
This package provides a Julia language wrapper for cimgui: a thin c-api wrapper programmatically generated for the excellent C++ immediate mode gui Dear ImGui. Dear ImGui is mainly for creating content creation tools and visualization / debug tools. You could browse Gallery to get an idea of its use cases.

These docs were generated against this upstream Dear ImGui version:

julia> import CImGui as ig
julia> ig.imgui_version()v"1.90.8"


pkg> add CImGui

You will probably also want to add the necessary packages for one of the backends. Currently we only support OpenGL3/GFLW, so you'd need:

pkg> add ModernGL, GLFW

Note that you don't have to explicitly use these packages, but they must be installed and loaded because the backend renderloop is a package extension that requires them.

How to start

1. Run demo/demo.jl to test whether the official demo works at all

julia> import CImGui, ModernGL, GLFW
julia> include(joinpath(pathof(CImGui), "..", "..", "demo", "demo.jl"))
julia> official_demo()

2. Run examples/demo.jl and browse demos in the examples folder to learn how to use the API

julia> import CImGui, ModernGL, GLFW
julia> include(joinpath(pathof(CImGui), "..", "..", "examples", "demo.jl"))
julia> julia_demo()

All of these examples are one-to-one ported from Dear ImGui's C++ examples and there is an interactive manual for quickly locating the code. You could also run ? to retrieve docs:

help?> CImGui.Button
  Button(label) -> Bool
  Button(label, size) -> Bool

  Return true when the value has been changed or when pressed/selected.

3. Your first GUI \o/

Note that all ImGui widgets should run within CImGui.Begin()...CImGui.End(), if not, a crash is waiting for you. For example, directly running CImGui.Button("My button") in REPL will crash Julia. That being said, here's how a quick example of how to use the default backend to draw a little GUI:

julia> import CImGui as ig, ModernGL, GLFW
julia> ig.set_backend(:GlfwOpenGL3)
julia> ctx = ig.CreateContext()
julia> ig.render(ctx; window_size=(360, 480), window_title="ImGui Window") do
           ig.Begin("Hello ImGui")
           if ig.Button("My Button")
               @info "Triggered"

Note that neither ImGui nor OpenGL are thread-safe, be aware of this if you start Julia with multiple threads using --threads. If you need to use multiple threads in an application, one option is to use the threadpools introduced in Julia 1.9:

# Have an arbitrary number in the default pool, and 1 thread in the :interactive pool
$ julia --threads=auto,1

Then start the render loop on the :interactive thread with Threads.@spawn :interactive and ensure that none of the other threads call GUI functions or modify the program state while your GUI code is being executing.


The API provided in this package is as close as possible to the original C++ API. When translating C++ code to Julia, please follow the tips below:

  • Replace ImGui:: to CImGui. (or ig. if you've run import CImGui as ig).
  • using CImGui.lib to import all of the ImGuiXXX types into the current namespace.
  • Member function calling should be translated in Julia style: fonts.AddFont(cfg) => ig.AddFont(fonts, cfg).
  • [using CImGui.CSyntax] provides two useful macros: @c for translating C's & operator on immutables and @cstatic-block for emulating C's static keyword.

As mentioned before, this package aims to provide the same user experience as the original C++ API, so any high-level abstraction should go into a more high-level package. Redux.jl might be of interest to you if you're looking for state management frameworks.


The default backend is based on ModernGL and GLFW which are stable and under actively maintained. Other popular backends like SFML and SDL could be added in the future if someone should invest time to make these packages work in post Julia 1.0 era.