This package provides a Julia language wrapper for libclang: the stable, C-exported interface to the LLVM Clang compiler. The libclang API documentation provides background on the functionality available through libclang, and thus through the Julia wrapper. The repository also hosts related tools built on top of libclang functionality.
Now, the package provides an out-of-box installation experience on Linux, macOS and Windows. You could simply install it by running:
pkg> add Clang
C-bindings generator
The package includes a generator to create Julia wrappers for C libraries from a collection of header files. The following declarations are currently supported:
- function: translated to Julia ccall (some caveats about variadic functions, see Variadic Function)
- struct: translated to Julia struct
- enum: translated to
- union: translated to Julia struct
- typedef: translated to Julia typealias to underlying intrinsic type
- macro: limited support
- bitfield: experimental support
The following example wraps include/clang-c/*.h
from Clang_jll
and prints the wrapper to LibClang.jl
First write a configuration script generator.toml
library_name = "libclang"
output_file_path = "./LibClang.jl"
module_name = "LibClang"
jll_pkg_name = "Clang_jll"
export_symbol_prefixes = ["CX", "clang_"]
Then load the configurations and generate a wrapper.
using Clang.Generators
using Clang.LibClang.Clang_jll
include_dir = normpath(Clang_jll.artifact_dir, "include")
clang_dir = joinpath(include_dir, "clang-c")
# wrapper generator options
options = load_options(joinpath(@__DIR__, "generator.toml"))
# add compiler flags, e.g. "-DXXXXXXXXX"
args = get_default_args()
push!(args, "-I$include_dir")
headers = [joinpath(clang_dir, header) for header in readdir(clang_dir) if endswith(header, ".h")]
# there is also an experimental `detect_headers` function for auto-detecting top-level headers in the directory
# headers = detect_headers(clang_dir, args)
# create context
ctx = create_context(headers, args, options)
# run generator
The generator above is introduced in Clang.jl 0.14. If you are working with older versions of Clang.jl, check older versions of documentation
LibClang is a thin wrapper over libclang. It's one-to-one mapped to the libclang APIs. By using Clang.LibClang
, all of the CX
-prefixed libclang APIs are imported into the current namespace, with which you could build up your own tools from scratch. If you are unfamiliar with the Clang AST, a good starting point is the Introduction to the Clang AST.