
A GPU accelerated vortex particle and vortex filament library.


A vortex redistribution function.

The method by which vortex particles are redistibuted in lagrangian vortex particles onto a grid to ensure long term stability.


using CVortex
my_redistribution_kernel = singular_regularisation()
my_redistribution_kernel = winckelmans_regularisation()
my_redistribution_kernel = planetary_regularisation()
my_redistribution_kernel = gaussian_regularisation()

A 3D vortex regularisation function.

The method by which the singular nature of a vortex particle is managed. Generally, this structure is best obtained via *regularisation(). For example singularregularisation(), planetaryregularisation(), gaussianregularisation() and winckelmans_regulariation().

Exposure of this allows the use of user kernels in the CPU multithreaded implementations in cvortex. If you're interested in this, looking at the cvortex library and the source of cvortex.jl is suggested to understand the required functions signitures.


using CVortex
my_regularisation_kernel = singular_regularisation()
my_regularisation_kernel = winckelmans_regularisation()
my_regularisation_kernel = planetary_regularisation()
my_regularisation_kernel = gaussian_regularisation()

CVortex internal representation of a straight singular vortex filament

The filament starts at coord1, ends at coord2 and has vorticity per unit length of vorticity_density.

You only need to use this if you plan on calling CVortex's underlying library directly.

Representation of a 2D vortex particle in CVortex

You do not need this to use the CVortex API.

coord is a particle's position. vorticity is the particle's vorticity volume is the volume of the particle. This is only important for viscous vortex particle strength exchange methods (not included in this wrapper)

Representation of a 3D vortex particle in CVortex

You do not need this to use the CVortex API.

coord is a particle's position. vorticity is the particle's vorticity volume is the volume of the particle. This is only important for viscous vortex particle strength exchange methods (not included in this wrapper)

The name of an accelerator.

Input is an integer in the range 1:numberofaccelerators(). Returns the name of the accelerator as a string.

Gives an assert message if something cannot be converted to a 
CVortex.VortexFilament or Vector{CVortex.VortexFilament}.

Part of CVortex. Not for client use.

Gives an assert message if something cannot be converted to a 
CVortex.VortexParticle2D or Vector{CVortex.VortexParticle2D}.

Part of CVortex. Not for client use.

Gives an assert message if something cannot be converted to a 
CVortex.VortexParticle or Vector{CVortex.VortexParticle}.

Part of CVortex. Not for client use.

Gives an assert message if something cannot be converted to something
of type or eltype Float32.

Part of CVortex. Not for client use.

Gives an assert message if something cannot be converted to a 
CVortex.Vec2f or Vector{CVortex.Vec2f}.

Part of CVortex. Not for client use.

Gives an assert message if something cannot be converted to a 
CVortex.Vec3f or Vector{CVortex.Vec3f}.

Part of CVortex. Not for client use.

    filament_start_coord :: Vector{<:Real},
    filament_end_coord :: Vector{<:Real},
    filament_strength :: Real,
    induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
    induced_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real})

    filament_start_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_end_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_strengths :: Vector{<:Real},
    induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
    induced_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real})

    filament_start_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_end_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_strengths :: Vector{<:Real},
    induced_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
    induced_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real})

Compute the rate of change of vorticity of vortex particles induced by vortex filaments. Multiple-multiple method may be GPU accelerated. Modelled as singular vortex particles and filaments.


  • filament_start_coord : The start coordinates of vortex filaments
  • filament_end_coord : The end coordinates of vortex filaments
  • filament_strengths : The vorticity per unit length of vortex filaments.
  • induced_particle_position : The positions of vortex particles.
  • induced_particle_vorticity : The vorticities of vortex particles

Vector arguments are expected to have length 3. Filament matrix arguments are expected to have size N by 3. Vortex particles matrix arguments are expected to have size M by 3. Returns an M by 3 matrix representing particle vorticity derivatives.

    filament_start_coord :: Vector{<:Real},
    filament_end_coord :: Vector{<:Real},
    filament_strength :: Real,
    measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real})

    filament_start_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_end_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_strengths :: Vector{<:Real},
    measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real})

    filament_start_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_end_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_strengths :: Vector{<:Real},
    measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real})

Compute the velocity induced in the flow field by vortex filaments. The third multiple-multiple method may be GPU accelerated.


  • filament_start_coord : The start coordinates of vortex filaments
  • filament_end_coord : The end coordinates of vortex filaments
  • filament_strengths : The vorticity per unit length of vortex filaments.
  • measurement_points : The points where induced velocity is measured.

Vector arguments are expected to have length 3. Filament matrix arguments are expected to have size N by 3. Measurement matrix arguments are expected to have size M by 3. Returns an M by 3 matrix representing velocities.

    filament_start_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    filament_end_coords :: Matrix{<:Real},
    measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real},
    measurement_directions :: Matrix{<:Real})

The influence of vortex filaments on normal velocities at points in the domain.


  • filament_start_coord : The start coordinates of vortex filaments. Matrix

of size N by 3.

  • filament_end_coord : The end coordinates of vortex filaments. Matrix of

size N by 3.

  • measurement_points : The positions at which induced velocity is evaluated.

Matrix of size M by 3

  • measurement_directions : The directions for which velocity compents are

computed. Matrix of size M by 3

Returns a Matrix{Float32} with size (M, N).


Implements 0th order redistribution method. The use of this redistribution is not advised. lambda3redistribution or m4predistribution are advised. returns RedistributionFunction struct.


Implements 1st order redistribution method. This method is dissipative. returns RedistributionFunction struct.


Implements 2nd order redistribution method. This redistribution is discontinuous, and consequently numerically less useful than the lambda3redistribution or m4predistribution. returns RedistributionFunction struct.

The number of GPU or other accelerators found by the CVortex library.

It is possible that accelerators may be listed multiple times if they can be used by more than one installed platform. To know how many are in use see numberofenabled_accelerators()

The number of accelerators that CVortex has been directed to use.

If no accelerators are in use this is zero, and the CPU is used for all computation.

Find which accelerators are enabled using acceleratorenabled, and enable and disable with acceleratorenable and accelerator_disable.


3D vortex particle functions

Single particle -> single vorticity measurement

	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

Single particle -> multiple vorticity measurements

	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

Multiple particles -> single vorticity measurement

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

Multiple particles -> multiple vorticity measurements

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

Compute the vorticity induced in the flow field by vortex particles. The multiple->multiple method may be GPU accelerated.


  • inducing_particle_position : Position of inducing particles
  • inducing_particle_vorticity : Vorticity of inducing particles
  • mesurement_points : Measurement points
  • kernel :: RegularisationFunction : Regularisation function (winckelmans_regularisation() for example)
  • regularisation_radius :: Real : Regularisation distance

In 3D, matrix arguments are expected to have size N by 3.

The method will return vorticity as:

  • 3D - S2S: Vector length 3
  • 3D - S2M: Matrix size N by 3
  • 3D - M2S: Vector length 3
  • 3D - M2M: Matrix size N by 3
	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}
	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

	inducing_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

	inducing_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

Rate of change of vorticity induced on vortex particles by vortex stretching. The multiple-multiple variant may be GPU accelerated. In 2D, vortex stretching does not occur, so there is no 2D counterpart.


  • inducing_particle_position : Position of inducing particles
  • inducing_particle_vorticity : Vorticity of inducing particles
  • induced_particle_position : Position of induced particles
  • induced_particle_vorticity : Vorticity of induced particles
  • kernel :: RegularisationFunction : Regularisation function

(VortFunc_winckelmans for example)

  • regularisation_radius :: Real : Regularisation distance

Vector arguments are expected to have length 3. Matrix arguments are expected to have size N by 3.


3D vortex particle functions

Single particle -> single velocity measurement

	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

Single particles -> multiple velocity measurement

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

Multiple particles -> single velocity measurement

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

Multiple particles -> multiple velocity measurements

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

2D vortex particle functions

Single particle -> single velocity measurement

	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Real,
	measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

Single particles -> multiple velocity measurement

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction, 
	regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

Multiple particles -> single velocity measurement

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Vector{<:Real},
	measurement_point :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

Multiple particles -> multiple velocity measurements

	inducing_particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticities :: Vector{<:Real},
	measurement_points :: Matrix{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

Compute the velocity induced in the flow field by vortex particles. The (multiple->multiple) method may be GPU accelerated.


  • inducing_particle_position : Position of inducing particles
  • inducing_particle_vorticity : Vorticity of inducing particles
  • mesurement_points : Measurement points
  • kernel :: RegularisationFunction : Regularisation function (winckelmans_regularisation() for example)
  • regularisation_radius :: Real : Regularisation distance

In 3D, matrix arguments are expected to have size N by 3. In 2D, matrix arguments are expected to have size N by 2.

The method will return velocity as:

  • 3D - S2S: Vector length 3
  • 3D - M2S: Matrix size N by 3
  • 3D - M2S: Vector length 3
  • 3D - M2M: Matrix size N by 3
  • 2D - S2S: Vector length 2
  • 2D - M2S: Matrix size N by 2
  • 2D - M2S: Vector length 2
  • 2D - M2M: Matrix size N by 2

Pedrizzetti relaxation is currently unverified! Use at own risk!

	particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	relaxation_parameter :: Real,
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float64}

Use Pedrizzetti's relaxation method to reduce the divergence of a vortex particle vorticity field.


  • particle_positions : Position of particles to be redistributed.
  • particle_vorticities : Vorticity of particles to be redistributed
  • relaxation_parameter :: Real : A tuneable parameter equal to delta t * f where f is the parameter. Should in [0, 1], which corresponds to the strength of the relaxation. 1 is very diffusive.
  • kernel :: RegularisationFunction : Regularisation function (winckelmans_regularisation() for example)
  • regularisation_radius :: Real : Regularisation distance


new_particle_vorticity = particle_pedrizzetti_relaxation(...)

Viscous interaction is currently unverified! Use at own risk!

3D functions

	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_volume :: Real,
	induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_volume :: Real,
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}
	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_volume :: Real,
	induced_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_volume :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}
	inducing_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_volume :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_volume :: Real,
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}
	inducing_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_volume :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_volume :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Matrix{Float32}

2D functions

	inducing_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Real,
	inducing_particle_area :: Real,
	induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Real,
	induced_particle_area :: Real,
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Float32
	inducing_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_area :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Real,
	induced_particle_area :: Real,
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

	inducing_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_area :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Real,
	induced_particle_area :: Real,
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Float32
	inducing_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_area :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_position :: Matrix{<:Real},
	induced_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	induced_particle_area :: Vector{<:Real},
	kernel :: RegularisationFunction,
	regularisation_radius :: Real,
	kinematic_visc :: Real
	) :: Vector{Float32}

The rate of change of vorticity induced on vortex particles by elements in the flowfield due to viscosity. The multiple-multiple variant may be GPU accelerated.


  • inducing_particle_position : Position of inducing particles
  • inducing_particle_vorticity : Vorticity of inducing particles
  • inducing_particle_volume : Volume of inducing particles
  • induced_particle_position : Position of induced particles
  • induced_particle_vorticity : Vorticity of induced particles
  • induced_particle_volume : Volume of induced particles
  • kernel :: RegularisationFunction : Regularisation function (winckelmans_regularisation() for example)
  • regularisation_radius :: Real : Regularisation distance
  • kinematic_visc :: Real : Kinematic viscosity
	particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	particle_vorticities :: Matrix{<:Real},
	redistribution_function :: RedistributionFunction,
	grid_density :: Real;

	particle_positions :: Matrix{<:Real},
	inducing_particle_vorticity :: Vector{<:Real},
	redistribution_function :: RedistributionFunction,
	grid_density :: Real;

Redistribute vorticity from vortex particles onto a regular grid.


  • particle_positions : Position of particles to be redistributed.
  • particle_vorticities : Vorticity of particles to be redistributed
  • redistribution_function :: RedistributionFunction : Redistribution function (lambda3_redistribution() for example).
  • grid density :: Real : The distance between newly placed particles on the grid.
  • negligible_vort :: Real : The vorticity threshold at which to discard vortex particles. Given as abs(vorticity) as a proportion of the average particle's abs(vorticity)
  • max_new_particles::Integer : The maximum number of particles that the grid can contain. -1 indicates that any number of particles can be created.


particle_positions, particle_vorts, particle_areas = redistribute_particles_on_grid(...)

where the number of created particles may be less that the maxnewparticles variable, even when the number of particles is limited by the maxnewparticles variable.