
Module for computing the CRC-32 checksum (ISO 3309, ITU-T V.42, CRC-32-IEEE), analogous to the Julia CRC32c standard-library module for CRC-32c.

See CRC32.crc32 for more information.

crc32(io::IO, [nb::Integer,] crc::UInt32=0x00000000)

Read up to nb bytes from io and return the CRC-32 checksum, optionally mixed with a starting crc integer. If nb is not supplied, then io will be read until the end of the stream.

crc32(data, crc::UInt32=0x00000000)

Compute the CRC-32 checksum (ISO 3309, ITU-T V.42, CRC-32-IEEE) of the given data, which can be an Array{UInt8}, a contiguous subarray thereof, or a String. Optionally, you can pass a starting crc integer to be mixed in with the checksum. The crc parameter can be used to compute a checksum on data divided into chunks: performing crc32(data2, crc32(data1)) is equivalent to the checksum of [data1; data2].

There is also a method crc32(io, nb, crc) to checksum nb bytes from a stream io, or crc32(io, crc) to checksum all the remaining bytes. Hence you can do open(crc32, filename) to checksum an entire file, or crc32(seekstart(buf)) to checksum an IOBuffer without calling take!.

For a String, note that the result is specific to the UTF-8 encoding (a different checksum would be obtained from a different Unicode encoding).