Sphere(pos::NTuple{D,Real}, radius::Real) where D

Create a Sphere{D} object centered at pos with radius radius.

    radius_pdf, ϕ_max::Real, extent::NTuple{D,Real};
    min_distance::Real = 0.0, through_boundaries = false,
    max_tries = 10000, max_fails = 100,
    verbose = true, rng = default_rng()
) where D

In-place version of bubblebath, adds new spheres to the spheres vector, which can be already populated.

Here, ϕ_max does not account for spheres that might already be present in the spheres vector. E.g. if packing_fraction(spheres, extent) is 0.2 and ϕ_max=0.3, then the algorithm generates new spheres for a packing fraction of 0.3, which upon insertion will (try to) add up to a total packing fraction of 0.5. To account for the pre-initialized spheres, decrease ϕ_max accordingly (ϕ_max = 0.3-packing_fraction(spheres,extent) giving 0.1 for this example).

    radii::Vector{<:Real}, extent::NTuple{D,Real};
    min_distance::Real = 0.0, through_boundaries = false,
    max_tries = 10000, max_fails = 100,
    verbose = true, rng = default_rng()
) where D

In-place version of bubblebath, adds new spheres to the spheres vector (which can be already populated).

    radius_pdf, ϕ_max::Real, extent::NTuple{D,Real};
    through_boundaries = false,
    max_tries = 10000, max_fails = 100,
    verbose = true
) where D

Generate a bath of spheres in the domain extent, extracting radii from radius_pdf trying to reach a target packing fraction ϕ_max. The domain is filled with spheres in order of decreasing radius.


  • min_distance = 0.0: Minimum allowed distance between spheres. Negative values can be used to allow overlaps.
  • through_boundaries = false: Whether spheres can cross through the domain boundaries.
  • max_tries = 10000: Maximum number of insertion tries for each sphere. When max_tries is reached, the sphere is discarded and the algorithm moves on to the next one.
  • max_fails = 100: Maximum number of failures (i.e. discarded spheres) allowed. Once max_fails is reached, the program halts.
  • verbose = true: Whether info logs should be printed.
  • rng = Random.default_rng(): Random number generator.

If a negative min_distance is used or through_boundaries is set to true, the packing fraction estimated during the generation will not correspond to the real packing fraction of the system. In these cases, ϕ_max has only a semi-quantitative value.

    radii::Vector{<:Real}, extent::NTuple{D,Real};
    min_distance = 0.0,
    through_boundaries = false,
    max_tries = 10000, max_fails = 100,
    verbose = true,
    rng = default_rng()
) where D

Generate a bath of spheres with radii radii in the domain extent.

    radius_pdf, ϕ_max::Real, extent::NTuple{D,Real};
    max_tries = 10000, verbose = true, rng = default_rng()
) where D

Generate a vector of radii from the radius_pdf distribution, with a limit packing fraction ϕ_max in the domain extent.

is_inside_boundaries(pos::NTuple{D,Real}, radius::Real, extent::NTuple{D,Real}) where D

Check if a sphere of radius radius centered at pos is within domain extent.

is_overlapping(p::NTuple{D,Real}, r::Real, spheres::Vector{Sphere{D}}) where D

Test if a sphere of radius r centered at p overlaps with any sphere in spheres. Surface contact is not counted as overlap.

is_overlapping(p₁::NTuple{D,Real}, r₁::Real, s₂::Sphere{D}) where D

Test if a sphere of radius r₁ centered at p₁ overlaps with sphere s₂. Surface contact is not counted as overlap.

is_overlapping(p₁::NTuple{D,Real}, r₁::Real, p₂::NTuple{D,Real}, r₂::Real) where D

Test if two spheres with radii r₁ and r₂, centered at p₁ and p₂ respectively, are overlapping. Surface contact is not counted as overlap.

    pos::NTuple{D,<:Real}, r::Real, spheres::AbstractVector{Sphere{D}},
    extent::NTuple{D,<:Real}, boundaries::Symbol
) where D

Determines whether an object of size r can occupy position pos in a domain extent filled by spheres.


Evaluate the packing fraction in a walkmap wm.

If wm was generated with probe_radius=0 this represents the real packing fraction, instead if probe_radius was not zero, it represents the effective packing fraction experienced by the probe.

Unlike the other instances of packing_fraction, this one is exact, independently of overlaps and boundary conditions, within the resolution of the walkmap.

packing_fraction(spheres::Vector{Sphere{D}}, extent::NTuple{D,Real}) where D

Evaluate the packing fraction of spheres in domain extent. This measurement is not exact if spheres are overlapping or cross through the domain boundaries.

packing_fraction(radii::Vector{Real}, extent::NTuple{D,Real}) where D

Evaluate the packing fraction of a collection of spheres with radii radii in domain extent. This measurement is not exact if spheres are overlapping or cross through the domain boundaries.

volume(r::Real, D::Int)

Evaluate volume of a sphere of radius r in D dimensions. Only D=2 and D=3 currently supported.


Evaluate volume of two-dimensional sphere, i.e. the area of a circle (πr²).


Evaluate volume of a three-dimensional sphere (4πr³/3)

    spheres::AbstractVector{Sphere{D}}, extent::NTuple{D,<:Real},
    resolution::Real, probe_radius::Real = 0;
    boundaries::Symbol = :cut
) where D

Generate a walkmap for the given configuration of spheres in the domain extent, with the desired resolution. A positive probe_radius restricts the walkable space assuming that the "probe" has a finite size.

boundaries can be set to :cut or :wrap to define how to deal with spheres that cross through the domain boundaries (in case there is any).