
This package implements the calendar types from the CF convention, namely:

  • Mixed Gregorian/Julian calendar (DateTimeStandard)
  • Proleptic gregorian calendar (DateTimeProlepticGregorian)
  • Gregorian calendar without leap years (all years are 365 days long) (DateTimeNoLeap)
  • Gregorian calendar with only leap year (all years are 366 days long) (DateTimeAllLeap)
  • A calendar with every year being 360 days long (divided into 30 day months) (DateTime360Day)
  • Julian calendar (DateTimeJulian)

Note that time zones are not supported by CFTime.jl.


Inside the Julia shell, you can download and install the package by issuing:

using Pkg

Latest development version

If you want to try the latest development version, you can do this with the following commands:

using Pkg
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="", rev="master"))"CFTime")


DateTimeStandard(y, [m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) -> DateTimeStandard

Construct a DateTimeStandard type by year (y), month (m, default 1), day (d, default 1), hour (h, default 0), minute (mi, default 0), second (s, default 0), millisecond (ms, default 0). All arguments must be convertible to Int64. DateTimeStandard is a subtype of AbstractCFDateTime.

The netCDF CF calendars are defined in the CF Standard. This type implements the calendar defined as "standard".

DateTimeStandard(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> DateTimeStandard

Construct a DateTimeStandard by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the format string.


This function is experimental and might be removed in the future. It relies on some internal function of Dates for parsing the format.

DateTimeJulian(y, [m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) -> DateTimeJulian

Construct a DateTimeJulian type by year (y), month (m, default 1), day (d, default 1), hour (h, default 0), minute (mi, default 0), second (s, default 0), millisecond (ms, default 0). All arguments must be convertible to Int64. DateTimeJulian is a subtype of AbstractCFDateTime.

The netCDF CF calendars are defined in the CF Standard. This type implements the calendar defined as "julian".

DateTimeJulian(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> DateTimeJulian

Construct a DateTimeJulian by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the format string.


This function is experimental and might be removed in the future. It relies on some internal function of Dates for parsing the format.

DateTimeProlepticGregorian(y, [m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) -> DateTimeProlepticGregorian

Construct a DateTimeProlepticGregorian type by year (y), month (m, default 1), day (d, default 1), hour (h, default 0), minute (mi, default 0), second (s, default 0), millisecond (ms, default 0). All arguments must be convertible to Int64. DateTimeProlepticGregorian is a subtype of AbstractCFDateTime.

The netCDF CF calendars are defined in the CF Standard. This type implements the calendar defined as "prolepticgregorian".

DateTimeProlepticGregorian(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> DateTimeProlepticGregorian

Construct a DateTimeProlepticGregorian by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the format string.


This function is experimental and might be removed in the future. It relies on some internal function of Dates for parsing the format.

DateTimeAllLeap(y, [m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) -> DateTimeAllLeap

Construct a DateTimeAllLeap type by year (y), month (m, default 1), day (d, default 1), hour (h, default 0), minute (mi, default 0), second (s, default 0), millisecond (ms, default 0). All arguments must be convertible to Int64. DateTimeAllLeap is a subtype of AbstractCFDateTime.

The netCDF CF calendars are defined in the CF Standard. This type implements the calendar defined as "allleap".

DateTimeAllLeap(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> DateTimeAllLeap

Construct a DateTimeAllLeap by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the format string.


This function is experimental and might be removed in the future. It relies on some internal function of Dates for parsing the format.

DateTimeNoLeap(y, [m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) -> DateTimeNoLeap

Construct a DateTimeNoLeap type by year (y), month (m, default 1), day (d, default 1), hour (h, default 0), minute (mi, default 0), second (s, default 0), millisecond (ms, default 0). All arguments must be convertible to Int64. DateTimeNoLeap is a subtype of AbstractCFDateTime.

The netCDF CF calendars are defined in the CF Standard. This type implements the calendar defined as "noleap".

DateTimeNoLeap(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> DateTimeNoLeap

Construct a DateTimeNoLeap by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the format string.


This function is experimental and might be removed in the future. It relies on some internal function of Dates for parsing the format.

DateTime360Day(y, [m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) -> DateTime360Day

Construct a DateTime360Day type by year (y), month (m, default 1), day (d, default 1), hour (h, default 0), minute (mi, default 0), second (s, default 0), millisecond (ms, default 0). All arguments must be convertible to Int64. DateTime360Day is a subtype of AbstractCFDateTime.

The netCDF CF calendars are defined in the CF Standard. This type implements the calendar defined as "360day".

DateTime360Day(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> DateTime360Day

Construct a DateTime360Day by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the format string.


This function is experimental and might be removed in the future. It relies on some internal function of Dates for parsing the format.

Time encoding and decoding

dt = timedecode(data,units,calendar = "standard", prefer_datetime = true)

Decode the time information in data as given by the units units according to the specified calendar. Valid values for calendar are "standard", "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian", "julian", "noleap", "365_day", "all_leap", "366_day" and "360_day".

If prefer_datetime is true (default), dates are converted to the DateTime type (for the calendars "standard", "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian" and "julian"). Such conversion is not possible for the other calendars.

CalendarType (prefer_datetime=true)Type (prefer_datetime=false)
standard, gregorianDateTimeDateTimeStandard
noleap, 365_dayDateTimeNoLeapDateTimeNoLeap
all_leap, 366_dayDateTimeAllLeapDateTimeAllLeap


using CFTime, Dates
# standard calendar
dt = CFTime.timedecode([0,1,2,3],"days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00")
# 4-element Array{Dates.DateTime,1}:
#  2000-01-01T00:00:00
#  2000-01-02T00:00:00
#  2000-01-03T00:00:00
#  2000-01-04T00:00:00

dt = CFTime.timedecode([0,1,2,3],"days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00","360_day")
# 4-element Array{DateTime360Day,1}:
#  DateTime360Day(2000-01-01T00:00:00)
#  DateTime360Day(2000-01-02T00:00:00)
#  DateTime360Day(2000-01-03T00:00:00)
#  DateTime360Day(2000-01-04T00:00:00)
data = timeencode(dt,units,calendar = "standard")

Convert a vector or array of DateTime (or DateTimeStandard, DateTimeProlepticGregorian, DateTimeJulian, DateTimeNoLeap, DateTimeAllLeap, DateTime360Day) according to the specified units (e.g. "days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00") using the calendar calendar. Valid values for calendar are: "standard", "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian", "julian", "noleap", "365_day", "all_leap", "366_day", "360_day".

Accessor Functions

Dates.year(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int64

Extract the year-part of a AbstractCFDateTime as an Int64.

Dates.month(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int64

Extract the month-part of a AbstractCFDateTime as an Int64.

Dates.dayMethod -> Int64

Extract the day-part of a AbstractCFDateTime as an Int64.

Dates.hour(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int64

Extract the hour-part of a AbstractCFDateTime as an Int64.

Dates.minute(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int64

Extract the minute-part of a AbstractCFDateTime as an Int64.

Dates.second(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int64

Extract the second-part of a AbstractCFDateTime as an Int64.

Dates.millisecond(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int64

Extract the millisecond-part of a AbstractCFDateTime as an Int64.

Query Functions

monthlength = daysinmonth(::Type{DT},y,m)

Returns the number of days in a month for the year y and the month m according to the calendar given by the type DT.


julia> daysinmonth(DateTimeAllLeap,2001,2)
monthlength = daysinmonth(t)

Returns the number of days in a month containing the date t


julia> daysinmonth(DateTimeAllLeap(2001,2,1))
yearlength = daysinyear(::Type{DT},y)

Returns the number of days in a year for the year y according to the calendar given by the type DT.


julia> daysinyear(DateTimeAllLeap,2001,2)
yearlength = daysinyear(t)

Returns the number of days in a year containing the date t


julia> daysinyear(DateTimeAllLeap(2001,2,1))
yearmonthday(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> (Int64, Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the year, month and day parts of dt.

yearmonth(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> (Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the year and month parts of dt.

monthday(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> (Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the month and day parts of dt.

firstdayofyear(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int

Return the first day of the year including the date dt

dayofyear(dt::AbstractCFDateTime) -> Int

Return the day of the year for dt with January 1st being day 1.

Convertion Functions

dt2 = convert(::Type{T}, dt)

Convert a DateTime of type DateTimeStandard, DateTimeProlepticGregorian, DateTimeJulian or DateTime into the type T which can also be either DateTimeStandard, DateTimeProlepticGregorian, DateTimeJulian or DateTime.

Conversion is done such that duration (difference of DateTime types) are preserved. For dates on and after 1582-10-15, the year, month and days are the same for the types DateTimeStandard, DateTimeProlepticGregorian and DateTime.

For dates before 1582-10-15, the year, month and days are the same for the types DateTimeStandard and DateTimeJulian.

dt2 = reinterpret(::Type{T}, dt)

Convert a variable dt of type DateTime, DateTimeStandard, DateTimeJulian, DateTimeProlepticGregorian, DateTimeAllLeap, DateTimeNoLeap or DateTime360Day into the date time type T using the same values for year, month, day, minute, second and millisecond. The conversion might fail if a particular date does not exist in the target calendar.


Adding and subtracting time periods is supported:

DateTimeStandard(1582,10,4) + Dates.Day(1)
# returns DateTimeStandard(1582-10-15T00:00:00)

1582-10-15 is the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar.

Comparision operator can be used to check if a date is before or after another date.

DateTimeStandard(2000,01,01) < DateTimeStandard(2000,01,02)
# returns true

Time ranges can be constructed using a start date, end date and a time increment, for example: DateTimeStandard(2000,1,1):Dates.Day(1):DateTimeStandard(2000,12,31)