Internal functions

These functions may or may not be exported. They are used internally.

readfile(filename::String; T::Type=Float64)

Read the .txt.bzip2 file in Data/filename and extract the data, returns the matrices observed 2D points, cameras and points and the vectors of camera indices and points indices.


Analyze the name given to check if it matches one of the known names. Return the full name with "-pre.txt.bz2" extension.

ba_download_artifact(tree_hash::SHA1, tarball_url::String, tarball_hash::String;
                  verbose::Bool = false, io::IO=stderr)

Download/install an artifact into the artifact store. Returns true on success. The modifications from the original functions are here to avoid unpacking the archive and avoid checking from official repository since these files are not official artifacts.

ba_ensure_artifact_installed(filename::String, artifact_name::String, artifacts_toml::String;
                                platform::AbstractPlatform = HostPlatform(),
                                verbose::Bool = false,
                                quiet_download::Bool = false,

Ensures an artifact is installed, downloading it via the download information stored in artifacts_toml if necessary. Throws an error if unable to install. The modifications from the original functions are here to avoid unpacking the archive and avoid checking from official repository since these files are not official artifacts.