
This documents notable changes in CImGui.jl. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

v2.0.0 - 2024-06-27

Note: this release has particularly many breaking changes, please file an issue or submit a pull request if something isn't working.


  • A renderloop for the OpenGL/GLFW backend has been added to CImGui, so it's no longer necessary to copy and paste the examples around.
  • The renderloop also integrates with the new ImGuiTestEngine.jl to make it possible to write automated tests.


  • CImGui.jl now uses semantic versioning to make development easier. This release is based on Dear ImGui 1.90.8.
  • Breaking: LibCImGui.jl has been merged into CImGui.lib, again for the sake of ease of development.
  • Breaking: The custom backends that we developed, ImGuiOpenGLBackend.jl and ImGuiGLFWBackend.jl, have been deprecated in favour of using ImGui's official backends. With this change we also dropped support for OpenGL 2, but purely out of laziness. If you need OpenGL 2 let us know and we can build and ship the official OpenGL 2 backend.
  • Breaking: The built-in renderloop is implemented using package extensions, which are only available on Julia 1.9+. Hence the new minimum required Julia version is 1.9.


v1.89.1 - 2024-05-19
