
CloudSeis.jl is a Julia library for reading and writing CloudSeis files. The CloudSeis data format is designed to be similar to the JavaSeis[1] data format while adapting to cloud storage (e.g. Azure Blob Storage). CloudSeis.jl works-a-round cloud storage latency issues using a caching layer.


Quick start example

# load the library
using AzStorage, CloudSeis, FolderStorage

# create a new CloudSeis file from an Azure container.  Use a 3D framework (128 samples per trace, 32 traces per frame, and 16 frames per volume)
container = AzContainer("mydataset-cs"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount")
io = csopen(container, "w", axis_lengths=[128, 32, 16])

# alternatively, create a new CloudSeis file for POSIX storage
container = Folder("filename-cs")
io = csopen(container, "w", axis_lengths=[128, 32, 16])

# allocate traces and headers for a single frame
trcs, hdrs = allocframe(io)

# populate trcs and hdrs with values
for i = 1:size(io,2)
  set!(prop(io, stockprop[:TRC_TYPE]), hdrs, i, tracetype[:live])
  set!(prop(io, stockprop[:TRACE]), hdrs, i, i)
  set!(prop(io, stockprop[:FRAME]), hdrs, i, 1)

# write trcs,hdrs the data-set
writeframe(io, trcs, hdrs)

# close the file (this will also flush buffers to block storage as needed)

# open a CloudSeis dataset from an existing container.
io = csopen(container)

# read the first frame:
trcs, hdrs = readframe(io, 1) # out-of-place read
readframe!(io, trcs, hdrs) # in-place read

# access values stored in a trace property in the first trace of the frame
get(prop(io, stockprop[:TRACE]), hdrs, 1)

# close the file

csopen / cscreate

A CloudSeis dataset is created/opened with the csopen or cscreate methods which return a CSeis. A CloudSeis dataset must have a minimum of 3 dimensions. For example:

using AzStorage, CloudSeis

# create a 3D CloudSeis dataset with 10  samples per trace, 11 traces per frame and 12 frames per volume
container = AzContainer("mydataset-cs"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount")
io = csopen(container, "w", axis_lengths=[10,11,12])

# open an existing dataset in read-only model
io = csopen(container, "r")
io = csopen(container) # equivalent to previous line

# open an existing dataset for reading and writing
io = csopen(container, "r+")

# close an open dataset

# create a dataset without returning a handle or opening the data
cscreate(container, axis_lengths=[10,11,12])

The cscreate method is useful, for example, when you need to create the dataset on the master process and write to it on worker processes.

It is also possible to pass a list of containers to csopen and cscreate. In this case the extents are distributed across all containers, and the meta-information is in the first container in the list. This is, typically, used to manually shard data across multiple Azure storage accounts in order to improve through-put. For example:

containers = [AzContainer("filename-cs"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount$i") for i = 1:10]
io = csopen(containers, "w", axis_lengths=[10,11,2])

Note that when opening a data-set that is sharded accross multiple containers in "r" or "r+" modes only the primary container that contains description.json needs to be provided.

csopen and cscreate take a number of keyword arguments to control behavior. Please see the reference section in this documentation for more information.

Read/write methods

CloudSeis is a frame based file format. For io::CSeis, allocate memory for a single frame:

trcs, hdrs = allocframe(io) # allocate memory for traces and headers for a single frame
trcs = allocframetrcs(io) # allocate memory for traces for a single frame
hdrs = allocframehdrs(io) # allocate memory for headers for a single frame

Read a frame. ifrm::Int, ivol::Int, ihyp::Int and i6::Int must be consistent with the CloudSeis data context.

trcs, hdrs = readframe(io, ifrm) # read from 3D data
trcs, hdrs = readframe(io, ifrm, ivol) # read from 4D data
trcs, hdrs = readframe(io, ifrm, ivol, ihyp) # read from 5D data
trcs, hdrs = readframe(io, ifrm, ivol, ihyp, i6) # read from 6D data

Read a frame (in-place) using pre-allocated memory:

readframe!(io, trcs, hdrs, ifrm)                # read from 3D data
readframe!(io, trcs, hdrs, ifrm, ivol)          # read from 4D data
readframe!(io, trcs, hdrs, ifrm, ivol, ihyp)    # read from 5D data
readframe!(io, trcs, hdrs, ifrm, ivol, ihyp, i6) # read from 6D data

Similar method exist for reading only headers:

hdrs = readframehdrs(io, ifrm) # read from 3D data
hdrs = readframehdrs(io, ifrm, ivol) # read from 4D data
readframehdrs!(io, hdrs, ifrm) # in-place read from 3D data
readframehdsr!(io, hdrs, ifrm, ivol) # in-place read from 4D data

or only traces:

trcs = readframetrcs(io, ifrm) # read from 3D data
trcs = readframetrcs(io, ifrm, ivol) # read from 3D data
readframetrcs!(io, trcs, ifrm) # in-place read from 3D data
readframetrcs!(io, trcs, ifrm, ivol) # in-place read from 4D dadta

Write a frame. The frame, volume, etc. indices are determined from the trace properties.

writeframe(io, trcs, hdrs)

To loop over all frames in a dataset of arbitrary dimensions, use LogicalIndices:

for idx in LogicalIndices(io)
  trcs, hdrs = readframe(io, idx)

Of course, this can also be used with readframe!, readframetrcs, readframetrcs!, readframehdrs and readframehdrs!.


Methods for finding the fold of a frame

fold(io, hdrs) # get fold by examining `hdrs` from a frame
fold(io, ifrm) # get fold for a 3D data-set using the `TraceMap`
fold(io, ifrm, ivol) # get fold for a 4D data-set using the `TraceMap`

Alternative read/write methods (N-dimensional slices)

We supply convenience methods for reading and writing arbitrary patches of data.


trcs,hdrs = read(io, 1:10, 2:3, 4) # read from 3D dataset (frame 4, traces 2-3 and time samples 1-10)
trcs,hdrs = read(io, 1:10, 2:3, 4, :) # read from a 4D data-set (all volumes, frame 4, traces 2-3, and time samples 1-10)
read!(io, trcs, hdrs, 1:10, 2:3, 4) # in-place read from 3D data

Similar methods exist for reading only traces:

trcs = readtrcs(io, 1:10, 2:3, 4)
readtrcs!(io, trcs, 1:10, 2:3, 4) # in-place version of previous line

and only headers:

hdrs = readhdrs(io, 1:10, 2:3, 4)
readhdrs!(io, hdrs, 1:10, 2:3, 4) # in-place version of previous line


write(io, trcs, hdrs) # trcs::Array{Float32,N}, hdrs::Array{UInt8,N} where N>=3
write(io, trcs, hdrs, 1:10) # same as previous except only time samples 1:10 are written

Alternative write methods for full frames

The first set of APIs are for writing one frame at a time:

writeframe(io, trcs, ifrm) # write to 3D data
writeframe(io, trcs, ifrm, ivol) # write to 4D data

The second set of APIs are for writing arbitrary N-dimensional data:

write(io, trcs, :, 1:10, 3:2:5) # write to 3D data, all samples; traces 1-10; frames 3,5
write(io, trcs, :, 1:10, 3:2:5, 6) # write to 4D data, all samples; traces 1-10; frames 3,5; volume 6

Please note that in these forms, the writeframe and write methods will create headers for you, and populate the :TRC_TYPE property along with the properties corresponding to the trace and frame axes of your data. In the case of 4D data, the volume property is also populated, and in the case of 5D data, the volume and hypercube properties are also populated.

In addition, please note that in the write method, trcs must have the same number of dimensions as io. In practice this can be accomplished using reshape. For example if size(io)=(10,20,3) and size(trcs)=(10,), then to write trcs to the first trace of the first frame of io one could write:

write(io, rehsape(trcs, 10, 1, 1), :, 1, 1)

Reduction (aggregation) of a CloudSeis data-set

There are scenarios where a CloudSeis data-set will consist of many small extents. For example, if one is writing a CloudSeis data-set from many parallel processes and where each process is responsible for writing a small amount of data. Subsequently, one may want to read the data-set from a single instance. In order to avoid latencies in this subsequent read, CloudSeis.jl provides a reduce method that aggregates frames into fewer extents. For example:

using Distributed, AzManagers
addprocs("cbox16", 16)
@everywhere using CloudSeis

# create a data-set with 16 frames and 1 frame per extent
container = AzContainer("mydataset-cs"; storageaccount="mystorageaccount")
cscreate(container, "w", axis_lengths=[100,100,500], extents=[i:i for i=1:16])

# each process writes to its own extent
@sync for (ipid,pid) in enumerate(workers())
  @spawnat pid begin
    io = csopen(Bucket("test-cs"), "r+")
    writeframe(io, rand(Float32,100,100), ipid)

# reduce the number of extents such that each extent is about 1GB (GCP only)
reduce(container, mbytes_per_extent=1000)


Please see the reference section of this documentation for more information.

Trace Properties

The CloudSeis data format does not specify any trace properties. However, there are commonly used (stock) properties (see src/stockprops.jl). It is unusual when a stock property does not suit your needs. But, if need be, you can define a custom property using the TracePropertyDef constructor:

pdef = TracePropertyDef("label", "description", Float32)
pdef = TracePropertyDef("label", "description", Vector{Float32}, 2)

The arguments to TracePropertyDef are the label, description, type, and, optionally, the number of elements stored in the property. The stock properties are defined in src/stockprops.jl using a Julia dictionary: stockprop. For example, access a stock definition for the TRACE property:

pdef = stockprop[:TRACE]

Given a CloudSeis file io::CSeis and a stock definition, we can access the corresponding property of a CloudSeis file:

p = prop(io, pdef) # access using a `TracePropertyDef`
p = prop(io, "TRACE") # alternatively, access using the trace property definition label
p = prop(io, "TRACE", Int32) # type-stable version of previous line

Given, additionally, a frame of headers hdrs::Array{UInt8,2}, we can get and set the values stored in a property:

@show get(p, hdrs, 1) # get trace property value for the first traces in `hdrs`
set!(p, hdrs, 1, 5) # set the first header in `hdrs` to 5
writeframe(io, trcs, hdrs) # the CloudSeis file does not know about the updated header until you call `writeframe`

In the above code listing trcs is of type Array{Float32,2}.


The TRC_TYPE property is used to indicate if a trace is dead, live or auxiliary within any given frame. It is stored as an Int. We provide a second dictionary to map between the Int and human readable code:


For example,

io = csopen("file-cs", "r")
trcs, hdrs = readframe(io, 1)
prop_trctype = prop(io, stockprop[:TRC_TYPE])
for i=1:size(hdrs,2)
    if get(prop_trctype, hdrs, i) == tracetype[:live]
        write(STDOUT, "trace $(i) is a live trace\n")
    elseif get(prop_trctype, hdrs, i) == tracetype[:dead]
        write(STDOUT, "trace $(i) is a dead trace\n")
    elseif get(prop_trctype, hdrs, i) == tracetype[:aux]
        write(STDOUT, "trace $(i) is a aux trace\n")

Data properties

CloudSeis.jl provides support for storing custom data properties. This is accomplished by passing an array of DataProperty's to the csopen function. For example, a data property could be defined as:

p = DataProperty("Survey date", 120977)


CloudSeis.jl provides support for storing survey geometry using three-points to define rotated/translated coordinate system.

geom = Geometry(u1=1,un=2,v1=1,vn=2,w1=1,wn=2,ux=1.0,uy=0.0,uz=0.0,vx=0.0,vy=1.0,vz=0.0,wx=0.0,wy=0.0,wz=1.0)

where (ox,oy,oz) is the origin, (ux,uy,uz) is a vector to define the end of the u-axis (e.g. cross-line axis), (vx,vy,vz) is the end of the v-axis (e.g. the in-line axis), and (wx,wy,wz) is the end of the w-axis (e.g. the depth axis). (u1,un) are the first and last bin indices along the u-axis, (v1,vn) are the first and last bin indices along the v-axis, and (w1,wn) are the first and last bin indices along the w-axis. CloudSeis.jl does not provide any tools for using this geometry to manipulate trace coordinates. I would recommend that this functionality be put into a separate package.


CloudSeis.jl provides support for storing processing history by recording the input data-set(s) and steps in the processing flow that resulted in a new data-set. A step is defined as the process (program) that was run as well as the input parameters for that process. The history is recursive in the sense that the history of input data-sets are embedded.

Example of creating a new history dictionary:

h = history!(flow_parameters=Dict("one"=>1))
h = history!(h, process="myprocess1", process_parameters=Dict("two"=>2,"three"=>3))
h = history!(h, process="myprocess2", process_parameters=Dict("four"=>4,"five"=>5))

We can then use that history in the construction of a new CloudSeis data-set,

io = csopen(Folder("file-1-cs"), "w", axis_lengths=[12,11,10], history=h)
history(io) # outputs the history as a dictionary

Finally, we can embed the history of file-1-cs into a new data-set,

io = csopen(Folder("file-1-cs"))
h = history!(process="myprocess3", process_parameters=Dict("eight"=>8,"nine"=>9), histories = [Folder("file-1-cs")])
io = csopen(Folder("file-2-cs"), "w"; axis_lengths=[12,11,10], history=h)
using JSON
print(json(history(io), 1))

Then the history structure is:

 "flow": {
  "parameters": {},
  "processes": [
    "parameters": {
     "eight": 8,
     "nine": 9
    "process": "myprocess3"
 "inputs": [
   "history": {
    "flow": {
     "parameters": {
      "one": 1
     "processes": [
       "parameters": {
        "two": 2,
        "three": 3
       "process": "myprocess1"
       "parameters": {
        "four": 4,
        "five": 5
       "process": "myprocess2"
   "container": {
    "foldername": "/home/tqff/.julia/dev/CloudSeis/file-1-cs"

Convenience methods and dictionaries

For convenience and consistency, we supply several dictionaries. In addition to the dictionary for trace property definitions and trace type (both described above), there are dictionaries for data domainstockdomain, unitsstockunit, and data typestockdatatype. All of these are listed in src\stockprops.jl.

Example usage within the csopen method:

io = csopen(Bucket("file-cs"), "w", axis_lengths=[12,11,10], axis_units=[stockunit[:SECONDS], stockunit[:METERS], stockunit[:METERS]], axis_domains=[stockdomain[:TIME], stockdomain[:SPACE], stockdomain[:SPACE], datatype=stockdatatype[:SOURCE])

Several convenience methods are supplied for querying io::CSeis:

ndims(io)              # returns `Int`, number of dimensions in the CloudSeis dataset
length(io)             # returns `Int`, the number of frames in the CloudSeis dataset, equivalent to `prod(size(io)[3:end])`
size(io)               # returns `NTuple{Int}`, size of CloudSeis dataset
size(io,i)             # returns `Int`, size of CloudSeis dataset along dimension `i::Int`
props(io)              # returns `NTuple{TraceProperty}`, trace property along all dimensions
props(io,i)            # returns `TraceProperty`, trace property along dimension `i::Int`
propdefs(io)           # returns `NTuple{TracePropertyDef}`, trace property definition along all dimensions
propdefs(io,i)         # returns `TracePropertyDef`, trace property along dimension `i::Int`
units(io)              # returns `NTuple{String}`, units along all dimensions
units(io,i)            # returns `String, unit along dimension `i::Int`
domains(io)            # returns `NTuple{String}`, data domains along all dimensions
domains(io,i)          # returns `String`, data domain along dimension `i::Int`
pstarts(io)            # returns `NTuple{Float64}`, physical starts along all dimensions
pstarts(io,i)          # returns `Float64`, physical start along dimension `i::Int`
pincs(io)              # returns `NTuple{Float64}`, physical increments along all dimensions
pincs(io,i)            # returns `Float64`, physical increment along dimension `i::Int`
lstarts(io)            # returns `NTuple{Int}`, logical starts along all dimensions
lstarts(io,i)          # returns `Int`, logical start along dimension `i::Int`
lincs(io)              # returns `NTuple{Int}`, logical increments along all dimensions
lincs(io,i)            # returns `Int`, logical increment along dimension `i::Int`
in(prop,io)            # returns true if the trace property `prop` exists in `io` --  `prop` can be of types `::TraceProperty`, `::TracePropertyDef`, or `::String`
dataproperty(io,nm)    # returns the value held in the data property: `nm::String`
hasdataproperty(io,nm) # returns true if the data property corresponding to label `nm::String` is in `io::CSeis`
geometry(io)           # returns `Geometry`, the stored geometry of the dataset.  If no geometry is stored, `nothing` is returned

Convenience methods are supplied for manipulating io::CSeis:

rm(io) # remove (delete) the file and all of its extent files and secondary folders
empty!(io)  # remove extends and secondary folders, but keep meta-data
cp(src, dst) # create a new CloudSeis file `dst::AbstractString` that is a copy of `src::CSeis`, optional named argument: `secondaries=` - change file extents location
mv(src, dst)  # move a CloudSeis file to `dst::AbstractString` from `src::CSeis`, optional named argument: `secondaries=` - change file extents location
copy!(io, hdrs, io1, hdrs1) # (not-implemented) copy values from `hdrs1::Array{UInt8,2}` to `hdrs::Array{UInt8,2}`
reduce(io::CSeis[; mbytes_per_extent=1000, frames_per_extent=0, maxinstances=100, instancetemplate="jbox08", instancegroup="jbox", retries=0, maxerrors=Inf]) # reduce the number of extents used to store data, GCP only