
This library computes a canonical form for C-Sets, which are a data structure akin to relational databases. The canonical form we want is one that is the same no matter what order the database rows are in.

This problem has been extensively studied in the cases of graphs, which is a C-set for a particular schema. However it is still very illustrative of how the process works for C-sets in general. Note that, to efficiently represent the graph on a computer, some order must be chosen for its vertices and edges. Yet, we think of this as an implementation detail, not part of the 'real' graph. In fact, we want to compare graphs (ask if they are equal or not) while ignoring this order. We may wish to hash the graph to store it in a set or use it as a key in a dictionary; we want this hash value to be independent of the order, too. The computational problem is to search over all possible orderings for a given graph and pick some best one to be our canonical representative.

This is described further in the following blog post.

Case study: chemical reactions

Note the relation between bonds and atoms is taken from half-edge graphs, which encode symmetric relationships and also allow for the representation of 'dangling bonds'. This is the declaration using Catlab.jl (full code in CSetAutomorphisms.jl/test/example.jl):

using Catlab.Present, Catlab.Theories, Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra

@present TheoryRxn(FreeSchema) begin
  (Molecule, Atom, Bond)::Ob
  atom::Hom(Bond, Atom)
  mol::Hom(Atom, Molecule)

  (Float, Num)::AttrType
  atomic_number::Attr(Atom, Num)
  coefficient::Attr(Molecule, Float)

  compose(inv, inv) == id(Bond)

@acset_type RxnGeneric(TheoryRxn)
Rxn = RxnGeneric{Float64, Int}

When considering ACSets only up to isomorphism, this representation captures many domain-specific features of the data that would not be captured by a simple struct of various tuples and lists of data:

  • Neither the ordering in which atoms are labeled, the ordering of atoms within bonds, nor the ordering of bonds themselves is relevant to the identity of a molecule. H¹—O²—H³ and H³—O¹—H² are identically water molecules.
  • The ordering in which the reactant molecules or product molecules are listed is not relevant to the identity of the reaction: we want 2 H₂O -> 2 H₂ + O₂ to be the same as 2 H₂O -> O₂ + 2 H₂
  • The atomic numbers are relevant to molecule identity: CO₂ is not H₂O because AtomicNumber is an attribute rather than a piece of combinatorial data. Likewise for the coefficients on the reactants and products.
  • Stoichiometric coefficients distinguish a 'forward reaction' from a 'reverse reaction', which is particularly important if we wish to characterize reactions with properties such as exothermicity.

In Catlab, we can declare both 2 H₂O -> 2 H₂ + O₂ and 2 H₂O -> O₂ + 2 H₂ with the following code:

H2 = Rxn()
add_part!(H2, :Molecule, coefficient=2.0)
add_parts!(H2, :Atom, 2, atomic_number=[1,1], mol=[1,1])
add_parts!(H2, :Bond, 2, atom=[1,2], inv=[2,1])

O2 = deepcopy(H2)
set_subpart!(O2, :coefficient, 1.0)
set_subpart!(O2, :atomic_number, [8,8])

H2O = deepcopy(H2)
set_subpart!(H2O, :coefficient, -2.0)
add_part!(H2O, :Atom, mol=1, atomic_number=8)
add_parts!(H2O, :Bond, 4, atom=[1,3,2,3], inv=[2,1,4,3])

r1, r2 = Rxn(), Rxn()
[copy_parts!(r1, x) for x in [H2, O2, H2O]]
[copy_parts!(r2, x) for x in [H2O, H2, O2]]

println(r1 == r2) # false
println(is_isomorphic(r1, r2)) # true

This should convince you that the 'right' thing to do is work with Rxns only up to isomorphism. While Catlab's is_isomorphic allows us to test whether any pair of ACSets is equivalent up to isomorphism (at nontrivial cost), it does not give a concrete value that represents all ACSets in its isomorphism class. One example why this may be useful: a scientist may require a canonical labeling in order to query a large database of N reactions and see if a particular reaction, R, is in the database (without having to run the expensive is_isomorphic function O(N) times). If N is large, then it is much preferable to compute the canonical labeling for R just once and do O(N) string equality tests.

Code examples

[to do]