struct KPath{D} <: Brillouin.KPaths.AbstractPath{Pair{Symbol, StaticArraysCore.SArray{Tuple{D}, Float64, 1, D}}}
  • points::Dict{Symbol, StaticArraysCore.SVector{D, Float64}} where D

  • paths::Vector{Vector{Symbol}}

  • basis::Bravais.ReciprocalBasis

  • setting::Base.RefValue{Brillouin.BasisEnum}

struct KPathInterpolant{D} <: Brillouin.KPaths.AbstractPath{StaticArraysCore.SArray{Tuple{D}, Float64, 1, D}}
  • kpaths::Array{Array{StaticArraysCore.SVector{D, Float64}, 1}, 1} where D

  • labels::Vector{Dict{Int64, Symbol}}

  • basis::Bravais.ReciprocalBasis

  • setting::Base.RefValue{Brillouin.BasisEnum}


In-place transform an interpolated k-path kpi in a lattice basis to a Cartesian basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis(kpi).


Transform a k-path kp in a lattice basis to a Cartesian basis with (primitive) reciprocal basis vectors basis(kp). Modifies kp in-place.


Transform a k-path kp in a lattice basis to a Cartesian basis with (primitive) reciprocal basis vectors basis(kp).


In-place transform an interpolated k-path kpi in a Cartesian basis to a lattice basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis(kpi).


Transform a k-path kp in a Cartesian basis to a lattice basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis(kp). Modifies kp in-place.


Transform a k-path kp in a Cartesian basis to a lattice basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis(kp).

latticize(kpi::KPathInterpolant{D}, basis::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}})

Transform an interpolated k-path kpi in a Cartesian basis to a lattice basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis.

If kpi is not in a Cartesian basis (i.e., if setting(kpi) == LATTICE), kpi is returned as-is.

latticize(kp::KPath{D}, basis::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}})

Transform a k-path kp in a Cartesian basis to a lattice basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis.

If kp is not in a Cartesian basis (i.e., if setting(kp) == LATTICE), kp is returned as-is.

get_points_2d(ext_bt, Rs)

Return the labels and points in the 2D k-path associated with an extended Bravais type ext_bt and a (conventional) direct basis Rs (can be nothing if there is no dependence on the basis) as a Dict{Symbol, SVector{2, Float64}}.

get_points_3d(ext_bt, Rs)

Return the labels and points in the 3D k-path associated with an extended Bravais type ext_bt and a (conventional) direct basis Rs (can be nothing if there is no dependence on the basis) as a Dict{Symbol, SVector{3, Float64}}.

interpolate(kvs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}}, N::Integer)
                                                --> Vector{Vector{<:Real}}

Return an interpolated k-path between discrete k-points in kvs, with approximately N interpolation points in total (typically fewer).

Note that, in general, it is not possible to do this so that all interpolated k-points are equidistant; samples are however exactly equidistant across each linear segment defined by points in kvs and approximately equidistant across all segments.

See also interpolate(::KPath, ::Integer) and splice.

Future deprecation

This method signature is likely to be deprecated in future versions of Brillouin.jl.

interpolate(kp::KPath, N::Integer)
interpolate(kp::KPath; N::Integer, density::Real) --> KPathInterpolant

Return an interpolant of kp with N points distributed approximately equidistantly across the full k-path (equidistance is measured in a Cartesian metric).

Note that the interpolant may contain slightly fewer or more points than N (typically fewer) in order to improve equidistance. N can also be provided as a keyword argument.

As an alternative to specifying the desired total number of interpolate points via N, a desired density per unit (reciprocal) length can be specified via the keyword argument density.

irrfbz_path(sgnum::Integer, Rs, [::Union{Val(D), Integer},]=Val(3))  -->  ::KPath{D}

Returns a k-path (::KPath) in the (primitive) irreducible Brillouin zone for a space group with number sgnum, (conventional) direct lattice vectors Rs, and dimension D. The path includes all distinct high-symmetry lines and points as well as relevant parts of the Brillouin zone boundary.

The dimension D (1, 2, or 3) is specified as the third input argument, preferably as a static Val{D} type parameter (or, type-unstably, as an <:Integer). Defaults to Val(3).

Rs refers to the direct basis of the conventional unit cell, i.e., not the primitive direct basis vectors. The setting of Rs must agree with the conventional setting choices in the International Tables of Crystallography, Volume A (the "ITA conventional setting"). If Rs is a subtype of a StaticVector or NTuple, the dimension can be inferred from its (static) size; in this case, this dimension will take precedence (i.e. override, if different) over any dimension specified in the third input argument.


  • The returned k-points are given in the basis of the primitive reciprocal basis in the CDML setting. To obtain the associated transformation matrices between the ITA conventional setting and the CDML primitive setting, see primitivebasismatrix of Bravais.jl]( (or, equivalently, the relations defined Table 2 of [1]). To transform to a Cartesian basis, see cartesianize!.
  • To interpolate a KPath, see interpolate(::KPath, ::Integer) and splice(::KPath, ::Integer).
  • All paths currently assume time-reversal symmetry (or, equivalently, inversion symmetry). If neither are present, include the "inverted" -k paths manually.

Data and referencing

3D paths are sourced from the SeeK-path publication: please cite the original work [2].


paths(kp::KPath) -> Vector{Vector{Symbol}}

Return a vector of vectors, with each vector describing a connected path between between k-points referenced in kp (see also points(::KPath)).

points(kp::KPath{D}) -> Dict{Symbol, SVector{D,Float64}}

Return a dictionary of the k-points (values) and associated k-labels (keys) referenced in kp.

splice(kvs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}}, N::Integer)
                                                --> Vector{Vector{<:Real}}

Return an interpolated k-path between the discrete k-points in kvs, with N interpolation points inserted in each segment defined by pairs of adjacent k-points.

See also splice(::KPath, ::Integer) and interpolate.

Future deprecation

This method signature is likely to be deprecated in future versions of Brillouin.jl.

splice(kp::KPath, N::Integer) --> KPathInterpolant

Return an interpolant of kp with N points inserted into each k-path segment of kp.

BasisEnum <: Enum{Int8}

Enum type with instances


Used to indicate whether the coordinates of a KPath instance are referred to a lattice basis (LATTICE) or a cartesian basis (CARTESIAN).

See also setting and set_setting!.

basis(x::Union{KPath, KPathInterpolant, Cell})

Return the (reciprocal or direct) lattice basis associated with x, in Cartesian coordinates.

Methods in Brillouin by default return points in the lattice basis, i.e., points are referred to basis(x). This corresponds to the setting(x) == LATTICE. Coordinates may instead be referred to a Cartesian basis, corresponding to setting(x) == CARTESIAN by using cartesianize. The result of basis(x), however, is invariant to this and always refers to the lattice basis in Cartesian coordinates.

setting(x::Union{KPath, KPathInterpolant, Cell})

Return the basis setting of coordinates in x. The returned value is a member of the BasisEnum enum with member values LATTICE (i.e. coordinates in the basis of the lattice vectors) or CARTESIAN (i.e. coordinates in the Cartesian basis). By default, methods in Brillouin return coordinates in the LATTICE setting.

struct Cell{D} <: AbstractArray{Array{StaticArraysCore.SArray{Tuple{D}, Float64, 1, D}, 1}, 1}
  • verts::Array{StaticArraysCore.SVector{D, Float64}, 1} where D

  • faces::Vector{Vector{Int64}}

  • basis::StaticArraysCore.SArray{Tuple{D}, StaticArraysCore.SVector{D, Float64}, 1, D} where D

  • setting::Base.RefValue{Brillouin.BasisEnum}


Transform a Wigner-Seitz cell c in a lattice basis to a Cartesian basis with (primitive) reciprocal basis vectors basis(c). Modifies c in-place.


Transform a Wigner-Seitz cell c in a Cartesian basis to a lattice basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis(c). Modifies c in-place.

latticize(c::Cell{D}, basis::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}})

Transform a Wigner-Seitz cell c in a Cartesian basis to a lattice basis with (primitive) reciprocal lattice vectors basis.

If c is not in a Cartesian basis (i.e., if setting(c) == LATTICE), c is returned as-is.

is_outward_oriented(c, n)

Return whether a face, specified by its center c and normal n, is outward pointing, assuming the face is part of a convex hull centered around origo.

reduce_to_wignerseitz(v::StaticVector, Vs::BasisLike)  -->  v′

Return the periodic image v′ of the point v in the basis Vs.

v is assumed to be provided in the lattice basis (i.e., relative to Vs) and v′ is returned in similar fashion.

The returned point v′ lies in the Wigner-Seitz cell (or its boundary) defined by Vs, has the least possible norm among all equivalent images of v, and differs from v at most by integer lattice translations such that mod(v, 1) ≈ mod(v′, 1).

wignerseitz(basis::AbstractVector{<:SVector{D}}; merge::Bool = true, Nmax = 3)
wignerseitz(basis::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}; merge::Bool = true, Nmax = 3)
                                                            --> Cell{D}

Given a provided basis, return a Cell{D} containing the vertices and associated (outward oriented) faces of the Wigner-Seitz cell defined by basis in D dimensions. The returned vertices are given in the the basis of basis (see cartesianize! for conversion).

Keyword arguments

  • merge (default, true): if true, co-planar faces are merged to form polygonal planar faces (e.g., triangles, quadrilaterals, and ngons generally). If false, raw "unprocessed" triangles (D=3) and segments (D=2) are returned instead. merge has no impact for D=1.
  • Nmax (default, 3): includes -Nmax:Nmax points in the initial lattice used to generate the underlying Voronoi tesselation. It is unwise to set this to anything lower than 3 without explicitly testing convergence; and probably unnecessary to increase it beyond 3 as well.