

Abstract type representing a generic device which tasks (local or managed) may be run on.

AwsDevice <: Device

Struct representing an AWS managed device, either simulator or QPU.


An abstract type representing one of the devices available on Amazon Braket, which will automatically generate its ARN when passed to the appropriate function.


julia> d = Braket.SV1();

julia> arn(d)
isavailable(d::AwsDevice) -> Bool

Is device d currently available to run tasks on.

search_devices(; kwargs...) -> Vector{Dict{String, Any}}

Search all AWS managed devices and filter the results using kwargs.

Valid kwargs are:

  • arns::Vector{String}: ARNs of devices to search for.
  • names::Vector{String}: Names of devices to search for.
  • types::Vector{String}: Types of devices (e.g. QPU or simulator) to search for.
  • statuses::Vector{String}: Statuses of devices (e.g. "ONLINE" or "OFFLINE") to search for.
  • provider_names::Vector{String}: Providers of devices to search for.
get_devices(; kwargs...) -> Vector{AwsDevice}

Return all AWS Devices satisfying the filters in kwargs. The devices have their properties populated and a region-appropriate AWSConfig attached.

Valid kwargs are:

  • arns::Vector{String}: ARNs of devices to search for.
  • names::Vector{String}: Names of devices to search for.
  • types::Vector{String}: Types of devices (e.g. QPU or simulator) to search for.
  • statuses::Vector{String}: Statuses of devices (e.g. "ONLINE" or "OFFLINE") to search for.
  • provider_names::Vector{String}: Providers of devices to search for.
  • order_by::String: property used to sort the devices. Default is "name".