chirp(T, fs, fl, fh; method="linear", phase=0.0) -> Array{Float64,1}

Chirp Swept-frequency sine generator.


  • T : signal's length in second
  • fs : sampling rate
  • fl : lower frequency at the ending time step, fl <= fs
  • fh : higher frequency at the ending time step, fh <= fs
  • phase : phase of the chirp sigal, like sin(wt + phase)
  • method: available methods are 'linear','quadratic','exponential' and 'logarithmic'; the default is 'linear'
chirp(T, fs, f::Function; phase=0.0) -> Array{Float64,1}

Function customizable chirp swept-frequency sine generator.


  • T : signal's length in second
  • fs : sampling rate
  • f : function that defines how the frequency changes vs time
  • phase : phase of the chirp sigal, like sin(wt + phase)