copy(dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)
copy(src_path, dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)

Wrapper around copier.run_copy.

This is an internal function, if COPIERTemplate's main API is not sufficient, open an issue.



This package defines a copier template for Julia packages and a basic user interface aroud copier to use it from Julia.

The main functions are: generate

package_name = _sanitize_package_name(path)

Sanitize the path to guess the package_name by looking at the base name and removing an extension. If the result is not a valid identifier, returns "".

generate(dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)
generate(src_path, dst_path[, data]; true, kwargs...)

Runs the copy command of copier with the COPIERTemplate template. If src_path is not informed, the GitHub URL of COPIERTemplate.jl is used.

The data argument is a dictionary of answers (values) to questions (keys) that can be used to bypass some of the interactive questions.

Keyword arguments

  • warn_existing_pkg::Boolean = true: Whether to check if you actually meant update. If you run generate and the dst_path contains a .copier-answers.yml, it means that the copy was already made, so you might have means update instead. When true, a warning is shown and execution is stopped.

The other keyword arguments are passed directly to the internal Copier.copy.

update([data]; kwargs...)
update(dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)

Run the update command of copier, updating the dst_path (or the current path if omitted) with a new version of the template with a new version of the template.

The data argument is a dictionary of answers (values) to questions (keys) that can be used to bypass some of the interactive questions.

Keyword arguments

The keyword arguments are passed directly to the internal Copier.update.