
CSS code used by the library for styling

Include it in your layout when returning the final element as such:
return hstack(CSSMakieLayout.formatstyle, layout)
Tie observable to divider, escaping HTML.
If no target is provided, a new element is created and returned.

struct ZStack items::Array attributes::Dict{Symbol, Any} end

default attributes: activeidx::Observable=nothing, class="", anim=[:default], style="", md=false

A zstack receives an array/a tuple of elements, and displays just one of them based on the
`activeidx` given as parameter. The displayed (active in the context of the zstack) element can be thought of as the top of the zstack

# Arguments
    - `class`: additional classes of the element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them.
    - `activeidx::Observable`: This selects the element which is displayed. For example if observable is 4,
                                the zstack will display the 4th element of the `item` array/tuple.
    - `anim::Array`: Choose which animations to perform on transition (when `observable` is changed). Can be set to [:default], [:whoop], [:static], [:opacity] or a non-conflicting combination of them

# Example

    mainfigures = [Figure(backgroundcolor=:white,  resolution=config[:resolution]) for _ in 1:3]
    activefig = zstack(
    _button(item; class="", style="")
Static button with no click events added (equivalent to hoverable).
    _hoverable(item...; class="", style="", anim=[:default], md=false)

Wraps content in a div and adds the hoverable class to it

# Arguments
    - `class`: additional classes of the element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them.
    - `anim`: Choose which animation to perform on hover: can be set to [:default] or [:border]
    _zstack(item...; class="", style="", md=false)

A zstack receives an array/a tuple of elements, and displays just one of them based on the
`activeidx` given as parameter. _zstack is a static version of the zstack, which is used in the main [`zstack`](@ref)
It can also be used as scaffolding for user defined behaviours.

# Arguments
    - `class`: additional classes of the element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them.
    active(item...; class="", style="", md=false)

    When constructing a layout, this function marks an element as 'active', i.e. topmost in a zstack.

# Arguments
    - `class`: additional classes of the element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them.
    hstack(item...; class="", style="", md=false)

Displays the given elements in a flex row.

# Arguments
    - `class`: additional classes of the element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them

Markdown wrapper that displays `figure`'s scene content. Use it when you want simpler layouts created with Markdown.

It is optional, meaning you can also wrap the figure itself in a `wrap` function. Tipically used
with Markdown pages.

modifier(item; action=:toggle, parameter::Observable=nothing, class="", style="", cap=3, step=1, md=false)

Wrap an item in a clickable div (modifier element/button) and bind it to an observable. When clicked, it modifies the `parameter` Observable taken as parameter based on the button's `action`, `cap` and `step`.
`action` can be: :toggle, :increase, :decrease, :increasemod, :decreasemod
          :increasecap, :decreasecap

Use it when you need to modify the value of an observale based on the number of click events on an element.
Examples could range from 

- play/pause, dark/light mode (togglers)
- previous/next (decreasecap/increasecap or decreasemod/increasemod for loopback)

# Arguments
    - `class`: additional classes of the modifier element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the modifier
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them.
    - `parameter::Observable`: Observable that is modified when a click event is triggered on the modifier.
    - `action`: The way that the modifier button modifies it's `parameter` when clicked:    
                - `:toggle`: toggles the observable from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0 (for example 1 - play, 0 - pause)
                -  `:increase`, `decrease`: increase or decrease the observable by `step`
                - `:increasemod`, `decreasemod`: increase or decrease the observable by `step` nd then take the modulo w.r.t `cap` and add 1, to keep the number in the [1, cap] interval
                - `:increasecap`, `:decreasecap`: increase or decrease the observable by `step`, keep it in the [1, cap] interval, but do not increase/decrease when increasing and decreasing would make the observable exit the interval (as oposed to the mod option which loops back, the cap option stays there).
    - `step`, `cap`: the step of the increase/decrease steps and the maximum cappacity

# Example 

The modifier element can be used hand in hand with a zstack element to create reactive layouts as such:
mainfigures = [Figure(backgroundcolor=:white,  resolution=config[:resolution]) for _ in 1:3]
buttons = [modifier(wrap(DOM.h1("〈")); action=:decreasecap, parameter=activeidx, cap=3, style=buttonstyle),
            modifier(wrap(DOM.h1("〉")); action=:increasecap, parameter=activeidx, cap=3, style=buttonstyle)]
activefig = zstack(
layout = hstack(buttons[1], activefig, buttons[2])
    vstack(item...; class="", style="", md=false)

Displays the given elements in a flex column.

# Arguments
    - `class`: additional classes of the element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them
    wrap(content...; class, style, md=false)

Wraps the content in a div element and sets the position of the div to `relative`.

Use it to nest elements together.

# Arguments
    - `class`: classes of the element in a string separated with space
    - `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
    - `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
            function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them
zstack(item...; kw...)
kw... : activeidx::Observable=nothing, 
        class="", anim=[:default], style="", md=false

A zstack receives an array/a tuple of elements, and displays just one of them based on the activeidx given as parameter (it will desplay the activeindex'th element). Think of it as a carousel.

The displayed (active in the context of the zstack) will represent top of the zstack


- `class`: additional classes of the element in a string separated with space
- `style`: string containing the additional css style of the wrapper div
- `md`: Set to false unless specified otherwise. Specifies weather to aply the [`markdowned`](@ref)
        function to each element of the content parameter before wrapping them.
- `activeidx::Observable`: This selects the element which is displayed. For example if observable is 4,
                            the zstack will display the 4th element of the `item` array/tuple.
- `anim::Array`: Choose which animations to perform on transition (when `activeidx` is changed). Can be set to [:default], [:whoop], [:static], [:opacity] or a non-conflicting combination of them


    activeidx = Observable(1)
    mainfigures = [Figure(backgroundcolor=:white,  resolution=config[:resolution]) for _ in 1:3]
    activefig = zstack(