



Implementation of a solver for Nonlinear Least Squares with nonlinear constraints.

$min f(x) = ¹/₂‖F(x)‖² s.t. c(x) = 0$

For advanced usage, first define a CaNNOLeSSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:

solver = CaNNOLeSSolver(nls; linsolve = :ma57)
solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)

or even pre-allocate the output:

stats = GenericExecutionStats(nls)
solve!(solver, nls, stats; kwargs...)


  • nls :: AbstractNLSModel{T, V}: nonlinear least-squares model created using NLPModels.

Keyword arguments

  • x::AbstractVector = nls.meta.x0: the initial guess;
  • λ::AbstractVector = nls.meta.y0: the initial Lagrange multiplier;
  • use_initial_multiplier::Bool = false: if true use λ for the initial stopping tests;
  • method::Symbol = :Newton: available methods :Newton, :LM, :Newton_noFHess, and :Newton_vanishing;
  • linsolve::Symbol = :ma57: solver to compute LDLt factorization. Available methods are: :ma57, :ldlfactorizations;
  • max_iter::Int = -1: maximum number of iterations;
  • max_eval::Real = 100000: maximum number of evaluations computed by neval_residual(nls) + neval_cons(nls);
  • max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds;
  • max_inner::Int = 10000: maximum number of inner iterations (return stalled if this limit is reached);
  • atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance;
  • rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance: the algorithm uses ϵtol := atol + rtol * ‖∇F(x⁰)ᵀF(x⁰) - ∇c(x⁰)ᵀλ⁰‖;
  • Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual;
  • Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖ and ‖c(xᵏ)‖∞ ≤ √ϵtol;
  • verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration;
  • always_accept_extrapolation::Bool = false: if true, run even if the extrapolation step fails;
  • δdec::Real = T(0.1): reducing factor on the parameter δ.

The algorithm stops when $‖c(xᵏ)‖∞ ≤ ϵtol$ and $‖∇F(xᵏ)ᵀF(xᵏ) - ∇c(xᵏ)ᵀλᵏ‖ ≤ ϵtol * max(1, ‖λᵏ‖ / 100ncon)$.


The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.


The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nls, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:

  • solver.x: current iterate;
  • current value of the constraints at x;
  • stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
    • stats.solution: current iterate;
    • stats.multipliers: current Lagrange multipliers wrt to the constraints;
    • stats.primal_feas:the primal feasibility norm at solution;
    • stats.dual_feas: the dual feasibility norm at solution;
    • stats.iter: current iteration counter;
    • stats.objective: current objective function value;
    • stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm has attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
    • stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.


using CaNNOLeS, ADNLPModels
nls = ADNLSModel(x -> x, ones(3), 3)
stats = cannoles(nls, linsolve = :ldlfactorizations, verbose = 0)

# output

"Execution stats: first-order stationary"
using CaNNOLeS, ADNLPModels
nls = ADNLSModel(x -> x, ones(3), 3)
solver = CaNNOLeSSolver(nls, linsolve = :ldlfactorizations)
stats = solve!(solver, nls, verbose = 0)

# output

"Execution stats: first-order stationary"

Structure containing all the parameters used in the cannoles call.


Implementation of a solver for Nonlinear Least Squares with nonlinear constraints.

$min f(x) = ¹/₂‖F(x)‖² s.t. c(x) = 0$

For advanced usage, first define a CaNNOLeSSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:

solver = CaNNOLeSSolver(nls; linsolve = :ma57)
solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)

or even pre-allocate the output:

stats = GenericExecutionStats(nls)
solve!(solver, nls, stats; kwargs...)


  • nls :: AbstractNLSModel{T, V}: nonlinear least-squares model created using NLPModels.

Keyword arguments

  • x::AbstractVector = nls.meta.x0: the initial guess;
  • λ::AbstractVector = nls.meta.y0: the initial Lagrange multiplier;
  • use_initial_multiplier::Bool = false: if true use λ for the initial stopping tests;
  • method::Symbol = :Newton: available methods :Newton, :LM, :Newton_noFHess, and :Newton_vanishing;
  • linsolve::Symbol = :ma57: solver to compute LDLt factorization. Available methods are: :ma57, :ldlfactorizations;
  • max_iter::Int = -1: maximum number of iterations;
  • max_eval::Real = 100000: maximum number of evaluations computed by neval_residual(nls) + neval_cons(nls);
  • max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds;
  • max_inner::Int = 10000: maximum number of inner iterations (return stalled if this limit is reached);
  • atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance;
  • rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance: the algorithm uses ϵtol := atol + rtol * ‖∇F(x⁰)ᵀF(x⁰) - ∇c(x⁰)ᵀλ⁰‖;
  • Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual;
  • Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖ and ‖c(xᵏ)‖∞ ≤ √ϵtol;
  • verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration;
  • always_accept_extrapolation::Bool = false: if true, run even if the extrapolation step fails;
  • δdec::Real = T(0.1): reducing factor on the parameter δ.

The algorithm stops when $‖c(xᵏ)‖∞ ≤ ϵtol$ and $‖∇F(xᵏ)ᵀF(xᵏ) - ∇c(xᵏ)ᵀλᵏ‖ ≤ ϵtol * max(1, ‖λᵏ‖ / 100ncon)$.


The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.


The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nls, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:

  • solver.x: current iterate;
  • current value of the constraints at x;
  • stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
    • stats.solution: current iterate;
    • stats.multipliers: current Lagrange multipliers wrt to the constraints;
    • stats.primal_feas:the primal feasibility norm at solution;
    • stats.dual_feas: the dual feasibility norm at solution;
    • stats.iter: current iteration counter;
    • stats.objective: current objective function value;
    • stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm has attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
    • stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.


using CaNNOLeS, ADNLPModels
nls = ADNLSModel(x -> x, ones(3), 3)
stats = cannoles(nls, linsolve = :ldlfactorizations, verbose = 0)

# output

"Execution stats: first-order stationary"
using CaNNOLeS, ADNLPModels
nls = ADNLSModel(x -> x, ones(3), 3)
solver = CaNNOLeSSolver(nls, linsolve = :ldlfactorizations)
stats = solve!(solver, nls, verbose = 0)

# output

"Execution stats: first-order stationary"
sd = dual_scaling(λ::AbstractVector{T}, smax::T)

Return the dual scaling on the residual, so that the algorithm stops when max(normdual / sd, normprimal) <= ϵtol. Return 1 if the problem has no constraints.


Return number of nonzeros in the approximatation of the Hessian.

newton_system!(d, nvar, nequ, ncon, rhs, vals, LDLT, ρold, params)

Compute an LDLt factorization of the (nvar + nequ + ncon)-square matrix for the Newton system contained in LDLT, i.e., sparse(LDLT.rows, LDLT.cols, LDLT.vals, N, N). If the factorization fails, a new factorization is attempted with an increased value for the regularization ρ as long as it is smaller than params.ρmax. The factorization is then used to solve the linear system whose right-hand side is rhs.


  • d: the solution of the linear system;
  • solve_success: true if the usage of the LDLt factorization is successful;
  • ρ: the value of the regularization parameter used in the factorization;
  • ρold: the value of the regularization parameter used in the previous successful factorization, or 0 if this is the first one;
  • nfact: the number of factorization attempts.
normprimal, normdual = optimality_check_small_residual!(cgls_solver, r, λ, dual, primal, Fx, cx, Jx, Jcx, Jxtr, Jcxtλ)

Compute the norm of the primal and dual residuals. The values of r, Jxtr, λ, primal and dual are updated.

prepare_newton_system!(::HessianStruct{Ti}, vals, nls, x, λ, r, Jx_vals, Jcx_vals, δ, Fx)

Update the Newton system.

success = solve_ldl!(rhs::AbstractVector, factor::Union{Ma57, LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization}, d::AbstractVector)

Compute the solution of LDLt d = -rhs.

success = try_to_factorize(LDLT::LinearSolverStruct, vals::AbstractVector, nvar::Integer, nequ::Integer, ncon::Integer, eig_tol::Real)

Compute the LDLt factorization of A = sparse(LDLT.rows, LDLT.cols, LDLT.vals, N, N) where N = nvar + ncon + nequ and return true in case of success.

update_newton_hessian!(::HessianStruct, nls, x, r, vals, Fx)

Update, if need for method, the top-left block with the non-zeros values of the Hessian of the residual. For method=:Newton_vanishing, this update is skipped if ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ 1e-8.