struct CFETEvolution
    CFETEvolution(reg::AbstractRegister, clocks, h, algo; kw...)

Create a CFETEvolution object that describes a time evolution using commutation-free Magnus method with s exponentials. (eq.58-61)


  • reg: a register, should be a subtype of AbstractRegister.
  • clocks: the clocks of this time evolution at each step.
  • h: a hamiltonian expression.
  • algo: the algorithm (different orders to use), should be a subtype of CFETTables. default is CFET4_2

Keyword Arguments

  • progress: show progress bar, default is false.
  • progress_name: progress bar name, default is "emulating".
  • normalize_step: normalize the state every normalize_step.
  • normalize_finally: wether normalize the state in the end of evolution, default is true.
  • tol: tolerance of the exponential time propogator evaluation method, default is 1e-7
  • expmv_backend: the backend for evaluate exponential time propogator, default is expmv! (other option: expm_multiply!).


The following is the simplest way of using CFETEvolution via emulate!. For more advanced usage, please refer to documentation page Emulation.

julia> using Bloqade

julia> r = zero_state(5)
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
    active qudits: 5/5
    nlevel: 2

julia> atoms = [(i, ) for i in 1:5]
5-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

julia> h = rydberg_h(atoms; Ω=sin)
nqubits: 5
├─ [+] ∑ 5.42e6/|x_i-x_j|^6 n_i n_j
└─ [+] Ω(t) ⋅ ∑ σ^x_i

julia> prob = CFETEvolution(r, 0.0:1e-2:0.1, h, CFET4_2());

julia> emulate!(prob); # run the emulation
CFETEvolution(reg, start_clock, durations, hamiltonian, options)

Create a CFETEvolution object.


  • reg: a register object.
  • start_clock: start clock of the evolution.
  • durations: list of durations at each time step.
  • hamiltonian: low-level hamiltonian object of type Hamiltonian.
  • options: options of the evolution in type KrylovOptions.
struct KrylovEvolution
KrylovEvolution(reg::AbstractRegister, clocks, h; kw...)

Create a KrylovEvolution object that describes a time evolution using Krylov subspace methods.


  • reg: a register, should be a subtype of AbstractRegister.
  • clocks: the clocks of this time evolution at each step.
  • h: a hamiltonian expression.

Keyword Arguments

  • progress: show progress bar, default is false.
  • progress_name: progress bar name, default is "emulating".
  • normalize_step: normalize the state every normalize_step.
  • normalize_finally: wether normalize the state in the end of evolution, default is true.
  • tol: tolerance of the Krylov method, default is 1e-7


The following is the simplest way of using KrylovEvolution via emulate!. For more advanced usage, please refer to documentation page Emulation.

julia> using Bloqade

julia> r = zero_state(5)
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
    active qudits: 5/5
    nlevel: 2

julia> atoms = [(i, ) for i in 1:5]
5-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

julia> h = rydberg_h(atoms; Ω=sin)
nqubits: 5
├─ [+] ∑ 5.42e6/|x_i-x_j|^6 n_i n_j
└─ [+] Ω(t) ⋅ ∑ σ^x_i

julia> prob = KrylovEvolution(r, 0.0:1e-2:0.1, h);

julia> emulate!(prob); # run the emulation
KrylovEvolution(reg, start_clock, durations, hamiltonian, options)

Create a KrylovEvolution object.


  • reg: a register object.
  • start_clock: start clock of the evolution.
  • durations: list of durations at each time step.
  • hamiltonian: low-level hamiltonian object of type Hamiltonian.
  • options: options of the evolution in type KrylovOptions.
struct Magnus4Evolution
Magnus4Evolution(reg::AbstractRegister, clocks, h; kw...)

Create a Magnus4Evolution object that describes a time evolution using Magnus method with 4th order.


  • reg: a register, should be a subtype of AbstractRegister.
  • clocks: the clocks of this time evolution at each step.
  • h: a hamiltonian expression.

Keyword Arguments

  • progress: show progress bar, default is false.
  • progress_name: progress bar name, default is "emulating".
  • normalize_step: normalize the state every normalize_step.
  • normalize_finally: wether normalize the state in the end of evolution, default is true.
  • tol: tolerance of the Krylov-expmv evaluation method, default is 1e-7


The following is the simplest way of using Magnus4Evolution via emulate!. For more advanced usage, please refer to documentation page Emulation.

julia> using Bloqade

julia> r = zero_state(5)
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
    active qudits: 5/5
    nlevel: 2

julia> atoms = [(i, ) for i in 1:5]
5-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

julia> h = rydberg_h(atoms; Ω=sin)
nqubits: 5
├─ [+] ∑ 5.42e6/|x_i-x_j|^6 n_i n_j
└─ [+] Ω(t) ⋅ ∑ σ^x_i

julia> prob = Magnus4Evolution(r, 0.0:1e-2:0.1, h);

julia> emulate!(prob); # run the emulation
Magnus4Evolution(reg, start_clock, durations, hamiltonian, options)

Create a Magnus4Evolution object.


  • reg: a register object.
  • start_clock: start clock of the evolution.
  • durations: list of durations at each time step.
  • hamiltonian: low-level hamiltonian object of type Hamiltonian.
  • options: options of the evolution in type KrylovOptions.
                     mu::Real, #shift parameter
                    ) where {T}
Calculate matrix exponential acting on some vector, ``w = e^{tA}v``,
using the Krylov subspace approximation.

[Note] As is a sugeried matrix, i.e. As= A - mu*I
Compute a lower bound of the 1-norm of a sparse matrix, [implementation]

A : AbstractMatrix
    A linear operator that can produce matrix products, must be square matrix with (nxn)
AT : AbstractMatrix
    The transpose of A.
p : int, optional (default =1)
    The power of A
t : int, optional
    A positive parameter controlling the tradeoff between
    accuracy versus time and memory usage.
itmax : int, optional
    Use at most this many iterations.

est : float
    An underestimate of the 1-norm of the sparse matrix.

nmults : int, optional
    The number of matrix products that were computed.
nresamples : int, optional
    The number of times a parallel column was observed,
    necessitating a re-randomization of the column.

[Note] This is algorithm 2.4.
From Higham and Tisseur:
"Everything in this section remains valid for complex matrices
provided that sign(A) is redefined as the matrix (aij / |aij|)
(and sign(0) = 1) transposes are replaced by conjugate transposes."
expmv(t, A, vec; [tol], [m], [norm], [anorm])

Calculate matrix exponential acting on some vector, $w = e^{tA}v$, using the Krylov subspace approximation. See R.B. Sidje, ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 24(1):130-156, 1998 and

Compute a lower bound of the 1-norm of a matrix to a power of p

A : ndarray or other linear operator
    A linear operator that can be transposed and that can
    produce matrix products.
p : power of A, optional (default =1)
t : int, optional
    A positive parameter controlling the tradeoff between
    accuracy versus time and memory usage.
    Larger values take longer and use more memory
    but give more accurate output.
itmax : int, optional
    Use at most this many iterations.

est : float
    An underestimate of the 1-norm of the sparse matrix.

This is algorithm 2.4 of [1].

In [2] it is described as follows.
"This algorithm typically requires the evaluation of
about 4t matrix-vector products and almost invariably
produces a norm estimate (which is, in fact, a lower
bound on the norm) correct to within a factor 3."

.. versionadded:: 0.13.0

.. [1] Nicholas J. Higham and Francoise Tisseur (2000),
       "A Block Algorithm for Matrix 1-Norm Estimation,
       with an Application to 1-Norm Pseudospectra."
       SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 1185-1201.

.. [2] Awad H. Al-Mohy and Nicholas J. Higham (2009),
       "A new scaling and squaring algorithm for the matrix exponential."
       SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 970-989.