All contributions are welcome. To ensure contributions align with the existing code base and are not duplicated, please follow the guidelines below.
Reporting a Bug
To report a bug, open an issue on the CausalELM GitHub page. Please include all relevant information, such as what methods were called, the operating system used, the verion/s of causalELM used, the verion/s of Julia used, any tracebacks or error codes, and any other information that would be helpful for debugging. Also be sure to use the bug label.
Requesting New Features
Before requesting a new feature, please check the issues page on GitHub to make sure someone else did not already request the same feature. If this is not the case, then please open an issue that explains what function or method you would like to be added and how you believe it should behave. Also be sure to use the enhancement tag.
Contributing Code
Before submitting a pull request, please open an issue explaining what the proposed code is and why you want to add it, if there is not already an issue that addresses your changes and you are not fixing something very minor. When submitting a pull request, please reference the relevant issue/s and ensure your code follows the guidelines below.
Before being merged, all pull requests should be well tested and all tests must be passing.
All abstract types, structs, functions, methods, macros, and constants have docstrings that follow the same format as the other docstrings. These functions should also be included in the relevant section of the API Manual.
Most new structs for estimating causal effects should have mostly the same fields. To reduce the burden of repeatedly defining all these fields, it is advisable to use the modelconfig and standardinput_data macros to programmatically generate fields for new structs. Doing so will ensure that with little to no effort the new structs will work with the summarize and validate methods.
There are no repeated code blocks. If there are repeated codeblocks, then they should be consolidated into a separate function.
Interanl methods can contain types and be parametric but public methods should be as general as possible.
Minimize use of new constants and macros. If they must be included, the reason for their inclusion should be obvious or included in the docstring.
Avoid using global variables and constants.
Code should take advantage of Julia's built in macros for performance. Use @inbounds, @view, @fastmath, and @simd when possible.
When appending to an array in a loop, preallocate the array and update its values by index.
Avoid long functions and decompose them into smaller functions or methods. A general rule is that function definitions should fit within the screen of a laptop.
Use self-explanatory names for variables, methods, structs, constants, and macros.
Make generous use of whitespace.
All functions should include docstrings.
** Docstrings may contain arguments, keywords, notes, references, and examples sections in that order but some sections may be skipped.
** At a minimum, docstrings should contain the signature/s, a short description, and examples
** Each section should include its own level one header.
CausalELM follows the Blue style guide and all code is automatically formatted to conform with this standard upon being pushed to GitHub.
Updating or Fixing Documentation
To propose a change to the documentation please submit an issue or pull request.