioned on the current state and model ensemble and at the same time resample the state ensemble (inner particles).

outer_resample!(state, model, u)

Resample the outer particles of the state and model ensemble based on their likelihoods u.


Return index table and total likelihoods from likelihood table v. This function modifies v; after execution, v will be the cumulative sum of the original v along the last dimension.

resample!(state, idx)
resample!(model, idx)

Resample the outer particles of state or model ensembles based on index table idx.


OEDPolicy <: Timestep

An abstract type for choosing time steps based on optimizing a given cost function. This is provided in order to do active inference.


Randomly sample from a discrete set of time steps dts. This is equivalent to, but more convenient to use than RandomTimestep(dist) with dist a uniform distribution on dts.

MyopicPolicy <: OEDPolicy

A myopic OEDPolicy, i.e. one in which only the effect of the next time step on the parameter estimation, e.g. the entropy of a parameter, is taken into account.

Myopic(dts, target)

A parallel implementation of a myopic policy with candidate time steps dts and optimization target target, in which multiple copies of the particles are propagated in parallel.

Implemented settings of target: choose time step such that it

  • _entropy: minimizes the joint entropy of the posterior distribution over parameters
  • _tauentropy: minimizes the marginal entropy of τ
MyopicFast(dts, target)

MyopicFastis the same asMyopic, except that instead of expanding states and parameters along another dimension, and propagating each parameter with each dt,dts` are randomly assigned to members of the parameter ensemble.

Implemented settings of target: choose time step such that it

  • _entropy: minimizes the joint entropy of the posterior distribution over parameters
  • _tauentropy: minimizes the marginal entropy of τ


NestedFilterSimulation(hmodel, filter, hstate, fstate, tsteps, times, epsps)

This object stores static (hmodel, filter, tsteps) and dynamic (hstate, fstate, tsteps, times, epsps) information about the simulation.


Propagate the simulation, i.e. choose a time step and then propagate the simulation by it.!Function
    plot_each_timestep = false, 
    recording = NoRecording

Run a simulation for T time steps. Set plot_each_timestep = true to get a live update of the simulation (this will reduce performance) and set recording to collect data while running the simulation (see Recording).

Recording(f1, f2, data)

A recording, which is stored in data. The function f1 is something that is computed at each time step, whereas f2 is an operation that is applied after the simulation is finished.