
Top-level class and methods

struct MCMCWrapper

Top-level class holding all configuration information needed for MCMC sampling: the prior, emulated likelihood and sampling algorithm (DensityModel and Sampler, respectively, in AbstractMCMC's terminology).


  • prior::EnsembleKalmanProcesses.ParameterDistributions.ParameterDistribution: ParameterDistribution object describing the prior distribution on parameter values.

  • log_posterior_map::AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel: AdvancedMH.DensityModel object, used to evaluate the posterior density being sampled from.

  • mh_proposal_sampler::AbstractMCMC.AbstractSampler: Object describing a MCMC sampling algorithm and its settings.

  • sample_kwargs::NamedTuple: NamedTuple of other arguments to be passed to AbstractMCMC.sample().

    obs_sample::AbstractArray{FT<:AbstractFloat, 1},

Constructor for MCMCWrapper which performs the same standardization (SVD decorrelation) that was applied in the Emulator. It creates and wraps an instance of EmulatorPosteriorModel, for sampling from the Emulator, and MetropolisHastingsSampler, for generating the MC proposals.

  • mcmc_alg: MCMCProtocol describing the MCMC sampling algorithm to use. Currently implemented algorithms are:

    • RWMHSampling: Metropolis-Hastings sampling from a vanilla random walk with fixed stepsize.
    • pCNMHSampling: Metropolis-Hastings sampling using the preconditioned Crank-Nicholson algorithm, which has a well-behaved small-stepsize limit.
  • obs_sample: A single sample from the observations. Can, e.g., be picked from an Observation struct using get_obs_sample.

  • prior: ParameterDistribution object containing the parameters' prior distributions.

  • em: Emulator to sample from.

  • stepsize: MCMC step size, applied as a scaling to the prior covariance.

  • init_params: Starting parameter values for MCMC sampling.

  • burnin: Initial number of MCMC steps to discard from output (pre-convergence).


sample([rng,] mcmc::MCMCWrapper, args...; kwargs...)

Extends the sample methods of AbstractMCMC (which extends StatsBase) to sample from the emulated posterior, using the MCMC sampling algorithm and Emulator configured in MCMCWrapper. Returns a MCMCChains.Chains object containing the samples.

Supported methods are:

  • sample([rng, ]mcmc, N; kwargs...)

    Return a MCMCChains.Chains object containing N samples from the emulated posterior.

  • sample([rng, ]mcmc, isdone; kwargs...)

    Sample from the model with the Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler until a convergence criterion isdone returns true, and return the samples. The function isdone has the signature

        isdone(rng, model, sampler, samples, state, iteration; kwargs...)

    where state and iteration are the current state and iteration of the sampler, respectively. It should return true when sampling should end, and false otherwise.

  • sample([rng, ]mcmc, parallel_type, N, nchains; kwargs...)

    Sample nchains Monte Carlo Markov chains in parallel according to parallel_type, which may be MCMCThreads() or MCMCDistributed() for thread and parallel sampling, respectively.

) -> EnsembleKalmanProcesses.ParameterDistributions.ParameterDistribution

Returns a ParameterDistribution object corresponding to the empirical distribution of the samples in chain.


This method does not currently support combining samples from multiple Chains.

) -> Float64

Uses a heuristic to return a stepsize for the mh_proposal_sampler element of MCMCWrapper which yields fast convergence of the Markov chain.

The criterion used is that Metropolis-Hastings proposals should be accepted between 15% and 35% of the time.

See AbstractMCMC sampling API for background on our use of Turing.jl's AbstractMCMC API for MCMC sampling.

Sampler algorithms

struct pCNMHSampling <: CalibrateEmulateSample.MarkovChainMonteCarlo.MCMCProtocol

MCMCProtocol which uses Metropolis-Hastings sampling that generates proposals for new parameters according to the preconditioned Crank-Nicholson (pCN) algorithm, which is usable for MCMC in the stepsize → 0 limit, unlike the vanilla random walk. Steps are based on the covariance of prior.

) -> CalibrateEmulateSample.MarkovChainMonteCarlo.RWMetropolisHastings{D} where D<:(AdvancedMH.RandomWalkProposal{false})

Constructor for all Sampler objects, with one method for each supported MCMC algorithm.


Both currently implemented Samplers use a Gaussian approximation to the prior: specifically, new Metropolis-Hastings proposals are a scaled combination of the old parameter values and a random shift distributed as a Gaussian with the same covariance as the prior.

This suffices for our current use case, in which our priors are Gaussian (possibly in a transformed space) and we assume enough fidelity in the Emulator that inference isn't prior-dominated.

Emulated posterior (Model)

    obs_sample::AbstractArray{FT<:AbstractFloat, 1}
) -> AdvancedMH.DensityModel{F} where F<:(CalibrateEmulateSample.MarkovChainMonteCarlo.var"#1#2"{EnsembleKalmanProcesses.ParameterDistributions.ParameterDistribution{PDType, CType, ST}, CalibrateEmulateSample.Emulators.Emulator{FT}, <:AbstractVector{FT1}} where {PDType<:EnsembleKalmanProcesses.ParameterDistributions.ParameterDistributionType, CType<:EnsembleKalmanProcesses.ParameterDistributions.ConstraintType, ST<:AbstractString, FT<:AbstractFloat, FT1<:AbstractFloat})

Factory which constructs AdvancedMH.DensityModel objects given a prior on the model parameters (prior) and an Emulator of the log-likelihood of the data given parameters. Together these yield the log posterior density we're attempting to sample from with the MCMC, which is the role of the DensityModel class in the AbstractMCMC interface.

Internals - MCMC State

struct MCMCState{T, L<:Real} <: AdvancedMH.AbstractTransition

Extends the AdvancedMH.Transition (which encodes the current state of the MC during sampling) with a boolean flag to record whether this state is new (arising from accepting a Metropolis-Hastings proposal) or old (from rejecting a proposal).


  • params::Any: Sampled value of the parameters at the current state of the MCMC chain.

  • log_density::Real: Log probability of params, as computed by the model using the prior.

  • accepted::Bool: Whether this state resulted from accepting a new MH proposal.

Internals - Other