Catch22.catch22 โ€” Constant

Evaluate all features for a time series vector ๐ฑ or the columns of an array X. catch22 is a FeatureSet, which means it can be indexed by feature names (as symbols) to return a subset of the available features. getnames(catch22), getkeywords(catch22) and getdescriptions(catch22) will also return feature names, keywords and descriptions respectively. Features are returned in a FeatureArray, in which array rows are annotated by feature names. A FeatureArray can be converted to a regular array with Array(F).


๐ฑ = Catch22.testdata[:test]
๐Ÿ = catch22(๐ฑ)

X = randn(100, 10)
F = catch22(X)
F = catch22[:DN_HistogramMode_5](X)
Catch22.catch24 โ€” Constant
catch24 isa FeatureSet

A feature set containing the mean (DN_Mean) and standard deviation (DN_Spread_Std) in addition to all catch22 features. See catch22.

Catch22.featuredescriptions โ€” Constant

A vector listing short descriptions of each feature, as strings.

Catch22.featurekeywords โ€” Constant

A vector listing keywords of features as vectors of strings.

Catch22.DN_HistogramMode_5 โ€” Function
DN_HistogramMode_5(x::AbstractVector{Union{Float64, Int}}) # For example

An alternative to catch22(:DN_HistogramMode_5](x). All features, such as DN_HistogramMode_5, are exported as Features and can be evaluated by calling their names.


๐ฑ = Catch22.testdata[:test]
f = DN_HistogramMode_5(๐ฑ)
Catch22._catch22 โ€” Method
_catch22(๐ฑ::AbstractArray{Float64}, fName::Symbol)
_catch22(fName::Symbol, ๐ฑ::AbstractArray{Float64})

Evaluate the feature fName on the single time series ๐ฑ. See Catch22.featuredescriptions for a summary of the 22 available time series features. Time series with NaN or Inf values will produce NaN feature values.


๐ฑ = Catch22.testdata[:test]
Catch22._catch22(๐ฑ, :DN_HistogramMode_5)