
This is a union of LinearAlgebra types, all of which are partly structral zeros, with a simple backing array given by parent(x). All have methods of _rewrap to re-create.

This exists to solve a type instability, as broadcasting for instance λ .* Diagonal(rand(3)) gives a dense matrix when x==Inf. But withsomezeros_rewrap(x, λ .* parent(x)) is type-stable.

OneElement(val, ind, axes) <: AbstractArray

Extremely simple struct used for the gradient of scalar getindex.

_instantiate_zeros(ẋs, xs)

Forward rules for vect, cat etc may receive a mixture of data and ZeroTangents. To avoid vect(1, ZeroTangent(), 3) or worse vcat([1,2], ZeroTangent(), [6,7]), this materialises each zero to be zero(x).

_matfun(f, A) -> (Y, intermediates)

Compute the matrix function Y=f(A) for matrix A. The function returns a tuple containing the result and a tuple of intermediates to be reused by _matfun_frechet to compute the Fréchet derivative.

_matfun(f, A::LinearAlgebra.RealHermSymComplexHerm)

Compute the matrix function f(A) for real or complex hermitian A. The function returns a tuple containing the result and a tuple of intermediates to be reused by _matfun_frechet to compute the Fréchet derivative.

Note any function f used with this must have a frule defined on it.

_matfun_frechet(f, E, A, Y, intermediates)

Compute the Fréchet derivative of the matrix function $Y = f(A)$ at $A$ in the direction of $E$, where intermediates is the second argument returned by _matfun.

The Fréchet derivative is the unique linear map $L_f \colon E → L_f(A, E)$, such that

\[L_f(A, E) = f(A + E) - f(A) + o(\lVert E \rVert).\]

_matfun_frechet_adjoint(f, E, A, Y, intermediates)

Compute the adjoint of the Fréchet derivative of the matrix function $Y = f(A)$ at $A$ in the direction of $E$, where intermediates is the second argument returned by _matfun.

Given the Fréchet $L_f(A, E)$ computed by _matfun_frechet, then its adjoint $L_f^⋆(A, E)$ is defined by the identity

\[\langle B, L_f(A, C) \rangle = \langle L_f^⋆(A, B), C \rangle.\]

This identity is satisfied by $L_f^⋆(A, E) = L_f(A, E')'$.

_setindex_zero(x, dy, inds...)

This returns roughly dx = zero(x), except that this is guaranteed to be mutable via similar, and its element type is wide enough to allow setindex!(dx, dy, inds...), which is exactly what ∇getindex does next.

It's unfortunate to close over x, but similar(typeof(x), axes(x)) doesn't allow eltype(dy), nor does it work for many structured matrices.


for a given tuple type, returns a Val{N} where N is the length of the tuple

_uses_input_only(f, xT::Type)

Returns true if it can prove that derivatives_given_output will work using only the input of the given type. Thus there is no need to store the output y = f(x::xT), allowing us to take a fast path in the rrule for sum(f, xs).

Works by seeing if the result of derivatives_given_output(nothing, f, x) can be inferred. The method of derivatives_given_output usually comes from @scalar_rule.


Converts an array of tuples into a tuple of arrays. Eager. Will work by reinterpret when possible.

julia> ChainRules.unzip([(1,2), (30,40), (500,600)])  # makes two new Arrays:
([1, 30, 500], [2, 40, 600])

julia> typeof(ans)
Tuple{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Int64}}

julia> ChainRules.unzip([(1,nothing) (3,nothing) (5,nothing)])  # this can reinterpret:
([1 3 5], [nothing nothing nothing])

julia> ans[1]
1×3 reinterpret(Int64, ::Matrix{Tuple{Int64, Nothing}}):
 1  3  5

Also works on a tuple of tuples:

julia> unzip(((1,2), (30,40), (500,600)))
((1, 30, 500), (2, 40, 600))
unzip_broadcast(f, args...)

For a function f which returns a tuple, this is == unzip(broadcast(f, args...)), but performed using StructArrays for efficiency. Used in the gradient of broadcasting.


julia> using ChainRules: unzip_broadcast, unzip

julia> unzip_broadcast(x -> (x,2x), 1:3)
([1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6])

julia> mats = @btime unzip_broadcast((x,y) -> (x+y, x-y), 1:1000, transpose(1:1000));  # 2 arrays, each 7.63 MiB
  min 1.776 ms, mean 20.421 ms (4 allocations, 15.26 MiB)

julia> mats == @btime unzip(broadcast((x,y) -> (x+y, x-y), 1:1000, transpose(1:1000)))  # intermediate matrix of tuples
  min 2.660 ms, mean 40.007 ms (6 allocations, 30.52 MiB)
∇getindex(x, dy, inds...)

For the rrule of y = x[inds...], this function is roughly setindex(zero(x), dy, inds...), returning the array dx. Differentiable. Includes ProjectTo(x)(dx).

  • Higham08

    Higham, Nicholas J. Chapter 3: Conditioning. Functions of Matrices. 2008, 55-70. doi: 10.1137/1.9780898717778.ch3

  • Higham08

    Higham, Nicholas J. Chapter 3: Conditioning. Functions of Matrices. 2008, 55-70. doi: 10.1137/1.9780898717778.ch3