API Documentation


The BrazilCentralBank package aims to provide a user interface to Brazil's Central Bank (BCB) web data API.

AUTHOR: azeredo-e@github
GITHUB: github.com/azeredo-e/BCB.jl
VERSION: 0.1.0

get_currency_list(;convert_to_utf=true) -> DataFrame

List all avaliables currencies in the BCB API, as well as basic information such as currency code, country of origin, etc.


converttoutf (Bool, optional): By default BCB information comes in the ISO-8859-1 encoding, different from the UTF-8 pattern used by Julia. This argument forces the API result to come in UTF-8, preventing encoding errors. Defaults to true.


DataFrames.DataFrame: DataFrame with all avaliable currencies information.


julia> getcurrency_list()
273×7 DataFrame
 Row │ code   name                          symbol  country_code  country_name ⋯
     │ Int32  String                        String  Int32         String       ⋯
   1 │     5  AFEGANE AFEGANIST             AFN              132  AFEGANISTAO  ⋯
   2 │   785  RANDE/AFRICA SUL              ZAR             7560  AFRICA DO SU
   3 │   490  LEK ALBANIA REP               ALL              175  ALBANIA, REP
   4 │   610  MARCO ALEMAO                  DEM              230  ALEMANHA
   5 │   978  EURO                          EUR              230  ALEMANHA     ⋯
   6 │   690  PESETA/ANDORA                 ADP              370  ANDORRA
   7 │   635  KWANZA/ANGOLA                 AOA              400  ANGOLA
   8 │   215  DOLAR CARIBE ORIENTAL         XCD              418  ANGUILLA
  ⋮  │   ⋮                 ⋮                  ⋮          ⋮                     ⋱
 267 │    26  BOLIVAR VENEZUELANO           VEF             8508  VENEZUELA    ⋯
 268 │   260  DONGUE/VIETNAN                VND             8583  VIETNA
 269 │   220  DOLAR DOS EUA                 USD             8630  VIRGENS,ILHA
 270 │   220  DOLAR DOS EUA                 USD             8664  VIRGENS,ILHA
 271 │   766  QUACHA ZAMBIA                 ZMW             8907  ZAMBIA       ⋯
 272 │   765  QUACHA ZAMBIA                 ZMK             8907  ZAMBIA
 273 │   217  DOLAR ZIMBABUE                ZWL             6653  ZIMBABUE
                                                  3 columns and 258 rows omitted

Instance of the Currency type.

A Currency is an instance of the Currency type attribuited to a specific currency supported by the BrazilCentralBank.jl API, you can check the list of avaliable currencies with. getcurrency_list().

A Currency has many fields that describe not only the information for the coin but also provides methods applied directly on the instance for retrieving information about the currency. For more notes on the implementation check the "Strucs Methods" section in the documentation.


code(<:Integer): Currency code as in getcurrency_list.
name(<:AbstractString): Name of the currency.
symbol(<:AbstractString): ISO three letter currency code.
countrycode(<:AbstractString): ISO country code.
name(<:AbstractString): Country name in portuguese.
type(<:AbstractString): In ype A currencies, to convert the value to USD divide the currency. In type B
you multiply.
exclusion_date(<:AbstractTime): Exclusion date of currency. When it was discontinued.


getforex(target::Union{AbstractString, Array{AbstractString}}; kwargs...)


target(Union{AbstractString, Array{AbstractString}}): ISO code of selected currencies.
kwargs: kwargs passed to gettimeseries()


DataFrame: Selected currencies information.

Currency(code::Integer) -> Currency

A Currency is an instance of the Currency type attribuited to a specific currency supported by the BrazilCentralBank.jl API, you can check the list of avaliable currencies with. getcurrency_list().

A Currency has many fields that describe not only the information for the coin but also provides methods applied directly on the instance for retrieving information about the currency. For more notes on the implementation check the "Strucs Methods" section in the documentation.


code(Integer): Code for the currency as is in getcurrency_list().


Currency: Desired currency ```

Currency(code::String) -> Currency

A Currency is an instance of the Currency type attribuited to a specific currency supported by the BrazilCentralBank.jl API, you can check the list of avaliable currencies with. getcurrency_list().

A Currency has many fields that describe not only the information for the coin but also provides methods applied directly on the instance for retrieving information about the currency. For more notes on the implementation check the "Strucs Methods" section in the documentation.


symbol(String): ISO three letter code for the currency.


Currency: Desired currency

getcurrencyseries(symbols::Union{String, Array},

DataFrame with the time series of selected currencies.


symbol (Union{String, Array}): ISO code of desired currencies.
start (Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}): Desired start date. The type are set this way because it can accept any valid input to Dates.Date().
end (Union{AbstractTime, AbstractString, Number}): Desired end date.
side (String, optional): Which FOREX prices to return "ask" prices, "side" prices or "both". Defaults to "ask".
groupby (String, optional): In what way the columns are grouped, "symbol" or "side".


DataFrames.DataFrame: DataFrame with foreign currency prices.


ArgumentError: Values passed to side or groupby are not valid.


julia> getcurrencyseries("USD", "2023-12-01", "2023-12-10")
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        ask_USD 
     │ Date        Float64
   1 │ 2023-12-01   4.9191
   2 │ 2023-12-04   4.9091
   3 │ 2023-12-05   4.9522
   4 │ 2023-12-06   4.9031
   5 │ 2023-12-07   4.8949
   6 │ 2023-12-08   4.9158
gettimeseries(codes; start=nothing, finish=nothing,
              last=0, multi=true)

Returns a DataFrame with the SGS time series.


codes(Integer, AbstractString, Dict{AbstractString, Number}, Tuple{Integer, Vararg{Int}}):
The codes for the desired time series.
The codes can be in one of the following formats:
- Integer: time-series code
- Tuple: tuple containing the desired time-series' codes
- Dict: Dictionary with the pair ("SeriesName" => code)
When using a Dict, you can define a name for the series. This is the name to be used in the column name, if not defined, it will default to the code.

start(Number, String...): Any value that can be converted to a date with Date() is valid.
Start date of the series.

end(Number, String...): Any value that can be converted to a date with Date() is valid.
End date of the series.

last(Integer): If last is bigger than 0, start and end are ignored. Return the last n values of the series.

multi(Bool): If true, returns a single series with multiple variable, if false, returns a tuple of single variable series.


DataFrame: univariate or multivariate time series when multi=true. Vector{DataFrame}: vector of univariate time series when multi=false.


ErrorException: Failed to fetch time-series data.


julia> gettimeseries(1, last=5)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        1       
     │ Date        Float64
   1 │ 2024-04-16   5.2635
   2 │ 2024-04-17   5.2469
   3 │ 2024-04-18   5.2512
   4 │ 2024-04-19   5.2269
   5 │ 2024-04-22   5.2043

julia> gettimeseries(Dict("USDBRL" => 1), last=5)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        USDBRL  
     │ Date        Float64
   1 │ 2024-04-15   5.1746
   2 │ 2024-04-16   5.2635
   3 │ 2024-04-17   5.2469
   4 │ 2024-04-18   5.2512
   5 │ 2024-04-19   5.2269

julia> gettimeseries(Dict("USDBRL" => 1), start="2021-01-18", finish="2021-01-22")
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        USDBRL  
     │ Date        Float64
   1 │ 2021-01-18   5.2788
   2 │ 2021-01-19   5.2945
   3 │ 2021-01-20   5.3033
   4 │ 2021-01-21   5.3166
   5 │ 2021-01-22   5.4301

julia> gettimeseries((1, 433), last=5)
10×3 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        1             433
     │ Date        Float64?      Float64?
   1 │ 2023-11-01  missing             0.28
   2 │ 2023-12-01  missing             0.56
   3 │ 2024-01-01  missing             0.42
   4 │ 2024-02-01  missing             0.83
   5 │ 2024-03-01  missing             0.16
   6 │ 2024-04-16        5.2635  missing
   7 │ 2024-04-17        5.2469  missing
   8 │ 2024-04-18        5.2512  missing
   9 │ 2024-04-19        5.2269  missing
  10 │ 2024-04-22        5.2043  missing

julia> gettimeseries((1, 433), last=5, multi=false)
2-element Vector{DataFrames.DataFrame}:
 5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        1       
     │ Date        Float64
   1 │ 2024-04-16   5.2635
   2 │ 2024-04-17   5.2469
   3 │ 2024-04-18   5.2512
   4 │ 2024-04-19   5.2269
   5 │ 2024-04-22   5.2043
 5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        433     
     │ Date        Float64
   1 │ 2023-11-01     0.28
   2 │ 2023-12-01     0.56
   3 │ 2024-01-01     0.42
   4 │ 2024-02-01     0.83
   5 │ 2024-03-01     0.16