
This section demonstrates how to use the Checkerboard.jl package.

The Square Lattice

As an example, we will demonstrate how to construct and apply the checkerboard decomposition method in the case of a square lattice with isotropic nearest-neighbor hopping. We begin by importing all relevant packages.

using LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools
using LatticeUtilities
using Checkerboard

# set number of BLAS threads to 1 for fair benchmarking purposes.

The next step is to construct the neighbor table, and record the corresponding hopping amplitudes, for a square lattice with isotropic nearest-neighbor hopping. We also define a discretization in imaginary time $\Delta\tau$, which is used as the small parameter in the checkerboard decomposition approximation. We will use the package LatticeUtilities.jl to assist with constructing the neighbor table.

# construct square lattice neighbor table
L       = 12 # lattice size
square  = UnitCell(lattice_vecs = [[1.,0.],[0.,1.]], basis_vecs = [[0.,0.]])
lattice = Lattice(L = [L,L], periodic = [true,true])
bond_x  = Bond(orbitals = (1,1), displacement = [1,0])
bond_y  = Bond(orbitals = (1,1), displacement = [0,1])
nt      = build_neighbor_table([bond_x,bond_y], square, lattice)
N       = nsites(square, lattice)

# corresponding hopping for each pair of neighbors in the neighbor table
t = fill(1.0, size(nt,2))

# discretization in imaginary time i.e. the small parameter
# used in the checkerboard approximation
Δτ = 0.1

2×288 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9  10  11  12  …  138  139  140  141  142  143  144
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12   1       6    7    8    9   10   11   12

Next, for comparison purposes, we explicitly construct the hopping matrix $K$ and exponentiate it, giving us the exact matrix $e^{-\Delta\tau K}$ that the checkerboard decomposition matrix $\Gamma$ is intended to approximate.

K = zeros(Float64, N, N)
for c in 1:size(nt,2)
    i      = nt[1,c]
    j      = nt[2,c]
    K[i,j] = -t[c]
    K[j,i] = -conj(t[c])

expnΔτK = Hermitian(exp(-Δτ*K))

An instance of the CheckerboardMatrix type representing the checkerboard decomposition matrix $\Gamma$ can be instantiated as follows.

Γ = CheckerboardMatrix(nt, t, Δτ)

It is also straight forward to efficiently construct representations of both the transpose and inverse of the checkerboard matrix $\Gamma$ using the transpose and inv methods.

Γᵀ  = transpose(Γ)
Γ⁻¹ = inv(Γ)

Matrix-matrix multiplications involving $\Gamma$ can be performed using the mul! method just as you would with a standard matrix. Here we benchmark the matrix-matrix multiplication using the checkerboard decomposition as compared to multiplication by the dense matrix $e^{-\Delta\tau K}$.

I_dense = Matrix{Float64}(I,N,N)
B       = similar(I_dense)
@btime mul!(B, expnΔτK, I_dense); # 131.958 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime mul!(B, I_dense, expnΔτK); # 129.375 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime mul!(B, Γ,       I_dense); # 38.334 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime mul!(B, I_dense, Γ); # 17.500 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Using the @btime macro exported by the BenchmarkTools.jl, we see that performing both left and right matrix multiplies by the checkerboard matrix $\Gamma$ is faster than multiplying by the $e^{-\Delta\tau K}$. However, we see that right matrix multiplies are significantly faster than left multiplies by $\Gamma$, a result of the access order into I_dense being unavoidably more efficient for the right multiply. Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind when using this package to develop QMC codes: wherever possible do right multiplies by the checkerboard matrix instead of left multiplies.

Let us quickly verify that $\Gamma$ is a good approximation of $e^{-\Delta\tau K}$.

I_dense = Matrix{Float64}(I,N,N)
Γ_dense = similar(I_dense)
mul!(Γ_dense, Γ, I_dense)
norm(Γ_dense - expnΔτK) / norm(expnΔτK)

It is also possible to do in-place left and right multiplications by $\Gamma$ using the lmul! and rmul! methods respectively.

A = Matrix{Float64}(I,N,N)
B = Matrix{Float64}(I,N,N)
rmul!(A,Γ) # A = A⋅Γ
lmul!(Γ,B) # B = Γ⋅B
A ≈ B

The checkerboard matrix is in reality a product of several individually sparse matrices that we will refer to as checkerboard color matrices, such that $\Gamma = \prod_{c} \Gamma_c = \Gamma_C \dots \Gamma_1$. Let us check to see how many checkerboard color matrices there are in our checkerboard decomposition.


It is also possible to multiply by a single one of the $\Gamma_c$ matrices with the mul!, lmul! and rmul! methods.

Γ₁ = Matrix{Float64}(I, N, N)
Γ₂ = Matrix{Float64}(I, N, N)
Γ₃ = Matrix{Float64}(I, N, N)
Γ₄ = Matrix{Float64}(I, N, N)

mul!(Γ₁, Γ, I_dense, 1)
mul!(Γ₂, I_dense, Γ, 2)
lmul!(Γ, Γ₃, 3)
rmul!(Γ₄, Γ, 4)

Γ_dense ≈ (Γ₄*Γ₃*Γ₂*Γ₁)

Lastly, it is easy to update the checkerboard decomposition with new hopping parameter values using the update! method, including disordered values.

@. t = 1.0 + 0.1*randn()
update!(Γ, t, Δτ)

This is important for QMC simulations of models like the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, where an electron-phonon coupling modulates the hopping amplitude, resulting in the hopping amplitudes changing over the course of a simulation.