CenteredRBM(visible, hidden, w)

Creates a centered RBM, with offsets initialized to zero.


Returns an (uncentered) RBM which neglects the offsets of centered_rbm. The resulting model is not equivalent to the original centered_rbm. To construct an equivalent model, use the function uncenter(centered_rbm) instead (see uncenter). Shares parameters with centered_rbm.

CenteredBinaryRBM(a, b, w, λv = 0, λh = 0)

Construct a centered binary RBM. The energy function is given by:

\[E(v,h) = -a' * v - b' * h - (v - λv)' * w * (h - λh)\]!Method
center!(centered_rbm, offset_v = 0, offset_h = 0)

Transforms the offsets of centered_rbm. The transformed model is equivalent to the original one (energies differ by a constant).

center(rbm::RBM, offset_v = 0, offset_h = 0)

Constructs a CenteredRBM equivalent to the given rbm. The energies assigned by the two models differ by a constant amount,

\[E(v,h) - E_c(v,h) = \sum_{i\mu}w_{i\mu}\lambda_i\lambda_\mu\]

where $E(v,h)$ is the energy assigned by the original rbm, and $E_c(v,h)$ is the energy assigned by the returned CenteredRBM.

This is the inverse operation of uncenter.

To construct a CenteredRBM that simply includes these offsets, call CenteredRBM(rbm, offset_v, offset_h) instead.


Constructs an RBM equivalent to the given CenteredRBM. The energies assigned by the two models differ by a constant amount,

\[E(v,h) - E_c(v,h) = \sum_{i\mu}w_{i\mu}\lambda_i\lambda_\mu\]

where $E_c(v,h)$ is the energy assigned by centered_rbm and $E(v,h)$ is the energy assigned by the RBM constructed by this method.

This is the inverse operation of center.

To construct an RBM that simply neglects the offsets, call RBM(centered_rbm) instead.