R(t, R0)
R(t, R0; A, B, C)

Calculate the resistance (in Ohm's) of a Platinum Resistive Thermometer (PRT) at a given temperature t (intepreted as °C), according to the Callendar Van Dusen equation. The second argument R0 is the resistance at 0°C, and is typically used in the naming of the PRT. For example, for a PRT100, R0 = 100.

The coefficients A, B, and C that enter the equation can be set as keyword arguments. They do however have reasonable default values. Quoting from [1]:

Typically, industrial PRTs have a nominal alpha value of α = 3.85 × 10-3 per °C. For this grade of PRT, standard EN 60751:1995 provides values for the coefficients of:

  • A = 3.9083 × 10⁻³ °C⁻¹
  • B = -5.775 × 10⁻⁷ °C⁻²
  • C = -4.183 × 10⁻¹² °C⁻⁴

[1]: Source 1 in


julia> CVD.R(0, 100)
t(R_meas, R0)
t(R_meas, R0; A, B, C)

Calculate the temperature that would result in a resistance R_meas for a Platinum Resistive Thermometer (PRT), according to the Callendar Van Dusen equation. The second argument R0 is the resistance at 0°C, and is typically used in the naming of the PRT. For example, for a PRT100, R0 = 100.

The output temperature is given in units of °C.

The coefficients A, B, and C that enter the equation can be set as keyword arguments. They do however have reasonable default values. Quoting from [1]:

Typically, industrial PRTs have a nominal alpha value of α = 3.85 × 10-3 per °C. For this grade of PRT, standard EN 60751:1995 provides values for the coefficients of:

  • A = 3.9083 × 10⁻³ °C⁻¹
  • B = -5.775 × 10⁻⁷ °C⁻²
  • C = -4.183 × 10⁻¹² °C⁻⁴

[1]: Source 1 in


julia> CVD.t(100, 100)