API Reference

easter_date(y::Dates.Year) → Dates.Date

Returns result of easter_rata as a Dates.Date instance.

findweekday(weekday_target::Integer, yy::Integer, mm::Integer, occurrence::Integer, ascending::Bool) → Date

Given a year yy and month mm, finds a date where a choosen weekday occurs.

weekday_target values are declared in module Base.Dates: Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.

If ascending is true, searches from the beginning of the month. If false, searches from the end of the month.

If occurrence is 2 and weekday_target is Monday, searches the 2nd Monday of the given month, and so on.

isholiday(calendar, dt) :: Bool

Checks if dt is a holiday based on a given calendar of holidays.

calendar can be an instance of HolidayCalendar, a Symbol or an AbstractString.

isholiday(cal::DE, dt::Dates.Date)::Bool

Return true if dt is a is a holiday in the German calender (cal), otherwise false.

isweekend(dt) :: Bool

Returns true for Saturdays or Sundays. Returns false otherwise.

isweekday(dt) :: Bool

Returns true for Monday to Friday. Returns false otherwise.

isbday(calendar, dt) :: Bool

Returns false for weekends or holidays. Returns true otherwise.

tobday(calendar, dt; [forward=true]) :: Dates.Date

Adjusts dt to next Business Day if it's not a Business Day. If isbday(dt), returns dt.

advancebdays(calendar, dt, bdays_count) :: Dates.Date

Increments given date dt by bdays_count. Decrements it if bdays_count is negative. bdays_count can be a Int, Dates.Day, Vector{Int}, Vector{Dates.Day} or a UnitRange.

Computation starts by next Business Day if dt is not a Business Day.

bdays(calendar, dt0, dt1) :: Dates.Day

Counts the number of Business Days between dt0 and dt1. Returns instances of Dates.Day.

Computation is always based on next Business Day if given dates are not Business Days.

bdayscount(calendar, dt0, dt1) :: Int

Counts the number of Business Days between dt0 and dt1. Returns Int.

Computation is always based on next Business Day if given dates are not Business Days.

firstbdayofmonth(calendar, dt) :: Dates.Date
firstbdayofmonth(calendar, yy, mm) :: Dates.Date

Returns the first business day of month.

lastbdayofmonth(calendar, dt) :: Dates.Date
lastbdayofmonth(calendar, yy, mm) :: Dates.Date

Returns the last business day of month.

listholidays(calendar, dt0::Dates.Date, dt1::Dates.Date) → Vector{Dates.Date}

Returns the list of holidays between dt0 and dt1.

listbdays(calendar, dt0::Dates.Date, dt1::Dates.Date) → Vector{Dates.Date}

Returns the list of business days between dt0 and dt1.

initcache(calendar, [d0], [d1])

Creates cache for a given Holiday Calendar. After calling this function, any call to isbday function, or any function that uses isbday, will be optimized to use this cache.

You can pass calendar as an instance of HolidayCalendar, Symbol or AbstractString. You can also pass calendar as an AbstractArray of those types.


Cleans cache for a given instance or list of HolidayCalendar, Symbol or AbstractString.