Interoperability With Other Tools


Cclib.jl provides interoperability with AtomsBase.jl by allowing to create AtomsBase systems.

The documentaiton below provides some essential functionality, such as creating and editing AtomsBase.jl systems.

For a detailed overview, or if you want to know how AtomsBase.jl operates behind the scenes, refer to its official documentation.

Creating AtomsBase Systems

We can load information contained in a Cclib.jl-supported file into a system by using the following functions:

  • make_flexible_system - for creating an AtomsBase FlexibleSystem
# Input file can be found in the in the repo under "test" folder
julia> using Cclib
julia> using Unitful
julia> using AtomsBase
julia> box = [[3.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 3.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 3.0]]u"Å"
julia> boundary_conditions = [Periodic(), Periodic(), Periodic()]
julia> system = make_flexible_system("./water_mp2.out", box, boundary_conditions)

FlexibleSystem(H₂O, periodic = TTT):
    bounding_box      : [       3        0        0;
                                0        3        0;
                                0        0        3]u"Å"

    Atom(O,  [       0,        0, -0.0666785]u"Å")
    Atom(H,  [       0, -0.790649, 0.529118]u"Å")
    Atom(H,  [       0, 0.790649, 0.529118]u"Å")

     /|      |
    O |      |
    | |      |
    |H      /
  • make_isolated_system - for creating an AtomsBase isolated_system
julia> using Cclib
julia> system = make_isolated_system("./water_mp2.out")

FlexibleSystem(H₂O, infinite):
    Atom(O,  [       0,        0, -0.0666785]u"Å")
    Atom(H,  [       0, -0.790649, 0.529118]u"Å")
    Atom(H,  [       0, 0.790649, 0.529118]u"Å")
  • get_atom_objects - for getting an array of AtomsBase Atom objects in case you need more control.
julia> using Cclib
julia> using AtomsBase
julia> mol = ccread("./water_mp2.out")
julia> atoms = get_atom_objects(mol)
julia> atoms[1]

Atom(O, atomic_number = 8, atomic_mass = 15.999 u):
    position          : [0,0,-0.066678532]u"Å"

Accessing System Properties

In case we need to look at what our system contains, we can use regular keys to see available system-level properties and atomkeys to see available atom-level properties

julia> using Cclib
julia> using AtomsBase
julia> system = make_isolated_system("./water_mp2.out")

julia> keys(system)
(:bounding_box, :boundary_conditions)

julia> atomkeys(system)
(:position, :velocity, :atomic_symbol, :atomic_number, :atomic_mass)

julia> bounding_box(system)
 [Inf a₀, 0.0 a₀, 0.0 a₀]
 [0.0 a₀, Inf a₀, 0.0 a₀]
 [0.0 a₀, 0.0 a₀, Inf a₀

 julia> atomic_symbol(system)
 3-element Vector{Symbol}:

Updating and/or adding system properties

We can also update and/or add system properties by using update_system function that accepts keywords arguments. Below is an example of adding data that was parsed using ccread to a system.

julia> using Cclib
julia> mol = ccread("./water_mp2.out")
julia> system = make_isolated_system(mol);
julia> system = update_system(system; nbasis=mol["nbasis"])
julia> system[:nbasis]

AtomsBase.jl-supported libraries

We can use data loaded with Cclib.jl to perform calculations using other libraries that use AtomsBase.jl, such as InteratomicPotentials.jl or DFTK.jl.

Let's first load some dependencies and make a system

julia> using Cclib
julia> using AtomsBase
julia> using Unitful
julia> using UnitfulAtomic
julia> using InteratomicPotentials
julia> using DFTK

julia> box = [[3.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 3.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 3.0]]u"Å"
julia> boundary_conditions = [Periodic(), Periodic(), Periodic()]
julia> system = make_flexible_system("./water_mp2.out", box, boundary_conditions);

We can now perform calculate various properties of the system:

  • using InteratomicPotentials.jl
julia> ϵ = 1.0 * 1u"eV"
julia> σ = 0.25 * 1u"Å"
julia> rcutoff  = 2.25 * 1u"Å"
julia> lj = LennardJones(ϵ, σ, rcutoff, [:N, :C, :O, :H])
julia> potential_energy(system, lj)
-8.061904291397444e-5 Eₕ
  • using DFTK.jl
model  = model_LDA(system; temperature=1e-3)
basis  = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=15, kgrid=(3, 3, 3))
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ------
  1   -38.18166038243                    0.81    5.2
  2   -45.38103756530        0.86        0.12    3.0    253ms
  3   -45.54220597356       -0.79       -0.74    3.0    273ms
  4   -45.55809718591       -1.80       -1.40    2.1    172ms
  5   -45.55889514812       -3.10       -2.14    1.0    159ms
  6   -45.55892123307       -4.58       -2.63    1.4    158ms
  7   -45.55892315420       -5.72       -3.26    1.8    211ms
  8   -45.55892314370   +   -7.98       -3.57    1.2    113ms
  9   -45.55892319258       -7.31       -3.92    2.0    189ms
 10   -45.55892320440       -7.93       -4.94    1.1    142ms
 11   -45.55892320464       -9.63       -4.96    2.0    185ms
 12   -45.55892320468      -10.33       -5.44    1.0    134ms
 13   -45.55892320469      -11.36       -6.15    2.0    158ms

For a full list of tools that support AtomsBase.jl, refer to its official documentation.


We can use information loaded using Cclib and use it for Fermi.jl calculations, which accept atom numbers and XYZ coordinates as input. The latter is accessible using Cclib's getXYZ function.

Note that files may contain more than one geometry, in which case the index of the geometry can be specified by passing geomIdx argument to getXYZ. Be default, getXYZ will use the last read geometry.

julia> using Cclib
julia> using Fermi # make sure to install using "add Fermi#master"
julia> xyzfile = getXYZ("./test/data/Trp_polar.fchk")
julia> mol = Molecule(molstring=xyzfile)
julia> @set basis sto-3g
julia> @energy rhf # this line should produce something similar to what is below.
|                                 Hartree-Fock                                 |
|                                  Module  by                                  |
|                         G.J.R Aroeira and M.M. Davis                         |
Collecting necessary integrals...
Done in    0.44575 s
Using GWH Guess

O    1.209153654800    1.766411818900   -0.017161397200
H    2.198480007500    1.797710062700    0.012116171900
H    0.919788188200    2.458018557000    0.629793883200

Charge: 0   Multiplicity: 1

Nuclear repulsion:    8.8880641737
 Number of AOs:                            7
 Number of Doubly Occupied Orbitals:       5
 Number of Virtual Spatial Orbitals:       2
 Guess Energy   -83.52857161946045

 Iter.            E[RHF]         ΔE       Dᵣₘₛ        t     DIIS     damp
    1    -74.9454656296  -7.495e+01   1.011e-01     0.12    false     2.18
    2    -74.8779931590   6.747e-02   4.129e-02     0.00    false     1.47
    3    -74.7758359210   1.022e-01   3.788e-02     0.00    false     0.00
    4    -74.9409547085  -1.651e-01   7.125e-02     0.06     true     0.00
    5    -74.9649972656  -2.404e-02   4.621e-02     0.00     true     0.00
    6    -74.9650022441  -4.979e-06   7.385e-04     0.00     true     0.00
    7    -74.9650028906  -6.464e-07   2.615e-04     0.00     true     0.00
    8    -74.9650028947  -4.112e-09   1.362e-05     0.00     true     0.00
    9    -74.9650028947  -3.979e-13   1.273e-07     0.13     true     0.00
    10   -74.9650028947   0.000e+00   4.229e-08     0.00     true     0.00
    11   -74.9650028947   0.000e+00   1.605e-08     0.00     true     0.00
    12   -74.9650028947  -2.842e-14   1.155e-09     0.00     true     0.00
    13   -74.9650028947  -2.842e-14   2.004e-10     0.00     true     0.00
    RHF done in  0.43s
    @Final RHF Energy         -74.965002894685 Eₕ

   • Orbitals Summary

    Orbital            Energy    Occupancy
          1    -20.2459299842       ↿⇂
          2     -1.2522309022       ↿⇂
          3     -0.6007847377       ↿⇂
          4     -0.4490335937       ↿⇂
          5     -0.3893764439       ↿⇂
          6      0.5733840180
          7      0.7039953043

   ✔  SCF Equations converged 😄
 ⇒ Fermi Restricted Hartree--Fock Wave function
 ⋅ Basis:                  sto-3g
 ⋅ Energy:                 -74.96500289468506
 ⋅ Occ. Spatial Orbitals:  5
 ⋅ Vir. Spatial Orbitals:  2
Convergence: ΔE => 2.84e-14 Dᵣₘₛ => 2.00e-10