LinearMap{S, T, W, I, V}

stores information on the TempestRemap map and the source and target data:


  • source_space and target_space are ClimaCore's 2D spaces.
  • weights is a vector of remapping weights. (length = number of overlap-mesh nodes).
  • source_local_idxs a 3-element Tuple with 3 index vectors, representing local (i,j,elem) indices on the source mesh. (length of each index vector = number of overlap-mesh nodes)
  • target_local_idxs is the same as source_local_idxs but for the target mesh.
  • row_indices are the target row indices from TempestRemap. (length = number of overlap-mesh nodes)
  • out_type string that defines the output type.
var[:, extraidx...] = field

Write the data in field to a NetCDF variable var. extraidx are any extra indices of var.

Appropriate spatial dimensions should already be defined by defVar.

# Given a collection of fields U, write them as a single array to a NetCDF file.
def_space_coord(nc, space)
nc_time = def_time_coord(nc)
nc_u = defVar(nc, "u", Float64, space, ("time",))
for (i,t) in enumerate(times)
    nc_time[i] = t
    nc_u[:,i] = U[i]
def_space_coord(nc::NCDataset, space::Spaces.AbstractSpace; type = "dgll")

Add spatial dimensions for space in the NetCDF dataset nc, compatible with the type used by remap_weights.

If a compatible dimension already exists, it will be reused.

def_time_coord(nc::NCDataset, length=Inf, eltype=Float64;
    units = "seconds since 2020-01-01 00:00:00"

Deine a time coordinate (dimension + variable) "time" in the NetCDF dataset nc. By default its length is set to be unlimited. The variable corresponding to the coordinate is returned.

Additional attributes can be added as keyword arguments.


timevar = add_time_coord!(nc; units = "seconds since 2020-01-01 00:00:00",)
timevar[:] = collect(0.0:0.5:60)
generate_map(target_space, source_space; in_type="cgll", out_type="cgll")

Generate the remapping weights from TempestRemap, returning a LinearMap object. This should only be called once.

overlap_mesh(outfile::AbstractString, meshfile_a::AbstractString, meshfile_b::AbstractString; verbose=false)

Create the overlap mesh of meshfile_a and meshfile_b and write it to outfile. All files should be in Exodus format.

Set verbose=true to print information.

See Tempest remap: mesh generation

remap!(target::IJFH{S, Nqt}, R::LinearMap, source::IJFH{S, Nqs})
remap!(target::Fields.Field, R::LinearMap, source::Fields.Field)

Applies the remapping R to a source Field and stores the result in target.

remap(R::LinearMap, source::Field)

Applies the remapping R to a source Field, allocating a new field in the output.


Create a file weightfile in SCRIP format containing the remapping weights from meshfile_in to meshfile_out, where meshfile_overlap is constructed via overlap_mesh.

Keyword arguments are passed as command-line options. These include:

  • in_type / out_type: the type of the input and output mesh:
    • "fv" (default): finite volume (one value per element)
    • "cgll": continuous GLL finite element method (a single value for colocated nodes)
    • "dgll": discontinuous GLL finite element method (duplicate values for colocated nodes)
  • 'innp'/'outnp': Order of input and output meshes
  • 'mono': Monotonicity of remapping

Set mono = true for monotone remapping Set verbose=true to print information.

See Tempest remap: offline map generation

rll_mesh(filename::AbstractString; nlat=90, nlon = round(Int, nlat * 1.6); verbose=false)

Create a regular latitude-longitude (RLL) mesh and write it to filename in Exodus format. nlat is the number of latitudinal cells, and nlon is the number of longitudinal cells.

Set verbose=true to print information.

See Tempest remap: mesh generation

write_exodus(filename, topology::Topology2D; normalize_coordinates=true)

Write the topology to an Exodus-formatted NetCDF file.

It tries to adhere to the Exodus II specification, but it is primarily intended for use with TempestRemap.

Note: the generated meshes will use a different ordering of nodes and elements than those generated by TempestRemap itself.

When using this function with a distributed topology input for MPI, it should only be called on a single process.


  • normalize_coordinates: if true, the coordinates are normalized to be on the unit sphere (this is required for use with TempestRemap)


  • EXODUS II: A finite element data model:
NCDatasets.defVar(nc::NCDataset, name::String, T, space::AbstractSpace, extradims=())

Define a new variable in nc named name of element type T suitable for storing a field on space, along with any further dimensions specified in extradims. The new variable is returned.

NCDatasets.defVar(nc::NCDataset, name, field::Field, extradims=())

Define a new variable in nc named name of suitable for storing field, along with any further dimensions specified in extradims. The new variable is returned.


This does not write any data to the variable.