
Gyromagnetic ratio for ¹H with units Hz/G.


Gyromagnetic ratio for ¹H with units rad/s/G.


Abstract type for representing radiofrequency (RF) pulses.

BlochDynamicsMatrix(R1, R2, Δω)

Create a mutable BlochDynamicsMatrix object.


  • R1::Real: Spin-lattice relaxation rate
  • R2::Real: Spin-spin relaxation rate
  • Δω::Real: Off-resonance frequency
BlochMatrix(a11, a21, a31, a12, a22, a32, a13, a23, a33)

Create a mutable BlochMatrix object representing a fixed-size 3×3 matrix.


  • aij::Real: Matrix entry (i,j) ∈ {1, 2, 3}²
BlochMcConnellDynamicsMatrix(A, E)

Create a BlochMcConnellDynamicsMatrix object with N compartments.


  • A::NTuple{N,BlochDynamicsMatrix{<:Real}}: List of BlochDynamicsMatrixes that make up the main block diagonal of the BlochMcConnellDynamicsMatrix
  • E::NTuple{M,ExchangeDynamicsMatrix{<:Real}}: List of ExchangeDynamicsMatrixes that describe exchange between the different compartments; these matrices make up the remaining M = N^2 - N blocks of the BlochMcConnellDynamicsMatrix, sorted by column-major ordering

Create a BlochMcConnellMatrix object with N compartments and representing a fixed-size 3N×3N matrix.


  • A::NTuple{N,NTuple{N,BlochMatrix{<:Real}}}: List of 3×3 matrices that comprise the blocks of the BlochMcConnellMatrix; A[i][j] is the (i,j)th block


julia> B = BlochMcConnellMatrix(3)
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0

julia> fill!(B, 0.5)

julia> B
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
 0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5

Create a mutable ExchangeDynamicsMatrix object.


  • r::Real: Exchange rate from one compartment to another

Create an ExcitationMatrix object. Multiplying by a MagnetizationMC object has the effect of multiplying each component of the multi-compartment magnetization by the ExcitationMatrix.


  • A::BlochMatrix{<:Real}: Matrix used to describe the excitation


julia> E = ExcitationMatrix(BlochMatrix(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
 0  1  0
 1  0  0
 0  0  1

julia> M = MagnetizationMC((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6))
2-compartment Magnetization vector with eltype Int64:
 Compartment 1:
  Mx = 1
  My = 2
  Mz = 3
 Compartment 2:
  Mx = 4
  My = 5
  Mz = 6

julia> E * M
2-compartment Magnetization vector with eltype Int64:
 Compartment 1:
  Mx = 2
  My = 1
  Mz = 3
 Compartment 2:
  Mx = 5
  My = 4
  Mz = 6
FreePrecessionMatrix(E1, E2, θ)

Create a mutable FreePrecessionMatrix object encoding the effects of relaxation and off-resonance precession.


  • E1::Real: T1 relaxation
  • E2::Real: T2 relaxation
  • θ::Real: Angle of off-resonance precession (rad)


julia> T1 = 1000; T2 = 100; Δω = π/600; t = 100;

julia> F = FreePrecessionMatrix(exp(-t / T1), exp(-t / T2) * cos(Δω * t), exp(-t / T2) * sin(Δω * t))
 E1 = 0.9048374180359595
 E2 = 0.31859294158449203
 θ = 0.18393972058572114 rad

julia> Matrix(F)
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
  0.313219  0.058272  0.0
 -0.058272  0.313219  0.0
  0.0       0.0       0.904837
Gradient(x, y, z)

Create a Gradient object representing x, y, and z B0 gradients. Units are G/cm.


  • x::Real: x gradient
  • y::Real: y gradient
  • z::Real: z gradient
GradientSpoiling(grad, Tg) <: AbstractSpoiling
GradientSpoiling(gx, gy, gz, Tg)

Represents gradient spoiling, e.g., applying a gradient grad = Gradient(gx, gy, gz) for time Tg (ms). grad can be a Gradient (or gx, gy, and gz can be scalars), representing a constant gradient, or grad can be a collection of Gradients (or gx, gy, and gz can be collections of values), representing a gradient waveform with a constant time step.

IdealSpoiling() <: AbstractSpoiling

Represents ideal spoiling, i.e., setting the transverse (x and y) components of a spin's magnetization to 0.

idealspoiling = IdealSpoilingMatrix()

Matrix representing ideal spoiling. Multiplying by a Magnetization or MagnetizationMC has the effect of setting the x and y components to 0.


julia> idealspoiling * MagnetizationMC((1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2))
2-compartment Magnetization vector with eltype Int64:
 Compartment 1:
  Mx = 0
  My = 0
  Mz = 1
 Compartment 2:
  Mx = 0
  My = 0
  Mz = 2
InstantaneousRF(α, θ = 0) <: AbstractRF

Represents an idealized instantaneous RF pulse with flip angle α and phase θ.

mese! = MESEBlochSim(TR, TE, nechoes, [rfex, rfref, rephaser, crusher, spoiling])
mese!(spin, [workspace])

Simulate a multi-echo spin echo (MESE) scan on spin, overwriting the spin's magnetization vector. Returns a Vector with the magnetization vectors at each echo.


  • TR::Real: Repetition time (ms)
  • TE::Real: First echo time, and echo spacing (ms); the first echo time is measured from the middle of the excitation pulse
  • nechoes::Integer: Number of echoes to readout
  • rfex::AbstractRF = InstantaneousRF(π/2): Excitation RF pulse
  • rfref::AbstractRF = InstantaneousRF(π, -π/2): Refocussing RF pulse
  • rephaser::Union{<:GradientSpoiling,Nothing} = nothing: Slice-select excitation rephasing gradient
  • crusher::Union{<:GradientSpoiling,Nothing} = nothing: Crusher gradient (placed on either side of each refocussing pulse)
  • spoiling::Union{IdealSpoiling,<:GradientSpoiling,Nothing} = IdealSpoiling(): Type of spoiling to apply

workspace isa MESEBlochSimWorkspace.

Magnetization(x, y, z)

Create a mutable Magnetization object representing a 3D magnetization vector.


  • x::Real: x component of magnetization vector
  • y::Real: y component of magnetization vector
  • z::Real: z component of magnetization vector


julia> M = Magnetization()
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 0.0
 My = 0.0
 Mz = 0.0

julia> M.x = 1; M.y = 2; M.z = 3; M
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 1.0
 My = 2.0
 Mz = 3.0
MagnetizationMC((x1, y1, z1), ...)

Create a MagnetizationMC object representing N 3D magnetization vectors in the same physical location.

One can access the ith component magnetization vector by indexing the MagnetizationMC object. Furthermore, iterating the MagnetizationMC object iterates through each of the component magnetization vectors.


  • M::NTuple{N,Magnetization{<:Real}}: List of component magnetization vectors


julia> M = MagnetizationMC((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6))
2-compartment Magnetization vector with eltype Int64:
 Compartment 1:
  Mx = 1
  My = 2
  Mz = 3
 Compartment 2:
  Mx = 4
  My = 5
  Mz = 6

julia> M[2]
Magnetization vector with eltype Int64:
 Mx = 4
 My = 5
 Mz = 6

julia> foreach(m -> (m.x = 0; m.y = 1; m.z = 2), M)

julia> M
2-compartment Magnetization vector with eltype Int64:
 Compartment 1:
  Mx = 0
  My = 1
  Mz = 2
 Compartment 2:
  Mx = 0
  My = 1
  Mz = 2
Position(x, y, z)

Create a mutable Position object representing a 3D location. Units are cm.


  • x::Real: x position
  • y::Real: y position
  • z::Real: z position
RF(waveform, Δt, [Δθ], [grad]) <: AbstractRF

Represents an RF pulse with the given (possibly complex-valued) waveform (G) and time step Δt (ms). Δθ is additional phase added to the waveform (defaults to 0), and grad is the B0 gradient that is turned on during the RF pulse (defaults to Gradient(0, 0, 0), i.e., turned off).


  • α::Vector{<:Real}: Instantaneous flip angles (rad) at each time point; computed from the magnitude of waveform
  • θ::Vector{<:Real}: Instantaneous phase (rad) at each time point; computed from the phase of waveform
  • Δt::Real: Time step (ms)
  • Δθ_initial::Real: Phase added to θ before any phase-cycling increment has been applied
  • Δθ::Ref{<:Real}: Phase to be added to θ; can be updated to simulate phase-cycling/RF spoiling
  • grad: Gradient applied during the RF pulse
    • ::Gradient: Constant gradient
    • ::Vector{<:Gradient}: Time-varying gradient
RFSpoiling(Δθ = 117°) <: AbstractSpoiling

Represents RF spoiling, i.e., quadratically incrementing the phase of the RF pulses from TR to TR.

spgr! = SPGRBlochSim(TR, TE, rf, [spoiling], [nTR], [save_transients])
spgr!(spin, [workspace])

Simulate a spoiled gradient-recalled echo (SPGR) scan on spin, overwriting the spin's magnetization vector. The resultant magnetization is stored in spin.M. If nTR > 0 and save_transients === true, then spgr!(...) returns a Vector with the magnetization vectors at the echo time for each of the nTR simulated TRs.


  • TR::Real: Repetition time (ms)
  • TE::Real: Echo time (ms)
  • rf:
    • ::Real: Excitation flip angle (rad) (assumes an instantaneous RF pulse)
    • ::AbstractRF: Excitation RF pulse
  • spoiling::AbstractSpoiling = IdealSpoiling(): Type of spoiling to apply
  • nTR::Val = Val(0): Number of TRs to simulate; Val(0) indicates to simulate a steady-state scan
  • save_transients::Val = Val(false): Whether or not to return the magnetization vectors at the TE for each of the nTR simulated TRs; does nothing if nTR == 0

workspace isa SPGRBlochSimWorkspace.

Spin([M], M0, T1, T2, Δf, [pos]) <: AbstractSpin

Create an object that represents a single spin.


  • M::Magnetization = Magnetization(0, 0, M0): Magnetization vector
  • M0::Real: Equilibrium magnetization
  • T1::Real: Spin-lattice recovery time constant (ms)
  • T2::Real: Spin-spin recovery time constant (ms)
  • Δf::Real: Off-resonance frequency (Hz)
  • pos::Position = Position(0, 0, 0): Spatial location (cm)
  • N::Int = 1: Number of compartments


julia> Spin(1, 1000, 100, 0, Position(1, 2, 3))
 M = Magnetization(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
 M0 = 1.0
 T1 = 1000.0 ms
 T2 = 100.0 ms
 Δf = 0.0 Hz
 pos = Position(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) cm

julia> Spin(Magnetization(1, 2, 3), 1, 1000, 100, 0)
 M = Magnetization(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
 M0 = 1.0
 T1 = 1000.0 ms
 T2 = 100.0 ms
 Δf = 0.0 Hz
 pos = Position(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) cm
SpinMC([M], M0, frac, T1, T2, Δf, τ, [pos]) <: AbstractSpin

Create an object that represents a single spin with multiple compartments.


  • M::MagnetizationMC = Meq: Magnetization vector
  • Meq::MagnetizationMC = MagnetizationMC((0, 0, frac[1] * M0), ...): Equilibrium magnetization vector
  • M0::Real: Equilibrium magnetization
  • frac::Tuple{<:Real}: Water fraction of each compartment
  • T1::Tuple{<:Real}: Spin-lattice recovery time constants (ms)
  • T2::Tuple{<:Real}: Spin-spin recovery time constants (ms)
  • Δf::Tuple{<:Real}: Off-resonance frequencies (Hz)
  • r::Tuple{Tuple{<:Real}}: Exchange rates (1/ms); r[i][j] is the exchange rate from compartment i to compartment j
  • pos::Position = Position(0, 0, 0): Spatial location (cm)
  • N::Int = length(frac): Number of compartments


The SpinMC constructor takes τ (inverse exchange rate, or residence time) as input, not r. Furthermore, τ is given as a Tuple with N^2 - N elements, arranged like (τ12, τ13, ..., τ1N, τ21, τ23, ..., τ2N, ...).


julia> SpinMC(1, (0.2, 0.8), (400, 1000), (20, 100), (15, 0), (100, 25))
 M = MagnetizationMC((0.0, 0.0, 0.2), (0.0, 0.0, 0.8))
 M0 = 1.0
 frac = (0.2, 0.8)
 T1 = (400.0, 1000.0) ms
 T2 = (20.0, 100.0) ms
 Δf = (15.0, 0.0) Hz
 r = ((0.0, 0.01), (0.04, 0.0)) 1/ms
 pos = Position(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) cm

Compute the sum of the absolute values of the elements of A.

add!(C, A, B)

Compute A + B, storing the result in C.

add!(A, B)

Compute A + B, storing the result in A.

applydynamics!(spin, BtoM, A, [B])

Apply dynamics to the given spin, overwriting the spin's magnetization vector. BtoM is used to store intermediate results (and is thus overwritten).


julia> s = Spin(1, 1000, 100, 3.75); s.M
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 0.0
 My = 0.0
 Mz = 1.0

julia> BtoM = Magnetization();

julia> (A,) = excite(s, InstantaneousRF(π/2)); applydynamics!(s, BtoM, A); s.M
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 1.0
 My = 0.0
 Mz = 6.123233995736766e-17

julia> (A, B) = freeprecess(s, 100); applydynamics!(s, BtoM, A, B); s.M
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = -0.2601300475114444
 My = -0.2601300475114445
 Mz = 0.09516258196404054
combine!(A, B, A1, B1, A2, B2)
combine!(A, A1, A2)

Combine the matrices and vectors that describe the dynamics of a spin into one matrix and one vector, overwriting A and B. The dynamics described by A1 and B1 apply first, then those described by A2 and B2. In other words, A = A2 * A1 and B = A2 * B1 + B2.


julia> s = Spin(1, 1000, 100, 3.75);

julia> A = BlochMatrix(); B = Magnetization();

julia> (A1, B1) = excite(s, InstantaneousRF(π/2));

julia> (A2, B2) = freeprecess(s, 100);

julia> combine!(A, B, A1, B1, A2, B2); A * s.M + B
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = -0.2601300475114444
 My = -0.2601300475114445
 Mz = 0.09516258196404054
div!(A, a)

Compute A / a, storing the result in A.

excite(spin, rf::InstantaneousRF, [nothing])
excite(spin, rf::RF, [workspace])

Simulate excitation for the given spin. Returns (A, B) such that A * M + B applies excitation to the magnetization M. If isnothing(B) (as is the case for InstantaneousRFs), then A * M applies excitation to M.

For RF objects, workspace isa ExcitationWorkspace. For SpinMC objects, use workspace = ExcitationWorkspace(spin, nothing) to use an approximate matrix exponential to solve the Bloch-McConnell equation.

For an in-place version, see excite!.


julia> s = Spin(1, 1000, 100, 3.75); s.M
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 0.0
 My = 0.0
 Mz = 1.0

julia> (A,) = excite(s, InstantaneousRF(π/2, π/4)); A * s.M
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 0.7071067811865476
 My = -0.7071067811865475
 Mz = 6.123233995736766e-17
excite!(spin, ...)

Apply excitation to the given spin, overwriting the spin's magnetization vector.

excite!(A, [nothing], spin, rf::InstantaneousRF, [nothing])
excite!(A, B, spin, rf::RF, [workspace])

Simulate excitation, overwriting A and B (in-place version of excite).

expm!(expA, A, [workspace])

Compute the matrix exponential of A, storing it in expA.

workspace isa MatrixExponentialWorkspace.

freeprecess(spin, t, [nothing])
freeprecess(spinmc, t, [workspace])
freeprecess(spin, t, grad, [nothing])
freeprecess(spinmc, t, grad, [workspace])

Simulate free-precession for the given spin for time t ms, optionally in the presence of a B0 gradient. Returns (A, B) such that A * M + B applies free-precession to the magnetization M.

For SpinMC objects, workspace isa BlochMcConnellWorkspace. Pass in nothing instead to use an approximate matrix exponential to solve the Bloch-McConnell equation.

For an in-place version, see freeprecess!.


julia> s = Spin(Magnetization(1, 0, 0), 1, 1000, 100, 3.75)
 M = Magnetization(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 M0 = 1.0
 T1 = 1000.0 ms
 T2 = 100.0 ms
 Δf = 3.75 Hz
 pos = Position(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) cm

julia> (A, B) = freeprecess(s, 100); A * s.M + B
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = -0.2601300475114444
 My = -0.2601300475114445
 Mz = 0.09516258196404048

julia> s = Spin(Magnetization(1, 0, 0), 1, 1000, 100, 0, Position(0, 0, 3.75))
 M = Magnetization(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 M0 = 1.0
 T1 = 1000.0 ms
 T2 = 100.0 ms
 Δf = 0.0 Hz
 pos = Position(0.0, 0.0, 3.75) cm

julia> (A, B) = freeprecess(s, 100, Gradient(0, 0, 1/GAMBAR)); A * s.M + B
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = -0.2601300475114444
 My = -0.2601300475114445
 Mz = 0.09516258196404048
freeprecess!(A, B, t, M0, T1, T2, Δf)
freeprecess!(A, B, spin, t, [nothing])
freeprecess!(A, B, spinmc, t, [workspace])
freeprecess!(A, B, spin, t, grad, [nothing])
freeprecess!(A, B, spinmc, t, grad, [workspace])

Simulate free-precession, overwriting A and B (in-place version of freeprecess).

freeprecess!(spin, ...)

Apply free-precession to the given spin, overwriting the spin's magnetization vector.

freeprecess(t, M0, T1, T2, Δf)

Simulate free-precession, i.e., relaxation and off-resonance precession. Returns (A, B) such that A * M + B applies free-precession to the magnetization M.

For an in-place version, see freeprecess!.


  • t::Real: Duration of free-precession (ms)
  • M0::Real: Equilibrium magnetization
  • T1::Real: Spin-lattice recovery time constant (ms)
  • T2::Real: Spin-spin recovery time constant (ms)
  • Δf::Real: Off-resonance frequency (Hz)


julia> (A, B) = freeprecess(100, 1, 1000, 100, 3.75); A * Magnetization(1, 0, 0) + B
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = -0.2601300475114444
 My = -0.2601300475114445
 Mz = 0.09516258196404048
gradient_frequency(grad, pos)

Compute the off-resonance frequency in Hz induced by the given B0 gradient grad at position pos.

muladd!(C, A, B)

Compute A * B + C, storing the result in C.

rotatetheta(α::Real = π/2, θ::Real = 0)

Return a 3 × 3 BlochMatrix for (left-handed) flip angle α about an axis in the x-y plane that makes (left-handed) angle θ with the negative y-axis.

For an in-place version, see rotatetheta!.


julia> BlochSim.rotatetheta() * Magnetization(0, 0, 1) # Rotate towards positive x-axis
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 1.0
 My = 0.0
 Mz = 6.123233995736766e-17

julia> BlochSim.rotatetheta(π/2, π/2) * Magnetization(0, 0, 1) # Rotate towards negative y-axis
Magnetization vector with eltype Float64:
 Mx = 6.123233995736766e-17
 My = -1.0
 Mz = 6.123233995736766e-17
rotatetheta!(A, α, θ)

Simulate left-handed rotation by angle α about an axis in the x-y plane that makes left-handed angle θ with the negative y-axis, overwriting A.

This function is an in-place version of rotatetheta.


Return the signal detected from the given spin or magnetization vector.


julia> signal(Spin(Magnetization(1, 2, 3), 1, 1000, 100, 0))
1.0 + 2.0im

julia> signal(MagnetizationMC((1, 2, 3), (1, 1, 1)))
2 + 3im
spoil(spin, spoiling, [nothing])
spoil(spinmc, spoiling, [workspace])

Simulate gradient or ideal spoiling for the given spin. Returns (A, B), such that A * M + B applies spoiling to the magnetization M. If B is nothing (as is the case for IdealSpoiling), then A * M applies spoiling, and if both A and B are nothing (as is the case for RFSpoiling) then there is no spoiling.

For SpinMC objects and for GradientSpoiling and RFandGradientSpoiling, workspace isa BlochMcConnellWorkspace. Pass in nothing instead to use an approximate matrix exponential to solve the Bloch-McConnell equation.


This function only simulates gradient or ideal spoiling, not RF spoiling. RF spoiling must be implemented by updating the phase of the RF pulse(s) in your sequence from TR to TR.

For an in-place version, see spoil!. ```

spoil!(A, B, spin, spoiling, [nothing])
spoil!(A, B, spinmc, spoiling, [workspace])

Simulate gradient or ideal spoiling, overwriting A and B (in-place version of spoil).


Apply ideal spoiling to the given spin.